Barack Obama's racist church


Nov 25, 2004
Apparently Obama belongs to a church that seems to worship Africa and blacks as much as God. It is a black separatist church! I kid you not. This information is easily found with a simple search and yet we hear very little from the mainstream media - even though the media has admitted this is all true. And Ron Paul gets flack for an old newsletter?

I actually got banned on another political discussion forum just for posting it. On the same board a thread right next to mine is titled "Angry white man, the bigoted past of Ron Paul." George Orwell couldn't write stuff any better.

I think the single-minded kabal of the mainstream media will hang-on to this information until Obama squares off against the Republican neocon candidate. Or, if Obama fits their agenda better they may never make it an issue. Just like they all held-back the Ron Paul newsletter story until the New Hampshire primary. Are we supposed to believe that they all missed this old story? The same kabal that has been bashing and/or ignoring Ron Paul since day one?

Read and videos

His churchs websiteEdited by: Kaptain Poop
Oct 24, 2005
I do not consider Obama's church to be a Christian Church. There are too many differences. The question should be, does america want a Moslem president?


Nov 25, 2004
screamingeagle said:
I do not consider Obama's church to be a Christian Church. There are too many differences. The question should be, does america want a Moslem president?

Quit high-jacking threads into a moslem-bashing and Israel love fest.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Kaptain Poop said:
screamingeagle said:
I do not consider Obama's church to be a Christian Church. There are too many differences. The question should be, does america want a Moslem president?

Quit high-jacking threads into a moslem-bashing and Israel love fest.

We have a Zionist in our midst, Kaptain Poop. It figures there would be one here...that's the old Jewish method, to have one of their tribe in every organization to promote their interests and keep an eye on what's going on!


Nov 8, 2005
Outside North America
Kaptain Poop said:
screamingeagle said:
I do not consider Obama's church to be a Christian Church. There are too many differences. The question should be, does america want a Moslem president?

Quit high-jacking threads into a moslem-bashing and Israel love fest.

Doesn't look like screamingeagle actually mentioned the words Israel, zionism or Jew anywhere in that paragraph. Is it not possible to bash muslims without inadvertently conducting some sort of Israeli "love-fest"?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kiwi said:
Doesn't look like screamingeagle actually mentioned the words Israel, zionism or Jew anywhere in that paragraph. Is it not possible to bash muslims without inadvertently conducting some sort of Israeli "love-fest"?

That's a salient point gentlemen, not every muslim basher is a jew-lover or vise-versa. We should stop looking for enemies amongst friends.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I think people need to stop seeing the Jewish/Zionist boogeyman around every corner. My belief is that as a Christian, I should support Israel. However, I also believe that support should be at the church level through charitable and humanitarian efforts rather than from government welfare (Do they really need 4 billion of our tax dollars every year?) and endless warmongering.

I have a major beef with Zionists like John Hagee because he commits heresy with his "dual covenant" theology, and with his pandering to congress to encourage the US military to go to war with Iran in order to be witness to "armageddon" and so they (him and his loony followers) can hasten the "rapture" Meanwhile, the rest of this country is going to hell in a handbasket.

This is the type of diseased thinking that I am very adament in standing up against. Supporting Israel is fine.... at the church level. Just don't force me at gunpoint propping up other country's regimes through my tax dollars.


Nov 25, 2004
Kiwi said:
Kaptain Poop said:
screamingeagle said:
I do not consider Obama's church to be a Christian Church. There are too many differences. The question should be, does america want a Moslem president?

Quit high-jacking threads into a moslem-bashing and Israel love fest.

Doesn't look like screamingeagle actually mentioned the words Israel, zionism or Jew anywhere in that paragraph. Is it not possible to bash muslims without inadvertently conducting some sort of Israeli "love-fest"?

The original post had nothing to do with him being a moslem - he is not. A previous similar thread went that way which lead into a discussion of zionism which was unintended. This thread is obviously going the same direction. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Oct 24, 2005
I'm Roman catholic. Does that make me a Zionist? What is a zionist, anyway?

Moslem bashing comes easy for a catholic. All our great military heros fought Moslems: King Peleyo of Spain, Charles Martel of France, Richard the Lion Hearted, Jean Lavelle, ect.

Others have issues with the moslems. For the last 13 centuries msolems have attacked Hindus, Buddists, pagans, Zoronasters and others. Moslem bashing is one of the ways that unites peoples of different cultures. The Moslems need to get their act together and start acting humble and repent their many misdeeds. As they say, Payback is hell..


Nov 25, 2004
screamingeagle said:
I'm Roman catholic. Does that make me a Zionist? What is a zionist, anyway?

Moslem bashing comes easy for a catholic. All our great military heros fought Moslems: King Peleyo of Spain, Charles Martel of France, Richard the Lion Hearted, Jean Lavelle, ect.

Others have issues with the moslems. For the last 13 centuries msolems have attacked Hindus, Buddists, pagans, Zoronasters and others. Moslem bashing is one of the ways that unites peoples of different cultures. The Moslems need to get their act together and start acting humble and repent their many misdeeds. As they say, Payback is hell..

Let's not pretend you don't know what a zionist is - what else are you pretending? What you have said about moslems could be said about any religion and/or group of people. I have no interest in "uniting peoples of different cultures" just to moslem bash. I only want to defend my culture/heritage. The fact is moslems pose no external threat to us - they are weak. They also pose little internal threat as they have little influence in our politics.

It's funny how on discussion boards and in American politics moslem-bashing has become acceptable in our PC world while nearly every race/religion, besides white Christians, it is taboo to lay even the slightest bit of criticism.

Screamingeagle, since you claim to be Roman Catholic, do you think Jews or Christians should be in control of the "holyland?" - the one you refer to as Judea or Samuria. You seemed to be defending Israel's "right" to the entire land of Judea in an earlier post. On second thought, why don't you PM me - I think we have some common ground to work with and don't need to be talking about this on this thread. Obama having a direct connection to Farrakan is big enough story. Edited by: Kaptain Poop

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This could be his Achilles heel as he isn't well known by the American public. Also he was a bad spliff head from what I have read of him. Picture one of the characters of Half Baked running for President.....


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Guy I know, big Obama supporter, disn't know his middle name was Hussein. Doesn't that seem like something you would have picked up somewhere along the way? He argued with me about it. Just shows his supporters are backing him without knowing what's really going on. I hope people find out about him before he is in the White House, the same way Bill Clinton's problems came to the fore and erupted (hehe) after he got elected.


Nov 25, 2004
white is right said:
This could be his Achilles heel as he isn't well known by the American public. Also he was a bad spliff head from what I have read of him. Picture one of the characters of Half Baked running for President.....

I think they are waiting to see if Obama wins the primaries. If he does this news will come out in the general election to help one of the neocon republican candidates get elected. For now the media kabal will keep this buried.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Kaptain Poop said:
White Shogun said:

This is unbelievable! Where is the mainstream media? The guy has a black seperatist racist minister traveling with him on his campaign! A supporter of Farrakan! Is this the Bizarro world?

With all due respect, Kap, I wonder why you think this is so "unbelievable" or bizarre? Should Obama not attend an afrocentric church? In favor of what, a universalist, integrationist, diversity-worshipping congregation?

I for one salute Obama and his band of separatist blacks. Black supremists are not a problem for white America. White liberal integrationists are the problem.

Malcolm X was far better for whites than was Marxist Looter King, the integrationist. Malcolm and Louie Farrakhan teach separatism and self-help. They keep their genes to themselves; they don't want to mix with us. MLK and his crybaby cohorts "dream" of little white boys and girls holding hands with little black boys and girls. Barf!!
Jan 5, 2005
United States
Lance Alworth said:
I think people need to stop seeing the Jewish/Zionist boogeyman around every corner. My belief is that as a Christian, I should support Israel. However, I also believe that support should be at the church level through charitable and humanitarian efforts rather than from government welfare (Do they really need 4 billion of our tax dollars every year?) and endless warmongering.

I have a major beef with Zionists like John Hagee because he commits heresy with his "dual covenant" theology, and with his pandering to congress to encourage the US military to go to war with Iran in order to be witness to "armageddon" and so they (him and his loony followers) can hasten the "rapture" Meanwhile, the rest of this country is going to hell in a handbasket.

This is the type of diseased thinking that I am very adament in standing up against. Supporting Israel is fine.... at the church level. Just don't force me at gunpoint propping up other country's regimes through my tax dollars.

If you believe that Israel is still a nation of "God's chosen", then I would expect you as a Christian to support them. However, It is my belief that these are the "Those who claim they are Jews but are not, for they are the sons of Satan" that God warns us about throughout his teachings. I urge you to study the covenant God makes with his people and then study the modern nation of Israel, it should open your eyes as, it did mine.


Nov 25, 2004
"If you believe that Israel is still a nation of "God's chosen", then I would expect you as a Christian to support them."

Not exactly. If your a Christian you should believe in the New Testament which made a new covenant with God that replaced the Old covenant for all believers in Jesus Christ. The Old covenant was made with Old Testament Jews which all three religions claim a lineage to. Jesus after all was a Jew, but of course, he did not believe in the Jewish religion as it considered his teachings to be blasphemy. The New Testament repeats this over and over again - it cannot be any clearer.


Nov 25, 2004
Deus Vult said:
Kaptain Poop said:
White Shogun said:

This is unbelievable! Where is the mainstream media? The guy has a black seperatist racist minister traveling with him on his campaign! A supporter of Farrakan! Is this the Bizarro world?

With all due respect, Kap, I wonder why you think this is so "unbelievable" or bizarre? Should Obama not attend an afrocentric church? In favor of what, a universalist, integrationist, diversity-worshipping congregation?

I for one salute Obama and his band of separatist blacks. Black supremists are not a problem for white America. White liberal integrationists are the problem.

Malcolm X was far better for whites than was Marxist Looter King, the integrationist. Malcolm and Louie Farrakhan teach separatism and self-help. They keep their genes to themselves; they don't want to mix with us. MLK and his crybaby cohorts "dream" of little white boys and girls holding hands with little black boys and girls. Barf!!

I, of course, have no problem with voluntary separatism. My bone of contention is that the mainstream media would not allow this if it where a white separtist church. I also would not vote or "salute" a person who wants our country to support African, Africa, and black causes. I would support someone supporting white causes. A white supporting pro black causes at the expense of whites is treasonist to your own race.

Your also wrong in believing that the media promotes true diversity. Media diversity really means "anything anti-white or less white." Obama's church fits this description. I see no where in Obama's church about returning to the homeland of Africa. Forcing black ideals on a majority white nation is anti-white.

Lets also remember what a controversy Mitt Romney's mormonism has been and yet nothing about Obama's church. More proof that our media is not interested in giving us the truth in news or even stories that our truly newsworthy. Obviously, the free market in news is a complete falisy. For example, stories and interviews with Ron Paul always result in higher ratings - so why not more mainstream exposure if true competition exists?
Don't you think Obama's church story would also be a hot news item that people would find controversial or interesting? Then why all the silence? The media has an agenda not remotely related to competition in the news market. Edited by: Kaptain Poop

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Kaptain Poop said:
"If you believe that Israel is still a nation of "God's chosen", then I would expect you as a Christian to support them."

Not exactly. If your a Christian you should believe in the New Testament which made a new covenant with God that replaced the Old covenant for all believers in Jesus Christ. The Old covenant was made with Old Testament Jews which all three religions claim a lineage to. Jesus after all was a Jew, but of course, he did not believe in the Jewish religion as it considered his teachings to be blasphemy. The New Testament repeats this over and over again - it cannot be any clearer.

The word "Jew" is only mentioned in the King James version of the Old Testament once, in reference to the most rebellious and disobedient of the twelve Hebrew tribes. Three religions came from the Old Testament Hebrew religion: Islam, based on the Koran; Christianity, based on the New Testament; and Judaism, based on the Talmud.

Acoording to the holiest book of the Jews, the Talmud, written 300 to 600 AD, Jesus (whom they consider a false messiah) is in hell! Why would Christians support a religion that believes Jesus is in hell?

By the way, Jesus was NOT a Jew, and, according to the bible record, the Jews persuaded a reluctant Pilate to crucify him! His father was God, and his mother was a Nazarene. Only his "stepfather" Joseph was a Jew.Edited by: JD1986

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I'm really confused by what some of you guys are saying.

Kaptain Poop wrote that Jesus considered the Jewish religion to be blasphemy, yet he taught in the synagogue and said he came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it (among many other pro-law statements he made.)

JD1986 said that Jesus wasn't a Jew because his father was God and his mother a Nazarene, yet they were called Nazarenes because they came from the town of Nazareth, a city in ancient Israel.

reclaimsocal said that those who claim they are Jews are not, but are sons of Satan, with '' marks as though referencing a quote.

Can you guys cite any source or reference material for these ideas, or are they your opinions? I'm really curious.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White Shogun said:
I'm really confused by what some of you guys are saying.

Religion confusing? How could that be!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
jaxvid said:
White Shogun said:
I'm really confused by what some of you guys are saying.

Religion confusing? How could that be!

Hey, I just want to read the source material. This is interesting stuff!


Nov 25, 2004
White shogun wrote: "I'm really confused by what some of you guys are saying. Kaptain Poop wrote that Jesus considered the Jewish religion to be blasphemy."

You're right, you are confused.
I wrote that Jews considered his (Jesus') teachings to be blasphemy. That's different - reverse your subject and predicate - or something like that.

As far as citing sources I don't have much interest in playing Bible wars - it's a lot of work. The point is: Fighting wars because of a vague passage in the Old Testament is ridiculous. Besides the New Testament is literaly filled with counter evidence. Common sense should have taken care of this a long time ago. The teachings of Jesus should guide Christains into being able to figure this out even without memorizing chapter and verse. What did Jesus stand for anyway? Violent war to forfill a prophecy? I think not. Edited by: Kaptain Poop

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
White Shogun said:
Hey, I just want to read the source material. This is interesting stuff!

One source is the king James Version of The Bible. There's a map showing where the twelve Hebrew tribes lived. The most powerful tribe, the Jews, lived in an area around Jerusalem originally called "Judah" - later a country called Judea. There was not really a country or nation called "Israel" until the 20th century.

The King James version of the Old Testament makes only one reference to the word "Jew" or "Jews" - as a rebellious tribe who lived in and around Jerusalem. Jesus mother Mary was not from this tribe, although Joseph was. These "Jews" differed from the other Hebrews in having their own "traditions", and gradually they had departed from the real meaning of the teachings of Moses! Jesus seemed to be trying to bring them back into line, with his preaching against their rebellion against God.

The Jews also differed from the other tribes, because they were already living in other countries from Britain to Persia, and had devised ways of exploiting the locals everywhere. Many of the other Hebrews became Christians (the Jews did not), and some from the other tribes were killed around 70 AD during the rebellion against the Romans. The Jews had the advantage of having relatives in other countries, and when the Romans were killing thousands of the other Hebrews, the Jews simply escaped to Babylonia (today's Iraq) and elsewhere.

The Jews gradually created their own "religion", but it has little in common with the old Hebrew religion, because it instructs them to be very materialistic, exploitative of "goyim" and even to engage in all kinds of sexual pleasures! Their "holy" book (actually 30 large books) is called The Babylonian Talmud, and their religion is almost the complete opposite of what we normally consider to be "religious". Some of what is found therein is truly shocking - the Talmud was once banned in France as pornographic!

Later in about 800 AD, an entire nation called "Khazar" (in southern Russia) converted to Judaism. An area from Bulgaria to the Aral Sea was conquered by these new Jews, quite a substantial empire, but it fell apart by the 11th century.

It's all in many places on the internet. Do a Yahoo search (google won't produce the best sites) for "Talmud goyim Khazar" and you'll find some interesting stuff. Edited by: JD1986