Arrested for accuracy

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Jury say woman's disorderly-conduct arrest unwarranted
By Barbara Boyer

A Bucks County woman who had been robbed and left bleeding outside the Tweeter Center in Camden just didn't behave well as a crime victim, or so police thought.

Camden Detective Maurice Gibson, who alleges that Kimberly Halpin made racial slurs in describing her assailants, decided that she should be handcuffed, arrested, and jailed.

Their he-said, she-said trial landed before U.S. District Judge Renee Bumb this week. And a jury of five women and three men unanimously decided yesterday that the detective fabricated information to justify the June 19, 2004, arrest.

Halpin, 29, who is white and now works as a substance and alcohol abuse counselor, sued Camden police for false arrest after she was charged with disorderly conduct while trying to report that she had been mugged as she left an all-day music festival at the Tweeter Center.

Gibson, who is African American and has been a police officer for 16 years, said he tried to take Halpin's report, but she cried too much, was irate, cursed, and then twice used the "N-word" in describing the two assailants who took her backpack, purse, car keys, money, and cell phone.

The slur, which Halpin insists she never said, is why Halpin was locked up, Gibson testified.</font>

Two officers in a cruiser helped her search the area for suspects, but there was no sign of anyone with her possessions.

Around midnight, the officers took Halpin to the police station on Federal Street, and told her to go inside and file a report.

Chaos ensued.

She could find no officers on the first floor as she wandered before taking the elevator to the second floor, she testified. There, she found a window, but still no police.

She pushed the buzzer, waited, buzzed, waited, and kept buzzing about every 15 seconds, she testified. She was scared and began to hyperventilate, she said, before an agitated Gibson came to the window and demanded to know her problem.

Both Gibson and Halpin testified that as she cried, she had a hard time getting her words out. He repeatedly told her to calm down and walked away when she could not. She pushed the buzzer again.

Who had robbed her, and exactly where at the Tweeter Center, and what did they look like? he wanted to know. She could not describe them, and that's where their stories part.

Halpin, her knee bleeding, said she told the detective she was hurt and wanted to use a phone, and asked if he could help her.

Gibson, frustrated with Halpin, said she couldn't articulate what happened and twice said she was knocked down by two people, using a racial slur to describe them.

Gibson said he then locked her up, fearing her words might incite others who had come to the station. Halpin, who was then a criminal justice major, said the detective locked her up because she was emotional, and accused her of making racial slurs only after she threatened to sue. At one point, she passed out in the cell, overwhelmed with emotion, she testified.

In instructing the jury before deliberation, Bumb told it that under the law, cursing or uttering racial slurs alone is not justification for a disorderly-conduct arrest. The officer had to believe that the words could lead to a disturbance to justify the arrest, the judge said.

In a questionnaire, the jury members said they believed Halpin used foul language and yelled during her interaction with Gibson, but they did not believe she made racial remarks or had been flailing her arms, as Gibson testified.

The jury decided that there was no basis for arrest and that Gibson acted maliciously. In awarding damages, however, the jury gave only $1 in compensation and $100 in punitive damages. Her attorney told the jury that Halpin was not seeking compensation. More important to her was to recognize that she was falsely arrested.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Truth hurts officer Gibson


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
A white woman is attacked by a group of negro thugs and she is accused of racism herself by black officers. This pisses me off more than anything.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I don't like saying such things Gentlemen, but any White person who sets foot in Camden without actually having to, is a jerk. Everyone should know that Camden is a lousy place. This means everyone. There is no excuse fo a White person being there for "entertainment," none.

Sorry to have to say such a thing about White people, but the truth hurts. No excuse for such stupidity.

As far as the black detective goes, he just did what blacks do.

Tom Iron...
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
Camden is a ghetto; what was she doing there in the first place? If she was a teacher or maybe a social worker, then I can see why. But in the 'kwa, black-on-white crime becomes null and void when the white victim drops the N bomb. So much for justice and free speech.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Camden is one of the worst ghettos in all of the US. I know because I live in Jersey. I went to Camden once when I was young to an aquarium they have over there as a class field trip. I would never go there again. It had the highest murder rate a few years back and drug abuse is out of this world. All whites should know that if they venture into Camden, or any negro neighborhood, at night they will be robbed or attacked. It is common sense.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Camden being a horrible crime infested ghetto aside, this woman was treated horribly by this negro cop. Maybe I'm naive or just bullheaded, but I think anyone should go anywhere they please. These kinds of stories incense me. How many places in the U.S. can a black person go to and fear for their lives? This double standard/tragedy needs to be erased by any means necessary.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Maybe these ******* thugs were initiating a primitive version of a house warming party....


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jeez, if this story is true, then this woman is a true hero...accept for the fact that she was dumb enough to venture into Camden, NJ.

I wish she would have won millions of dollars. At least NJ tax money would go towards a white person....and a racially-conscious white person at that.

It's so outrageously ironic that AmeriKa would never dream of having "hate crime" laws that pertain to issues such as this know, occurances which actually happen on a daily basis.

The brilliant "men" in our government have decided that black "men" attacking and/or raping a white woman is perfectly fine...but a white woman calling a black "man" a racial slur is an arrestable offense! Typical breech birth ameriKan "values." Hilariously enough, most white "men" would agree with this vomit-inducing logic.


Nov 25, 2004
Ever notice that when a white wins a racially charged decision the reward is $1? When minorities win it is almost always in the millions. You can't rely on any phase of the justice system to defend yourself.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Can you imagine if the woman in this story was black? Can you just imagine the reaction from blacks all over? I wouldn't be surprised if it lead to rioting. The justice system would probably be pressured into giving her hundreds of thousands of dollars for her "pain and suffering." After all she is a minority and minorities are the number one priorty in this country. They should receive whatever they want to make up for the past. Yeah, right.