Are You Happy With the Current Board?

Deadlift said:
Mr. Wassall,

I'm tired of meeting people that think Whites are "inferior" at basketball.

Maybe the new front page could have a piece titled -- "Rise of the White Forwards!!" -- with pictures of maybe 2 to 4 White college bigs -- and then a link to that very thread I started a few years back.

The beginning of the "article" (the teaser) could be the beginning of what I wrote in the first post of that thread. Importantly enough, not too long after that thread was created, Duke won the National Championship with the Plumlee's, Zoubek and Singler! This is just an idea I have.

We can take good posts and make them short (or not so short) articles on the homepage. The more the better as far as I'm concerned, as long as there are volunteers to help.

Also, it appears we are going to have to switch from WebWiz, because, and I'll quote a programmer here,
"Regarding using WebWiz â€" We are building the site in a programming language / framework called PHP. We use this platform because it's easier for us to program in, it's more universal than other platforms, and it's more suited to Internet protocols â€" all of which also help contribute to a lower cost to you. Unfortunately, WebWiz requires a different platform known as ASP / .Net. There is no way to integrate WebWiz into the site we are building.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Having said that, there are a number of powerful forum programs available which are written for PHP platforms. We'll choose the best one for your needs, including migration of your current forum postings into the new program."

So as long as we keep all the posts going back to '04, and the software is capable, I don't have a problem with it.
Don Wassall said:
<div>Also, it appears we are going to have to switch from WebWiz, because, and I'll quote a programmer here,

"Regarding using WebWiz â€" We are building the site in a programming language / framework called PHP. We use this platform because it's easier for us to program in, it's more universal than other platforms, and it's more suited to Internet protocols â€" all of which also help contribute to a lower cost to you. Unfortunately, WebWiz requires a different platform known as ASP / .Net. There is no way to integrate WebWiz into the site we are building.</font></font></font></span>

Having said that, there are a number of powerful forum programs available which are written for PHP platforms. We'll choose the best one for your needs, including migration of your current forum postings into the new program."</font></font></font></span>

</font>So as long as we keep all the posts going back to '04, and the software is capable, I don't have a problem with it. </font></font></font></div>
As someone who is knowledgeable about what this programmer is talking about, I have to agree with him. PHP is an open-source web development platform (not owned by any corporation.) ASP / .Net, on the other hand, is propriety Microsoft, owned by self-loathing, anti-White Globalist, Bill Gates, who excludes Whites (male and female) from receiving any scholarship under his Gates Millenium Scholarship Fund:


Bill Gates has made his scholarship fund off limits to white
teenagers. The Gates Millennium Scholarship fund is financed by a $1
Billion endowment Bill Gates made in 1999. The fund explicitly denies
eligibility to white students.

"Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if
they: Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian and
Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American..."


So, personally, I'm glad that not a dime of any of ours is going to help support a company that is linked to this type of anti-White hate and discrimination. I'm sure the new one, built using PHP, will be just fine, and I'm looking forward to it.
Edited by: Highlander
Highlander, with that info in mind, I too am looking forward to the all-new setup!
If we can afford it, I would endorse updating the American Nationalist Union Discussion Board to the same format (is it called "WW"?) that the CasteFootball board is now. Maybe the newer format might help increase participation in the ANU Boards
The current format makes it fairly easy to follow along in the threads, even if absent for a time. I personally would like to see the posts use the white space more efficiently, but I would not sacrifice the good follow-along structuring for other factors. Actually, I had thought about getting the same forum software that CF has for a project of my own, simply because my current threading structure on this other project is a big mess.
American Freedom News