Barry Bonds says he wont be back this yr


Feb 27, 2005
Hmmm....wonder why?

It couldnt be because he knows his ability just isnt the way.
KD52171 said:
Hmmm....wonder why?

It couldnt be because he knows his ability just isnt the way.

I don't buy it.Black players are so infamous for this tactic , and then
returning before the end of the season.And the media are equally
as infamous for going along with , reporting it as such , and then
feigning surprise when he returns , as if they ( Who know everything</span>
that goes on behind the scenes ) never saw it coming, because they know
that most people will be surprised and excited ( Terrell Owens did it
last season , the media reported it that way,and then -gasp! - he
returned!!!!This is incredible,said the media in unison, etc,etc. ).
But not me, brother - I won't be surprised for even a milisecond .
Weltner:I don't buy it. Black players are so infamous for this tactic , and then returning before the end of the season...... But not me, brother - I won't be surprised for even a milisecond .

Congratulations Weltner!! You called it way back when.
Edited by: Bart
yeah, but did you see the results? a couple of long fly outs and a double...amazing how much a difference a few feet are, huh barry? and he didn't quite have the speed to run under that bloop single, either. the old barry, complete with steroid-enhanced fighting grip, would have had 3 dingers probably and a web gem. hmmm...maybe Balco has a few vials still stashed somewhere...
And the SF crowd didn't boo his ass off the field.All those Whites,and none of them booed that devil.

He 's not going to pass Aaron,so he 's not even going to try.He will
try,however,with all of his might,just so he can pass Ruth,just to piss
Whites off.Satan will probably retire as soon as he gets 715,and , of
course,rub it in BIG TIME at the retirement press conference.

Hey White pitchers:Don't throw at his big,fat,ugly chrome dome.Don't
put a 99 mph fastball right between it's bug eyes,or nothing.....
Weltner said:
And the SF crowd didn't boo his ass off the field.All those Whites,and none of them booed that devil.

How in the hell did we get so damn pathetic?!

Edited by: Bart
I hope he doesn't get a homerun the rest of the year.The great Bambino is already rolling in his grave about the Bosox winning the world series.I don't want Barry to pass him up.Ruth had class,Bonds is an ass!!
Kripes, I don't doubt he's just switched meds is all. I thought he may
indeed stay out all season. But then I ask myself how I could have
expected a brutha' like him to tell the truth about anything. I swear I wish
he would go overboard on the damn drugs and vapor lock while standing
at the plate. Then again, maybe not. These days he'd get a State Funeral
in DC, or at least Sacramento.

That picture of pathetic Whites welcoming Mr. Drug Mix back is enough
to make me toss my lunch. Anthing to show their tolerance, and lack of
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