Battling Throat Cancer

Do you just rub the eggplant on? I've successfully used baking soda on suspicious bumps.


"Anything seen as Anti-Inflammatory should be part of one's diet such as Tumeric."

Turmeric has just turned from face to heel.

Yes or apply it to a cotton ball and bandage it to the area. You have to make the concoction first.What I do is shred or finely chop about half the eggplant -> put in glass -> add vinegar (I use white) to just cover the stuff -> put in fridge for three days -> now the ingredient from the eggplant that works is extracted to vinegar. Apply this to the area in question. You if do not use attached cotton, you have to apply very frequently which may be an inconvenience.
Thank you for sharing your story CS. Inspiring.

Wow! What an inspiration you are Carolina Speed! Sorry you went thru that...Thanks for sharing your testimony! We have an Anchor! Very impressive you were benching close to 400lbs at age 50!

Mike Trout could easily be 1,000 yard rusher in the NFL if they allow him to....

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis: 50-20.

Twenty-Two, when I went back into the gym a little over a month ago, it was very painful! I had lost just about all of my muscle,(50 lbs.), and my joints ached and it was even worse when I tried to lift. I could only bench around 100 lbs.. About six weeks later I'm benching around 200 lbs. I intend to comeback stronger and not just physically. More importantly, spiritually!
All glory goes to God! He created a beauty and wonder in the human body!
It's good to see you rallying. I would be willing to bet your exercise has extended your life. From what I have read many smokers and sedentary people who died from cancer felt early signs of cancer but ignored them because their bodies have felt off for years. Somebody that exercises even when older have a much more fit body so when they feel off you know it could be something serious.
Cancer is an awful thing. I lost my father to kidney cancer that spread to his lungs. Plus many other people close to me have died from it or gotten it and recovered. It seems to sometimes be random and can strike seemingly healthy people out of the blue.

Congratulations on beating this wicked illness Carolina Speed.
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis: 50-20.

Twenty-Two, when I went back into the gym a little over a month ago, it was very painful! I had lost just about all of my muscle,(50 lbs.), and my joints ached and it was even worse when I tried to lift. I could only bench around 100 lbs.. About six weeks later I'm benching around 200 lbs. I intend to comeback stronger and not just physically. More importantly, spiritually!
All glory goes to God! He created a beauty and wonder in the human body!

A quick update on my progress. The doctors told me because I don't smoke that I wouldn't need anymore body scans and that after my last scan, it's about 98% chance that I will be fully cured! However, I will continue getting scoped by a camera every 3 months just to make sure. After about 12-13 weeks of getting back into the gym, I have went from benching around 100lbs. to now benching 275lbs. My weight is up to 175lbs. from a low of 162lbs. My goal is to get to around 181lbs. on my birthday and benching around 325lbs. I plan on entering a BP contest in the Pure Raw 50-54 age group early next year. Thank you CF for all of the well wishes!
Great to hear CS. God bless.
CS, I hope & pray the Lord heals you and grants strength in your time of need brother.