Barbecued Birds

Like I said they've been bad but not legendarly bad. It's been awhile since we've seen a really pisspoor team, even the 2003 Tigers were good defensively. They have a chance to be the worst ever with this squad.
If the '03 Tigers (49-113)weren'ta "piss poor team" what does it take to qualify as one?
The 2003 Tigers had the lowest fielding percentage in the league and made 13 more errors then any other team. They are without a doubt the worst team in the modern era of baseball. The Orioles aren't even close to being as bad.

But I understand, and agree with the criticism of them.
A Washington Times sports columnist, last week, remarked that he has discovered "how fraudulent Miguel Tejada is." Well good for the reporter! And from a Hysterical Zionist newspaper no less.

Since Tejada broke his wrist, the Orioles have played the best stretch of ball they have in several years. They still barely break even, due to the miserable roster that Angelos's weenies put together ... BUT they are hustling and playing and fighting. Unlike what they did following Tejada, being morose crybabies.

This new MacPhail guy failed to impress me either. He was interviewed Monday night by Jim Palmer and the play-by-play announcer ... He blathered 20 minutes of BS platitudes, "We have to take a holistic look at the whole of the baseball operation" ... "We will make a scientific analysis of the on-field baseball product" ... it was like listening to a sales rep from Proctor and Gamble.

I'm completely confident the Orioles will continue to stink with flunky MacPhail as he nuzzles Peter Angelos's hind quarters.

I'm inspired by this evening's Pittsburgh Pirates Fan walk-out, as they rightly protest another miserable franchise which values "Diversity" above all things. Last year's Orioles walkout wasn't huge, but it was stinging to the arrogant owner. These puffed out Zionist Barons who own baseball teams deserve all the fan apathy and hostility that can be musteredEdited by: Realgeorge
Amen, realgeorge, to hell with Tejada, and diversity!
Tejada's the guy who sold us on fellow black-hispanic Sammy "he's still got it" Sosa.
Sadly, the Orioles are about to dump their best pitcher in years, Erik Bedard. I hate the new baseball arrangement: Raid the other guy's "prospects."

A rotten organization like Baltimore is not so unique. Many poorly run baseball clubs, with "farm teams" that rarely produce a real baseball player, spook the system by shoving raw cash at players from the very few teams that DO have productive minor league teams.

Why have farm teams? If ballclub "A" goes fifteen years with never producing good position players, why shoud A be able to simply write a check and trump other teams who have dedicated minor league coaches and scouts?

The rotten system has soured my interest in the sport. I now get a big, arrogant Black "prospect" with a loud mouth and who strikes out a lot, in exchange for a young pitcher, grown in our own farm system, who has improved year to year until becoming darned good. I thought guys like this were the ones around whom you "built the team" rather than pawning them for a bunch of unknowns from other teams.

I know it's the norm in baseball today. It's even more galling with Peter Angelos calling the shots. The event still begs the question: Why have "farm teams"? The concept has been hijacked. Essentially the entire minor league baseball operation is just a piggy bank of players vulnerable to the largest money wad from greedy owners. They have every incentive to cut down on the minor leagues. Why have 300 teams when only a few dozen produce players?Edited by: Realgeorge
It's too bad because once the farm system was a way of getting to know players. Back in the day a prospect would play several years in the minors of a club working his way up until it was time to replace an ageing vet. You could follow the kids on the way up, Nashville, Pawtucket, Raleigh-Durnham, etc.

It created a sense of family within a team, when a team gelled into a winner a lot of the guys had made the climb together. Now what does it mean for a team to win? Nothing but some owner paid billions of dollars and bought the right guys that year. Baseball sucks.
Can't miss kid: Adam Jones was the "centerpiece" of players traded for ace pitcher Eric Bedard. Bedard is slowed by injury and not pitching well. But the Can't Miss Kid has done absolutely nothing. The Baltimore press has treated fans to numerous puff pieces about this Christ-like Jones character. Perfectly behaved maybe, but Jones is eight for thirty-eight, and 2 for 22 over past few weeks. No HR and 2 RBI. Not exactly the second coming of Eddie Murray. The Orioles continue to roll red carpets for negro and afro-caribbean players, while sticking it to their excellent White player base. The Angelos regime is truly a hateful disgusting spectacle. The old Orioles owned by Edward Bennett Williams were thoroughly superior.

Oh: And Jones hasn't "learned to steal bases yet." But he's the fastest base-runner the Orioles have seen in years. Gaggg!
The Orioles are so hideous this year that a little information is in order.

The problem with the Orioles is very simply their owner, Peter Angelos. Pete is the epitome of the American corporate insider, the criminal elitist. Pete is the senior attorney for collecting damage lawsuits against big tobacco corporations. He is extremely secretive and has no contact whatever with the general public. Pete is also one of America's great blackmailers.

Pete blackmailed MLB and the Montreal Expos franchise when it attempted to move to Washington DC six years ago. Pete wangled a sweetheart television deal where he personally owns the "MASN" TV network, where all of both the Orioles and Washington Nationals games are shown -- in this way he blackmailed the Comcast Sports corporation, which had shown the Orioles TV games beforehand. He blackmailed the WBAL radio station for sportscasters making critical comments about the Orioles and their management. Then he dropped WBAL like a hot rock (after they had carried the Orioles games for decades) and moved their radio presence to FM, to a station where he is the majority owner. He regularly intimidates the Baltimore Sun newspaper sports section -- any criticism of the Orioles ownership is strictly verboten. He also blackmailed MLB for a special luxury tax where his "minor" franchise in Baltimore gets $$ trimmed off profits of more money-making teams.

Pete also has meddled in the vein that Jerry Jones and Al Davis have done. In the late 1990s, when the Orioles were good (he inherited a great Orioles franchise) he personally sacked the manager, Davey Johnson, when the Orioles lost a second straight American League Championship Series. He also liquidated and fire-saled the team's best players over the next six years.

The recent woes of the Orioles are legendary, as they have piled on thirteen straight losing seasons. The current season is extraordinary. The Orioles are 15-41, they are absolutely demoralized, and not one player on the team can hit a baseball. Tonight was their 11th straight loss, and 14 of 16. They just fired Dave Trembley, an excellent manager, and replaced him with Juan Samuel.

The Orioles have NO HOPE of ever becoming good. The owner is just too satanic and mean-spirited. He is a curse to the team. The recent GM, Andy MacPhail, is hamstrung by proud Pete and forced to rely on long-shot farm-system players.

But it's amazing what one evil New-World-Order elitist can do. Evil Pete has CRUSHED a sports franchise that not 20 years ago was one of the greatest of all time. He makes a fiendish profit no matter what happens on the field. And he takes the most morbid pleasure in serving up a piss-poor team and listening to the wailing of the jilted fans. Like all arrogant Jews and NWO types, Pete just loves taking an excellent, White man's instrument and RUINING it, just for the sheer joy of doing so.

Five years from now, the Orioles will still suck. Perhaps ten years from now, the franchise no longer will existEdited by: Realgeorge
The Orioles are bad again this season, but it doesn't help matters playing in such a deep, talented division.

They didn't help themselves by bringing back 'roid boy Tejada.

They need Matt Wieters to really bust out soon and put up the expected big numbers.
But it's the SWEETHEART DEAL that is so appalling. It's so Jewish. It's so criminal. It's the story of America, not just Major League Baseball. This thug, Angelos, who should be in prison or deported to Israel, has the proverbial sweetheart deal. How many thousands, millions of excellent White Men in America, since the beginning of industry in USA, have been ruined by the prevailing cartel, the group of thieving Jews and White criminal "businessmen" who collude. With no opposition or control they concoct a beast like "MASN", a highly Jewish cartel that GUARANTEES profit to some piece-of-excrement executive Jew like Angelos, while he deliberately delivers the poorest possible product. Through blackmail and extortion the little Bast#@% gets rich off ANOTHER franchise. We White men are so wimpy

Excerpt from Baltimore Sun:

" .... The Orioles rely on attendance and television dollars to try to keep pace with their rivals.

"The huge disparity in revenues among baseball teams is largely the result of some teams â€" the Yankees, Red Sox, Cubs, Dodgers, etc. â€" generating an enormous stream of revenue from their cable networks and local broadcasts while other teams, especially those from the small media markets, are unable to do so," UMBC sports economist Dennis Coates said.

MASN, Coates said, "is a big source of revenue for the Orioles, though not as big as the YES Network is for the Yankees."

"The mission of MASN continues to be about promoting the Orioles, Nationals and Major League Baseball throughout the Mid-Atlantic," says MASN spokesman Todd Webster. "The increased interest in Stephen Strasburg has helped us reach the casual fan and to drive interest in both teams. This rising tide is lifting all boats."

MASN is owned primarily by the Orioles, with the Nationals having a minority stake. The recent hype surrounding Strasburg's major league debut aids the Orioles by strengthening the TV network. But it also may pull some fans â€" even those who grew up steeped in Orioles orange and black â€" in Washington's direction.
Suddenly the Orioles have some life. The egregious Negro-worship (and Mestizo-worship) of the top brass and TV/radio broadcasting team ruined the team for many years. Now we have the Buck Showalter show. Three years ago the Orioles' main problem, if one listened to their official pronouncements, was the inability of their overseas scouting program to deliver a boatload of magnificent new ballplayers from Dominica, Vene-hu-ela, or elsewhere not in North America.

Looking at the massive new trades, acquisitions, and promotions from Minor Leagues: It's a White thing, Birds fans

3B Reynolds, C Wieters, SS Hardy, Pitchers Matusz, Arrieta, Tillman, Bergesen, Duchsherer, Guthrie (part Asian), DH Scott, 2B Roberts, RF Markakis, LF Reimold, Relievers Johnson, Gregg, Berken ... all form the White Nucleus of a pretty good Orioles' team, with Showalter in charge, who simply does not join the chorus of Player X is wonderful just because he is Black or Chicano or Japanese

... and no longer on the radar, another amazingly unintelligent, violent Mullato: " [Alfredo] Simon remains in a Dominican jail while awaiting the results of the ballistics test on the gun that he turned into law enforcement officials following a New Year's Eve shooting that left one man dead and another injured"

God how I used to HATE the I-love-dark-players garbage from O's brass, ESPECIALLY Rick Dempsey, former catcher from the 1980s, who is a primary announcer on TV network MASN. Dempsey tried to sell us Daniel Cabrera ("Danny" always, RHP) who just plain sucked, Felix Pie (a "Moody" negro outfielder), Simon, the extremely forgettable "Radhames Liz" and many others

The Black guard: Pedro Guerrero, Derek Lee (former Cubs 1B), and Adam Jones (CF) are tolerable, each a good ballplayer w/ only occasional outbursts of "The White Man Be Keeping Me Down"
In fact, a non-producing Negro, one Josh Bell, a fat, tattoo-covered dude, has lost his job to Reynolds and must fight his way back onto the roster. Talk about awful -- Bell walked 3 or 4 times last year, while striking out 40+. And did I say he's fat?

The Orange and Black has become a LOT more White
It will be interesting to see how the Luke Scott situation is handled,during an interview Scott was unsure about Barry's birth status.
American Freedom News