Are blacks innately inferior to whites?


Jun 18, 2012
I am curious as to the view of the posters here on the issue of whether blacks are genetically, as opposed to socially, inferior. That is, do you believe African Americans commit more crime and are "dumber," "uglier," and worse athletes (all things I've seen posted here) because of their genes? The opinions here are founded upon the notion of white superiority and many here favor eugenics to further a Caucasian "purification."

To attribute these qualities of these respective races to genetics, however, would require a rejection of evolution as the determinate factor in the procession of life. The entire human race shares the same ancestors, and today's whites were black until a relatively minute fraction of time ago (considerably less than 600,000 years), a period after which far too little time has passed for any substantial change in intelligence, athleticism, etc.

If it is a social issue (and indeed, studies have shown the hereditability of color differences to be very low), then it would seem promoting pro-white and anti-black measures is counter-productive, unless the ultimate goal is the greatest possible life for whites at any cost. I suppose ultimately what I am asking is why your allegiance to the white race outweighs your allegiance to the human race (and, I would add, why one must show loyalty to any race).

Or I am not trying to troll; I am genuinely interested. Thank you for all responses.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"today's whites were black until a relatively minute fraction of time ago..."

Speak for yourself. My ancestors were not prehistoric semi-human Negroes from sub-Saharan central west Africa - where the Negro race was confined to up until "a minute fraction of time ago".
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Jun 18, 2012
"today's whites were black until a relatively minute fraction of time ago..."

Speak for yourself. My ancestors were not prehistoric semi-human Negroes from sub-Saharan central west Africa - where the Negro race was confined to up until "a minute fraction of time ago".
You missed the "relatively." In the grand scheme of evolutionary history, this is a minute fraction of time. Also, these were not "semi-humans," but homo sapiens--modern humans--from less than 200,000 years ago.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
You missed the "relatively." In the grand scheme of evolutionary history, this is a minute fraction of time. Also, these were not "semi-humans," but homo sapiens--modern humans--from less than 200,000 years ago.

Yes, I'm talking "relatively". The prehistoric* Negro race was confined to west central sub-Saharan Africa up until a relatively very short time ago. The Negro race has expanded its territory more than any other race, thanks to slavery.

These maniacal equalitarians would have you believe that there is no difference between, say a pygmy Negro from the Congo or a Bushman from the Kalahari, or an Australoid, and a Japanese or an Eskimo - Inuit - or a Jew from Brooklyn or a Norwegian, other than the insignificant difference of the colour of the skin. Yeah right. Just like there's no different amongst races of dogs, say between a pit bull and a golden retriever, other than a minor skin tone difference.

There are, in fact, vast differences amongst the races, mental, physical, and physiological. Skin colour is the most insignificant, and in fact there are members of the Europid race from the Indian sub-continent whose skin is darker than that of Negroes.

* The Negro race never invented a system of writing (nor the wheel, the sail, agriculture, architecture, bridges, etc etc) and thus it is prehistoric. It has no written history. The Negro race only uses writing systems that it has borrowed from higher races.

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Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Well, researchers have found that all non blacks have Neanderthal DNA up to 4 percent, which is a large chunk, the more European the more Neanderthal. The old view that Neanderthals were "stupid" is outdated. You may find some of these genes in American blacks because of racial mixing though.

I don't believe they are inferior, however they are different. I think trying to make them adapt to civilization by Western standards has proven to be difficult compared to other groups that haven't had a problem adapting to the culture within a few generations.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Clearly the "out of Africa" theory is in danger of being completely discredited by genetic research. The poster "Darwin" is as clueless about modern discoveries in this field as the actual Darwin was. So the whole ridiculous idea he was trying to make is nothing but a fairy tale of racial egalitarianism, created and promoted by supporters that wish it to be so just as the earth-centric view of the solar system was backed by the "church" of it's time.

However as to the question that proceded the blather: "are blacks inately inferior to Whites?" I think it more correct to say that blacks are DIFFERENT then Whites. Yes I like Whites better but any measure of superior-inferior is purely subjective. Whites score higher in IQ tests, have less aggressive tendencies, have higher time horizons, work harder, create much better societies, and are better looking (to me). You can decide for yourself if there is a superior-inferior ranking amongst those unquestionably true comparisons.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Clearly the "out of Africa" theory is in danger of being completely discredited by genetic research....

That is true, and humans are found going farther and farther back in time in Europe, but you also need to keep in mind that Africa does not mean Negro. Africa is a continent of four major races - Europid (North Africa - Berbers, Moors, Semitic and Hamitic people; and southern Africa since the 1600's), Sanid (Bushman) - the original inhabitants of southern Africa; Asian (Orientalid) - on the island of Madagascar; plus many mixed and sub races, like Ethiopians and Somalians and east Africans in general, and, as I said above, Negroes were confined to central sub-Saharan Africa until relatively recent historical period.

"are better looking (to me)"

And are better looking to anyone. Even Negroes themselves can tell the difference between a beautiful blond and a fat lipped steel wool-headed human-ape hybrid, and that's why successful negroes "marry" white prostitutes.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Well, researchers have found that all non blacks have Neanderthal DNA up to 4 percent, which is a large chunk, the more European the more Neanderthal. The old view that Neanderthals were "stupid" is outdated...

This is all very debatable. One man has come up with an interesting theory that the Neanderthals were actually the ghouls and demons of our ancestral nightmares.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
As for the original question, yes, blacks are inferior to the higher races intellectually. Dissecting and studying the brain is nothing new, and before the egalitarians seized control of the means of communications it was very well known that the Negro brain is not only smaller than the brains of the higher races, but more simply constructed as well, and the parts of the Negro brain that govern abstract thinking, like the frontal lobes, are especially poorly developed. Furthermore, they had to do away with IQ tests entirely because they were unable to devise any "culture free" tests that Negroes could do well on. Negroes score about 15% lower on IQ tests than do the higher races.


Jun 18, 2012
These maniacal equalitarians would have you believe that there is no difference between, say a pygmy Negro from the Congo or a Bushman from the Kalahari, or an Australoid, and a Japanese or an Eskimo - Inuit - or a Jew from Brooklyn or a Norwegian, other than the insignificant difference of the colour of the skin. Yeah right. Just like there's no different amongst races of dogs, say between a pit bull and a golden retriever, other than a minor skin tone difference.

There are, in fact, vast differences amongst the races, mental, physical, and physiological. Skin colour is the most insignificant, and in fact there are members of the Europid race from the Indian sub-continent whose skin is darker than that of Negroes.
No one, myself included, would have anyone believe there is no difference between races. There are clearly significant differences; the question, though, is whether they are social or hereditary. Research points predominately to social. That was the question I was posing.

* The Negro race never invented a system of writing (nor the wheel, the sail, agriculture, architecture, bridges, etc etc) and thus it is prehistoric. It has no written history. The Negro race only uses writing systems that it has borrowed from higher races.
Well, that's not what "prehistoric" means, nor is that conclusive evidence that blacks are dumber. The French, Spanish, etc. did not develop written language either.

I don't believe they are inferior, however they are different. I think trying to make them adapt to civilization by Western standards has proven to be difficult compared to other groups that haven't had a problem adapting to the culture within a few generations.
Right, but is this a social or biological problem?

Clearly the "out of Africa" theory is in danger of being completely discredited by genetic research.
Source? It's still accepted by the far majority of scientists.

So the whole ridiculous idea he was trying to make is nothing but a fairy tale of racial egalitarianism, created and promoted by supporters that wish it to be so just as the earth-centric view of the solar system was backed by the "church" of it's time.
I don't wish anything to be so. I am white; I have nothing to gain. I never said everyone is the same; it's very obvious they aren't. The question is why?

However as to the question that proceded the blather: "are blacks inately inferior to Whites?" I think it more correct to say that blacks are DIFFERENT then Whites. Yes I like Whites better but any measure of superior-inferior is purely subjective. Whites score higher in IQ tests, have less aggressive tendencies, have higher time horizons, work harder, create much better societies, and are better looking (to me). You can decide for yourself if there is a superior-inferior ranking amongst those unquestionably true comparisons.
You say preference of the races is subjective, yet you cite objective metrics of preference: intelligence, aggressiveness, work ethic, etc. Doesn't sound very subjective to me which race is better. Nor do I deny some of this is apparently true (higher IQ scores, for instance). But once again you misunderstand my question: I ask not whether the races are different, but why they are different.

Studies have been conducted in which black and white people raised in identical situations are compared. Among them, IQ scores, aggressiveness, etc. do not differ, leading researchers to conclude the differences between races is due to society, not genetics. Raise a white person in a ghetto and, I would predict, he would not turn out different from struggling blacks.


Jun 18, 2012
As for the original question, yes, blacks are inferior to the higher races intellectually. Dissecting and studying the brain is nothing new, and before the egalitarians seized control of the means of communications it was very well known that the Negro brain is not only smaller than the brains of the higher races, but more simply constructed as well, and the parts of the Negro brain that govern abstract thinking, like the frontal lobes, are especially poorly developed. Furthermore, they had to do away with IQ tests entirely because they were unable to devise any "culture free" tests that Negroes could do well on. Negroes score about 15% lower on IQ tests than do the higher races.
Brain size says literally nothing about intelligence. Brain makeup differs from country to country, not uniformly between races. If you want to propose something like that, please provide a source.

You guys also seem to hate Jewish people, and they score highest of all on IQ tests. What gives?


May 18, 2012
In my world
I am curious as to the view of the posters here on the issue of whether blacks are genetically, as opposed to socially, inferior
Or I am not trying to troll; I am genuinely interested. Thank you for all responses.

I do not think you are being a troll, actually you are posting a good question (with X motivation and purpose though) in a respectable way and I will answer you with honor and respect as well. This is how I treat people, even people of your inferior kind, with respect, I never attack first, but my defense is stronger than my enemy's offense.

To our subject now........Are whites superior to blacks?

My political "correct" answer :

1. Whites head to head with blacks (rest races excluded) dominate and win over 90% of sports at the Summer Olympics (major sports such as Tennis, Soccer, Golf etc and minor sports like long distance running for example included) and nearly 100% of the medals in the Winter Olympics. The gap between the two races in Extreme sports, Auto and Motor Sports etc is unmatched as well. All these are facts, now if you want to doubt or deny them to feel better, then go ahead.

2. Scientifically, militarily, technologically, politically, economically and so on, whites have conquered (multiple times) the world, have colonized, have invented pretty much everything we use, have produced the greatest warriors in the battle field, the greatest generals, the greatest empires, went to the space, went to the moon, explored and conquered the oceans, the highest mountains, builds the greatest monuments and buildings, produces the greatest mathematicians, philosophers, explorers, scientists, astronauts, doctors, lawyers, actors, models, singers, music groups, painters, composers and so many more million things.
It's no secret that the western civilization that every subhuman from Africa wants to be part of (by having a position in white societies and a white OBESE woman as a trophy) is a creature of the white man!

3. Looks wise, the white human is by far the most desirable and diverse worldwide, has the biggest variety in hair texture, in colour of the eyes, in colour of the hair, the most beautiful features (that black women ala Tyra Banks, Beyonce etc take nose jobs to have a "white" nose) and so on. The vast majority (95% plus) of models, beauty queens in Universal pageants, sexy symbols even in Jewish dominated fields as Hollywood and so on have been traditionally white .

4. Fashion wise that blacks funnily claim to be imitated from white boys..........Who designed jeans? Pants? Jackets? Hats? What's the race of giants of the field such as Dior, Chanel, Calvin Clein, Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino and 99% of them pretty much? How dare you to make such claims when your people's fashion has been leaf covers son and all you do systematically is copying our culture, style and fashion?

5. Inventions and contributions to society........Do you really want me to go there now with you? A simple example, white man invented boats, trains, spaceships, sonars, planes, electricity, computers etc while the black man's greatest invention is peanut butter.......You do the math son!

6. Manhood, bravery, ambition etc the white man has no match there too. He has achieved what rest races don't even dare to think and usually out of jealousy and envy say "Look what the crazy white man does" simply because they wish they could do and achieve all the white man has achieved, but they know they can't!
I will go one step further and I am afraid that this claim of mine will be against my ideology and the whole Jewish propaganda of porn, but check even in the porn industry, how 95% of the male performers, award winners etc are white men with great bodies and HUGE "heart" if you know what I mean.........Where are all these "gifted" black men? Again even in that field, you are the slightest minority! John Holmes is considered to this day the "longest and harder" ever........even that myth surrounding your race is ALL FALSE!

My NON political correct answer :

After all I said, you will probably come back either with a verbal insult, or even worse if we spoke face to face, you would try physical violence against me, with fatal result for you ending being emasculated and beat up, healing in a hospital (speaking from personal experience).

Now if you were trying to speak back civilized and say the common nonsense I have been used to hear from people of your inferior kind such as :

" The white man stole this from us, we had the greatest empires named UCHO KUCHO and Zandia Keylia, the white man enslaved us and he's the reason we are in such position today blah blah "

My answer would be simple as that..........Mother nature teaches us that the bigger, smarter, more capable and stronger fish eats the small, dumb, weak, pathetic one. You should know such rule, since you use the name of Darwin, who was one of the men who believed in such theory with a passion.........all I am trying to say is, by crying out loud how white man did this or that to you, how he conquered your land, enslaved you and so on, all you do really is verifying the basic rule of nature:)

Bottom line, the black man was conquered, enslaved and dominated from his white boss for a reason, if the black man could, he would do the same or even worse in my opinion and if you make a historical research you will find out that various African tribes tried plenty of times to conquer and enslave Ancient Greece, Italy, Spain, Malta and more.

To close this, when I see a black man crying for what happened in the past or making questions of the kind you just made, all I see is black men with hidden anger, frustration and extreme jealousy, simply because your ancestors failed to be as dominant as our ancestors..........You can't be all about "peace, diversity and equality" but the vast majority of your inferior kind celebrating openly with joy and pleasure the so called upcoming extinction of the white race .......That proves to me what I already know, that all your kind (and the Jews of course) truly is, is a bunch of cowards who want domination and power, but are not willing to fight and conquer it with glory just like whites usually do and will do again one day.

Have a nice rest of the day sir!
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Of course, one big difference I see between whites and blacks is impulse control. Blacks can't seem to control themselves no matter what the situation. They always resort back to TNB at some point in their lives.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
This is all very debatable. One man has come up with an interesting theory that the Neanderthals were actually the ghouls and demons of our ancestral nightmares.
His basis of why they would look so different is on the out of africa theory. His argument of why we have up to 4 percent Neanderthal DNA seems absurd.

As far as blacks lacking impulse control, from my experience it seems that those with Irish heritage(including myself) tend to have less impulse control. Although most of the more serious Irish crime tends to be organized and the behavior is nowhere near the level of TNB, a scenario of losing it would be something like a fight rather than gun shots which shows the brain is thinking somewhere about the repercussions. A black man once asked me when speaking of his own race, whats worse , killing someone at the drop of a dime without thinking or someone planning out a murder? It would be a good question if blacks didn't kill each other over the smallest things and if there was a 200 percent increase of Whites murdering.
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Nov 8, 2006
Research points predominately to social.

No, it doesn't. Just look at I.Q. differences, which have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be almost entirely genetic. Keep in mind the researchers that reached this conclusion were under immense politically correct pressure from cultural Marxists to "discover" that it was all a "social construct" but the weight of evidence can't be denied.

I don't think any honest, serious observer of human differences still holds to the "environment" theory. It's been completely discredited. Only P.C. true believers cling to it.

Well, that's not what "prehistoric" means, nor is that conclusive evidence that blacks are dumber. The French, Spanish, etc. did not develop written language either.

You're missing the point. Why do negro societies, isolated and left to their own devices, fail to develop the complexity that other races reach? Why are parts of Africa still in the stone age even today?

I don't wish anything to be so. I am white; I have nothing to gain. I never said everyone is the same; it's very obvious they aren't. The question is why?

Genetic inheritance. Sorry if that destroys comforting lies.

The I.Q. gap, which you concede (one pretty much has to) really tells most of the story. Low I.Q. brings with it certain behaviors: poor impulse control, lack of future orientation, inability to weigh the pros and cons of a course of action, etc. Someone with an 85 I.Q., combined with high testosterone levels is going to act in a very predictable fashion.

Environment is created by individuals, it's not some magical construct received from the hand of God. If the environment is bad, look at the individuals that make it up. It's really pretty simple.

As far as inferior vs. superior goes, that's a value judgment and can't really be discussed rationally. Overall the negro is less intelligent and more prone to criminal behavior. Even if this wasn't true it wouldn't change my opinion on race relations. I'm a White Nationalist. I feel that living around other races creates unnecessary friction and conflict for all involved. Having our own nations solves this problem. It's common sense.


Jun 18, 2012
I do not think you are being a troll, actually you are posting a manly question (with X motivation and purpose though) in a respectable and nice way and I will answer you with honor and respect as well. This is how I treat people, even people of your inferior kind, with respect, I never attack first, but my defense is stronger than my enemy's offense most of the times :)

To our subject now........Are whites superior to blacks?

My political "correct" answer :
1. Whites head to head with blacks (rest races excluded) dominate and win over 90% of sports at the Summer Olympics (major sports such as Tennis, Soccer, Golf etc and minor sports like long distance running for example included) and nearly 100% of the medals in the Winter Olympics. The gap between the two races in Extreme sports, Auto and Motor Sports etc is unmatched as well. All these are facts, now if you want to doubt or deny them to feel better, then go ahead ;)

2. Scientifically, militarily, technologically, politically, economically and so on, whites have conquered (multiple times) the world, have colonized, have invented pretty much everything we use, have produced the greatest warriors in the battle field, the greatest generals, the greatest empires, went to the space, went to the moon, explored and conquered the oceans, the highest mountains, builds the greatest monuments and buildings, produces the greatest mathematicians, philosophers, explorers, scientists, astronauts, doctors, lawyers, actors, models, singers, music groups, painters, composers and so many more million things.
It's no secret that the western civilization that every subhuman from Africa wants to be part of (by having a position in white societies and a white OBESE woman as a trophy) is a creature of the white man!

3. Looks wise, the white human is by far the most desirable and diverse worldwide, has the biggest variety in hair texture, in colour of the eyes, in colour of the hair, the most beautiful features (that black women ala Tyra Banks, Beyonce etc take nose jobs to have a "white" nose) and so on. The vast majority (95% plus) of models, beauty queens in Universal pageants, sexy symbols even in Jewish dominated fields as Hollywood and so on have been traditionally white :)

4. Fashion wise that blacks funnily claim to be imitated from white boys..........Who designed jeans? Pants? Jackets? Hats? What's the race of giants of the field such as Dior, Chanel, Calvin Clein, Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino and 99% of them pretty much? How dare you to make such claims when your people's fashion has been leaf covers son and all you do systematically is copying our culture, style and fashion?

5. Inventions and contributions to society........Do you really want me to go there now with you? A simple example, white man invented boats, trains, spaceships, sonars, planes, electricity, computers etc while the black man's greatest invention is peanut butter.......You do the math son!

6. Manhood, bravery, ambition etc the white man has no match there too. He has achieved what rest races don't even dare to think and usually out of jealousy and envy say "Look what the crazy white man does" simply because they wish they could do and achieve all the white man has achieved, but they know they can't!
I will go one step further and I am afraid that this claim of mine is against my ideology and the propaganda of porn, but check even the porn industry, 99% of the male performers, award winners etc are white men with great bodies and HUGE "heart" if you know what I mean.........Where are all these "gifted" black men? Again even in that field, you are the slightest minority! John Holmes is considered to this day the "longest and harder" ever........even that myth surrounding your race is ALL FALSE!

My NON political correct answer :

After all I said, you will probably come back either with a verbal insult, or even worse if we spoke face to face, you would try physical violence against me, with fatal result for you ending being emasculated and beat up, healing in a hospital (speaking from personal experience).

Now if you were trying to speak and say the common nonsense I have been used to hear from people of your inferior kind such as :

" The white man stole this from us, we had the greatest empires named UCHO KUCHO and Zandia Keylia (funny names lol), the white man enslaved us and he's the reason we are in such position today blah blah "

My answer would be simple as that..........Mother nature teaches sir Darwin, that the bigger and stronger fish eats the small, dumb, weak, pathetic one. You should know such rule since you use the name of Darwin who was one of the men who believed in such theory with a passion.........all I am trying to say is, by crying out loud how white man did this or that to you, how he conquered your land, enslaved you and so on, all you do in my eyes is verifying the basic rule of nature son :)

Bottom line, black man was conquered, enslaved and dominated from his white boss for a reason, if the black man could, he would too and if you make a historical research you will find out that various African tribes tried plenty of times to conquer and enslave Ancient Greece, Italy, Spain, Malta and more.

To close this, when I see a black man crying for what happened in the past or making questions of the kind you just made, all I see is black men with hidden anger, frustration and extreme jealousy, simply because your ancestors failed to be as dominant as our ancestors..........You can't be all about "peace, diversity and equality" but celebrating the so called upcoming extinction of the white race from specific geographical parts of this planet........All your kind (and the Jews of course) truly is, is a bunch of cowards who want domination and power but are not willing to fight and conquer it with glory just like whites usually do and will do again one day.

Have a nice rest of the day sir!
That is a very tangential answer for aforementioned reasons, and I don't appreciate the threats. I'm not sure why you assumed I am black; I'm white. I will say one thing: evolution as we know it is dead. Humanity has the ability to wipe every other species off the planet, and it doesn't. More so, these inherent differences you propose would take considerably more time to develop than it has been since some humans' skin turned lighter.

My stance is that blacks and whites brought up in identical conditions will turn out largely the same.


May 18, 2012
In my world
That is a very tangential answer for aforementioned reasons, and I don't appreciate the threats. I'm not sure why you assumed I am black; I'm white. I will say one thing: evolution as we know it is dead. Humanity has the ability to wipe every other species off the planet, and it doesn't. More so, these inherent differences you propose would take considerably more time to develop than it has been since some humans' skin turned lighter.

My stance is that blacks and whites brought up in identical conditions will turn out largely the same.
What threats? I knew it you would come back with something pathetic like this.............You see numbers and stats never lie and you guys have no evidence or proof to support your "theories". All the conversations I ever had in person with blacks, Jews, non white Arabs, communists, self loathing white liberals etc always end up with them accusing me of "blatant racism" "threats" blah blah simply because they have nothing to come back with. Sad and pathetic how you guys open conversations and want a dialogue, but when the facts, stats and numbers are on the table you run away scared!

As for you saying that you are not black and I just assumed that.........I say back, how dare you to assume that I am white? I could be a self loathing black man just like Michael Jackson........HOW DARE YOU MAKING SUCH WILD ACCUSATIONS ? hehehehe

Let's face it, you got owned son. By the way, what kind of "white" man are you really? :israel: Bwahahahahahaha!


Jun 18, 2012
No, it doesn't. Just look at I.Q. differences, which have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be almost entirely genetic. Keep in mind the researchers that reached this conclusion were under immense politically correct pressure from cultural Marxists to "discover" that it was all a "social construct" but the weight of evidence can't be denied.

I don't think any honest, serious observer of human differences still holds to the "environment" theory. It's been completely discredited. Only P.C. true believers cling to it.
I'm sorry, but this is entirely wrong. Psychological theory has shifted considerably towards "nurture" in past decades.

You're missing the point. Why do negro societies, isolated and left to their own devices, fail to develop the complexity that other races reach? Why are parts of Africa still in the stone age even today?
Nowhere in the world is anyone still in the Stone Age. Look up "Stone Age." It took whites hundreds of thousands of years to get out of the Bronze Age; two thousand years later many blacks are still in it, but in the grand scheme of history this is a minuscule difference, and utterly inconclusive.

Genetic inheritance. Sorry if that destroys comforting lies.
Have you done separate research I am unaware of?

Environment is created by individuals, it's not some magical construct received from the hand of God.
Yes, obviously.

If the environment is bad, look at the individuals that make it up. It's really pretty simple.
Circular logic. More so, the whites had an immense hand in creating current black environments. Most importantly, poverty begets poverty; this is true even among whites.

Overall the negro is less intelligent and more prone to criminal behavior. Even if this wasn't true it wouldn't change my opinion on race relations. I'm a White Nationalist. I feel that living around other races creates unnecessary friction and conflict for all involved. Having our own nations solves this problem. It's common sense.
I get along great with my black friends. Why not feed off each others' ideas? We wouldn't have a counting system if it wasn't for other races. I think isolating ourselves from others only creates conflict (see: Middle East).


Jun 18, 2012
What threats? I knew it was coming something like this.............When I own people, especially of other inferior kinds (black etc) or self loathing liberals, they ending up talking about more non sense and do not even touch the topics I just analyzed, simply because numbers and stats never lie and you guys have no evidence or proof to support your "theories". All the conversations I ever had in person with blacks, non white Arabs, communists, self loathing white liberals etc always ending up with them accusing me of "blatant racism" "threats" blah blah simply because they have nothing to come back with.

As for you saying that you are not black and I just assumed it.........How dare to assume that I am white? I could be a self loathing black man just like Michael Jackson........HOW DARE YOU MAKING SUCH WILD ACCUSATIONS ? hehehehe

Let's face it, you got owned son. By the way, what kind of "white" man are you really? :israel: Bwahahahahahaha!
What? I have nearly every psychology experiment ever conducted on this matter to support my theories (which, by the way, are not my theories).

I'm a white man. I have no allegiance to anything except knowledge. I am not swayed by loyalty to anyone, including my race or my country. My foundation of truth is essays and data from every source; that is why I am on this site even though I disagree with much of it. I have literally zero incentive or hidden agenda, so stop accusing me of that. I try to be as absolutely impartial as possible. The amount of groupthink resulting from the squelching of competing ideas on this site creates a pretty insurmountable bias on your guys' part, in my opinion.


May 18, 2012
In my world
The amount of groupthink resulting from the squelching of competing ideas on this site creates a pretty insurmountable bias on your guys' part, in my opinion.

I just told you that I am a self loathing black man ala Michael Jackson and you continue accusing me for being a biased white man.................Sir are you the racist after all?
How dare you to deny me the chance to be a self loathing black man? Is it maybe because you are used to all the militant, openly racist against other races, with the criminal "swagger", violent, "proud pro black" men from the ghetto and you can't picture "us" as self loathing little Michael Jacksons?


Why do you think that being an obese, insecure, self hating, self loathing, emasculated male is only your personal privilege, oopppss I mean today's white man's privillege? I, as a black man, want to be as self loathing and self hating just like you, can't I? :madgrin:

Obama for the change, OH YES WE CAN :dance:


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I'm sorry, but this is entirely wrong. Psychological theory has shifted considerably towards "nurture" in past decades.
Have you seen the nurture experiments? There are still gaps regardless of the environment, the gap isn't as big when in the same environment raised in the same house etc, but it is still there.

The only thing they can throw out there is excuses, race related anxiety during testing, saying they feel too much pressure to do well because they are black affecting performance. Then there is the theory that they don't want to do well because it means they are "acting White" so they give up on academics. There are Whites with a lower than average iq, just a smaller ratio. When they don't understand something and have problems understanding, they act out and give up. They don't get to use excuses.

I love this one:

Jeff Howard and Ray Hammond added another important strand to this argument when they suggested that academic competence developed partly through competition, and that "rumors of inferiority" made blacks reluctant to compete academically. More recently, Claude Steele has argued that people of all races avoid situations in which they expect others to have negative stereotypes about them, even when they know that the stereotype does not apply.

Seems to be totally different in athletics.
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I'm sorry, but this is entirely wrong. Psychological theory has shifted considerably towards "nurture" in past decades.

Nowhere in the world is anyone still in the Stone Age. Look up "Stone Age." It took whites hundreds of thousands of years to get out of the Bronze Age; two thousand years later many blacks are still in it, but in the grand scheme of history this is a minuscule difference, and utterly inconclusive.

Have you done separate research I am unaware of?

Yes, obviously.

Circular logic. More so, the whites had an immense hand in creating current black environments. Most importantly, poverty begets poverty; this is true even among whites.

I get along great with my black friends. Why not feed off each others' ideas? We wouldn't have a counting system if it wasn't for other races. I think isolating ourselves from others only creates conflict (see: Middle East).

So whites are responsible for the atrocious environments of blacks in Africa? Blacks who live around "racist" whites enjoy the highest standards of living of any blacks in the world. How is that possible bright boy? Get back to marching with Al Sharpton and the NAACP you self-loathing white pig!


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
are you aware who conducts these experiments and studies? These guys get money to make stuff up sometimes. I had a Sociology professor who got a huge sum of money to publish studies in his book that show that the reason for more black violent crime is not related to genetics and was because of environment, nurture etc. They didn't care what he put in the book as long as it sounded legit and it supported what the conclusion they wanted. 300 pages of pure garbage.

Too much time, effort and money has been put into these studies to show that we are the same. We should just accept the fact that we are different. It doesn't make someone inferior to be different.


Feb 5, 2010
I'm sorry, but this is entirely wrong. Psychological theory has shifted considerably towards "nurture" in past decades.

How funny, you are constantly asking "source?" yet here is your reply: "wrong." It isn't wrong, and that isn't theory because it isn't supported by hard evidence. It is politically based. According to 1930s German intellectual thought you are completely wrong. See how easy that is?