Another good article by Baxter.It does seem like the white English players don't get any respect.There was a great goal by a white English player over the weekend and the announcer dissed it by saying it was a nice"speculative effort". If a Brazilian, Argentinian or African made that shot it would have been called a great shot. Also,they always talk about the pace of black players,but rarely about the white players. One of the announcers during a Man City game said :" The Man city fans are in dreamland having a Brazilian,Robinho, take a free kick for them". It seems like the white players have more subtle skills that the black players don't have.How often do you see a black player chip. Here are 2 great chips by Lampard. Of course, the announcers questioned if he was trying to shoot. How could ithappen twice by accident. You don't here them question it in the video,but they do.Also, one by rooney.