Been to an NFL game since awakening?


Nov 7, 2004
Have any Caste Footballers, since their awakening, gone so far as to attend an NFL game? And did you pay for the privilege?

In my case, no and no, more or less. The last game I attended was in Baltimore (Ravens beat Jags and Byron Leftwich) in November 2003 when I paid to join a bus group at the game, less than a year before discovering CF. (I couldn't believe all the Ray Lewis worshipers, black and white.) But even then I was aware of all the blacks infiltrating big time football. I guess all CF did was crystalize my view

Don't give up on responses already!
The last game I saw was Seattle-Pittsburgh in Three Rivers Stadium in '98. Forty-two year old Warren Moon was Seattle's starting quarterback and threw a long TD pass to Joey Galloway. The crowd was very loud and very drunk. The Steelers won 13-10. The tickets were free.
I went to the Browns game last week against the Lions, I paid $50 for a $40 ticket. They lost, it sucked.
The thing that I find most pathetic about NFL fans are these 45 year old men who will buy a McNabb jersey for $120. Honestly who the hell pays that much for a piece of fabric that is just a replica of someone's work attire. I especially love when they paint their faces as well as wear the jersey and act like they are actually on the team. Its cool or alright to do this with your buddies when your young but after a while just hang it up and stop embarassing yourself. This is what I mean when I talk about stupid NFL fans.
I have never paid to attend an NFL game. The last game I was at was a preseason Giants game in 2000 or thereabouts. We were sitting in the end zone underneath the seats. It started to rain so we stayed dry but the view was so bad we watched the game on the TV's that were hooked up above us. I guess even the Giants know you can't see the game from those seats, so they supply TV's. The Giants were getting blown out by the Ravens and were booed off the field at halftime, which is when we left. My teenage son has never shown any interest in going to a pro football game.
I have never been to one, and probably never will.
well it's been a while for me but i love football to much to give up on watching it live, no matter what--- when i will go back to US i will definitely catch a game, i just hope i can see Mike Alstott live before he retires...
It's been around 5 years for me.I prefer college football because there are alot more whites at the positions like receiver,corners,running backs,etc.High School Football isn't bad either.I also like the fact that these kids play with more heart and passion for the game.They are not over paid cry babies!
JoeV said:
You got about 9 weeks left then. That's if he gets a carry in the game.

i know

i just hope Gruden will give him more than 1 carry in last game of the season, hopefully in the Superbowl
and i would love for Mike Alstott to go out with a bang... he could have been better than jerome Bettis given the same number of carries, even with usually weak and occasionaly terrible Bucs O-Line...
The last time I went to a NFL game was about 1999 when I saw the Jon Kitna-led Seahawks play the Shaun King-led Buccaneers. A relative of mine got some pretty cheap tickets through his work. In fact even full price I think that NFL tickets are a pretty good bargain.

I have never been to a college football game.

The only reason I don't go to more games is that getting there, and especially getting out, of the stadiums are big time consuming chores and I would just rather watch a game on the televitz in the comfort of my own home or even at a bar.

I have been to a few Portland Jail-Blazers games, but quit going during the 'Sheed and Bonzi era. Now that they have cleaned up their act and traded those thugs I would like to go and see a few more Blazers games.

Any type of Sport I enjoy watching (well except baseball and boxing) and like to watch to cheer on any White Players that are present.
No, I been to some preseason games, but that was a few years back. I'm not really into football that much, so it had nothing to do with any sort of awakening.
Thanks for the responses. Looks like the caste system isn't necessarily an excuse not to attend, at least to some, but rather, expenses and other inconveniences. At least I can attend and not feel guilty

For me, cost and travel were the biggest obstacles to going when I was younger. Now I choose not to go mainly because I don't think it is as exciting as college and high school football, I don't really like any of the teams that much, and because of the Caste System.
no. my grandparents had 3 season tickets in three rivers stadium since the 70s but when pittsburgh demolished that and build heinz field we gave them up. they wanted too much extra per year for the new seats and my grandfather was dead anyway.

i would still go but now i live in vegas and the closest game is the cardinals.
Falcons Jets game monday.
jody said:
no. my grandparents had 3 season tickets in three rivers stadium since the 70s but when pittsburgh demolished that and build heinz field we gave them up. they wanted too much extra per year for the new seats and my grandfather was dead anyway.

i would still go but now i live in vegas and the closest game is the cardinals.

That the closest game is the Cardinals is a good reason in itself to stay away

Back when the Big Red were in the NFC East and the Eagles would make an annual trip to Tempe (I'm an Eagles fan), I'd tune in and there would be plenty of Eagles cheers.

I'll take a Buckeyes game over a Browns game anyday of the week. I just love the tradition and pagentry of college football. The beautiful campus's and the hot girls plus great tailgating and just atmosphere overall. College football is better in every aspect then the NFL and I wish more people would realize that. Plus the fact that Ohio State is anti-caste system makes it that much more enjoyable.
whiteCB; I don't think I'd go as far as saying Ohio State is anti-caste. It may not be caste, but I doubt anyone there is consciously fighting the system. With that said, I totally agree with the rest of your post. Why do you think so many college stadiums are expanding? Because it is becoming more popular. I think the NFL will keep getting less popular as the years pass.
whiteCB said:
Plus the fact that Ohio State is anti-caste system makes it that much more enjoyable.

While channel surfing last Sat. I came across the OSU game and I thought a black was quarterbacking the Buckeyes.

Why do you think so many college stadiums are expanding? Because it is becoming more popular.

Yes it is certainly True that college football is getting more popular. Isn't Michigans stadium bigger then some NFL teams stadiums?? (Or maybe I am thinking of some other mid-west team)

I myself like watching both College and Pro and see no reason why someone should have to choose a 'favorite' if they didn't want to.
Yeah, I have been to a Patriots/Raiders game.
It was a good game. Few white players were playmakers.
Yes foreverfree; Ohio State does have a black QB. Admitedly, they are in a down year though, as far as QB's go. This is just one reason why I would never say they are anti-caste. I don't know if there is a team in the whole country that is truly anti-caste system.

Uberberserker; "The Big House" at Michigan is the biggest stadium in the country. The record crowd there is 112,118 when they played Ohio State in 2003. Compare that to the NFL record of 102,368 who saw the Rams play the 49ers on Nov. 10, 1957, at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The game played in Mexico this year drew 103,467.
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