Baseball the new football


Dec 22, 2004
MLB is becoming more and more like the NFL in makeup. Each year despite the media crying that not enough blacks are playing more and more of the top high school outfielders especially at CF are black. And add in some Black/Latinos. Don't be fooled by the numbers. Blacks avoid pitching and catching and American blacks avoid 3B too. So where are the white players? Yes they are the pitchers, catchers--with some Carribeans thrown in , 1B,3B, some SS and 2B and some OF but strip it down and it resembles the early stages of the NFL before it went speed position black.
There is white speed at lower levels but nearly all of them don't make it in the bigs. At a recent camp the most important camp of the year the top speedsters were all black and some broke records in the 60 yard dash--although it seems the times were skewed--6.17, 6.2 and two at 6.33 all black seem like skewed times. All of a sudden white speed is disappearing in baseball. Nevertheless the trend continues to move away from white speed and look around the MLB where are the true white speedsters apart from a few ?
It seems to me maybe just maybe the media won't rest until white speed is completely removed form sports and well kind of like mass murder the media can finally say that whites must be murdered for they lack everything athletic. I am in a bad mood today. Nowitzki and Nash may have made the SI cover but carefully read inside and you realize they are being made fun of in regards to athleticism which was the jist of the article.. All I am saying is don't be fooled by the numbers--white athletes are diappearing at an alarming rate at the highest levels of baseball and that SUCKS. And they are being slotted out of say CF just like in the NFL ie: RB and CB and WR.
Whites are being castrated and maybe some day they will be murdered ala a holocaust due to "insufficient athleticism." It could happen.
Sorry but just another po'd rant.