Beginning of CW II or just another false flag?

I truly believe it’s a “false flag” meant as an ‘October surprise’ to dupe the fence sitting sheep into voting “Demoncrap”. Note how none of these “packages” made impact on their ‘intended targets’. I call “BS” on the whole deal.
I truly believe it’s a “false flag” meant as an ‘October surprise’ to dupe the fence sitting sheep into voting “Demoncrap”. Note how none of these “packages” made impact on their ‘intended targets’. I call “BS” on the whole deal.

I agree that it's either another deep state false flag, or else it's being perpetrated by an anti-Trump lunatic knowing how the media will spin it. The timing of it makes it unlikely that it's being done by a pro-Trump person or persons as the obvious intent is to hurt Trump and the GOP.

The globo-homo, fake news establishment and the street scum they have carefully nourished is responsible for nearly all of the "heated rhetoric" and physical attacks over the past two-plus years.
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I think its antifa. By all credible accounts that dreaded "blue wave" doesn't seem to be materializing. It looks like, I could be wrong, that the repubs are going to hold on to the house and senate. Why would they need to intimidate the dems from voting? This sounds to me like all those "hate crime" nooses that turned out to be totally false. Look for this to disappear down the rabbit hole...
I think its antifa. By all credible accounts that dreaded "blue wave" doesn't seem to be materializing. It looks like, I could be wrong, that the repubs are going to hold on to the house and senate. Why would they need to intimidate the dems from voting? This sounds to me like all those "hate crime" nooses that turned out to be totally false. Look for this to disappear down the rabbit hole...

I don't think it will. It's one thing when the hoaxes involve random college students or take place in a rural area. It's entirely different when the leaders of America's controlled Holy Democracy are allegedly targeted. Given the biases and agenda of the corporate media, I can see it being a "teaching moment" for quite a while to try and keep Trump and his deplorables in their place.
It is telling how "un-curious" the Fake News Media is about these bomb hoaxes. What possible advantage for Republican mid-term chances would sending these "bombs" give? Would even an unhinged "Alt-right Trump fanatic" send/deliver bombs to this particular list of people? The answer to these to anyone with a brain is absolutely not.

But here they are just parroting and augmenting the Democrat Party lines. It's obvious that this is a leftist set up designed exactly for the purpose so far achieved. Despicable.
I truly believe it’s a “false flag” meant as an ‘October surprise’ to dupe the fence sitting sheep into voting “Demoncrap”. Note how none of these “packages” made impact on their ‘intended targets’. I call “BS” on the whole deal.
Yes. I hope most people are wise enough to figure that out.
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So the perp turns out to be a half-Filipino bodybuilder/stripper weirdo with a van covered with pro-Trump stickers. Shows that there's some unstable, dangerous folks on the right (if he's not a patsy of some kind), but they are a very minuscule number compared to all the crazies, thugs and terrorists on the radical left, many of whom are financed by Soros and other oligarchs. Sort of like how there's an occasional Chad Kelly for every hundred Pacman Jones.

Doesn't change the fact that Antifa is a huge domestic problem, one that POTUS needs to start dealing with right after the election.

And we're also still far from a "Civil War Two" scenario, no matter how much the fake news media keeps stirring the pot.
So the perp turns out to be a half-Filipino bodybuilder/stripper weirdo with a van covered with pro-Trump stickers. Shows that there's some unstable, dangerous folks on the right (if he's not a patsy of some kind), but they are a very minuscule number compared to all the crazies, thugs and terrorists on the radical left, many of whom are financed by Soros and other oligarchs. Sort of like how there's an occasional Chad Kelly for every hundred Pacman Jones.

Doesn't change the fact that Antifa is a huge domestic problem, one that POTUS needs to start dealing with right after the election.

And we're also still far from a "Civil War Two" scenario, no matter how much the fake news media keeps stirring the pot.

I am still waiting for the media to pull a Zimmerman and make up a white hispanic label for this guy.
My first thought was, good choice on the targets.
Apparently this guy was the worst bomb maker in the world.
He should have put them in Amazon delivery boxes. I bet they would have gotten through?
It was all for show. None of those "bombs" were going to hurt anyone. Maybe they had some gunpowder in them but there was no way for them to go off.
Nice that the lefties now know there are a few crazies on the other side. Might make them think twice about firing up their antifa goons.
It's odd that this Florida loser and this Pittsburg anti smite loser struck within a week? Something does not smell right. But those two losers had free well. Maybe its just coincidence. God, I pray that most Americans see the vile party the Dems for what they are. God help us in a little over a week.
It's odd that this Florida loser and this Pittsburg anti smite loser struck within a week? Something does not smell right. But those two losers had free well. Maybe its just coincidence. God, I pray that most Americans see the vile party the Dems for what they are. God help us in a little over a week.

Odd indeed.
American Freedom News