Capitalism is when business and government merge. Communism is when government and business merge. Both Capitalism and Communism are anti-Free Enterprise. The end result of both Capitalism and Communism is that a small group of "elite" ends up controlling most of the country's wealth and uses the government regulations and tax system to make themselves wealthier. Both Capitalism and Communism "elite" and lackeys are often, especially in White country's heavily Jewish. Both Capitalism and Communism systems are designed to keep the "elite" in power and wealthy at the expense of the common people.
Free Enterprise, would have limits placed on it by populism and White nationalism like a businessman couldn't import nonwhite slaves/labors. Fair Enterprise is, probably, where the government does not use regulations and tax money to help one business against another business like happens in Capitalism. And in populism sometimes the government is used to help people in need and even a space program would by some extreme Free Enterprise people be viewed as "socialism."
"Free" Enterprise, populism and White nationalism will need to form a balance that is best for the people of their nation. The U.S. Constitution only imposed minimum restrictions on the states it was designed to restrict the Federal Government! The states were, basically, free to govern as their people saw fit.
The balance between "Free" Enterprise, populism and White nationalism would, probably, vary between different White nations. Freedom and fairness is the beginning, how it is used is an open ended question that only the future can tell.