"Archie" Adds Sodomite Character


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More cultural marxism ruining an ol' classic.

Riverdale's First Openly Gay Student Arrives

by Mike Krumboltz

Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead have been going to Riverdale High School for a loooooong time (Archie Comics was founded in 1939). But throughout the gang's illustrious academic career, they have never had a classmate who was openly gay. Until now.

In a move that is generating a lot of buzz on the Web, the publishers of Archie Comics recently announced that they are bringing in an openly gay character, Kevin Keller, starting with the September issue.

What's the plot? According to CNN, new-guy Kevin beats Jughead in a burger-eating contest. For whatever reason, this act of intestinal fortitude impresses the raven-haired Veronica. She begins to pursue Kevin, who, for obvious reasons, isn't interested. Kevin must find ways to deflect her affection without being mean, but Veronica, used to winning, doesn't give up easily. Hilarity ensues, until Kevin finally confides in Jughead that he is gay.

Archie Comics co-CEO Jon Goldwater remarked, "The introduction of Kevin is just about keeping the world of Archie Comics current and inclusive. Archie's hometown of Riverdale has always been a safe world for everyone. It just makes sense to have an openly gay character in Archie comic books."

The announcement inspired an influx of searches. Web lookups on "archie comics" soared 82% and related lookups on "archie comics gay character" surged 125%. And don't look for Kevin to show up for just a few issues and then never be heard from again. The New York Times reports that Kevin is more than a one-off character. There are future stories already mapped out.

It's even more insulting that the gay character in BLONDE!!!

1st Moose Mason, who is somewhat a DUMB blonde, now Kevin Keller!!

They really want to give UGLY perceptions to blonde guys...DUMB, GAY.

I stopped buying Archie comics 7 years ago, and I don't plan to ever!
Wow! Haven't read an "Archies" or any comic in over 30 years. Having said that heres what the nancy boy looks like for anyone interested

Menelik said:
Wow! Haven't read an "Archies" or any comic in over 30 years. Having said that heres what the nancy boy looks like for anyone interested
<div> </div>
I remember reading Archie as a 10 year old when my older female cousin would leave issues lying around my mother's house. The point of the comic was to be light and non serious. Ie Jughead being brain dead and only interested in eating. I guess after introducing a token Black character or two they need this metrosexual looking character. When does the Lesbian character get introduced.......
Edited by: white is right
j41181 said:
It's even more insulting that the gay character in BLONDE!!!

1st Moose Mason, who is somewhat a DUMB blonde, now Kevin Keller!!

They really want to give UGLY perceptions to blonde guys...DUMB, GAY.

I stopped buying Archie comics 7 years ago, and I don't plan to ever!

Exactly! The (most likely tribesmen) writers/staff decide to make the sodomite Aryan looking. I'd say that's anti-White propaganda (on top of the obvious cultural marxism)...following the trend of portraying White males as villians &/or weak, nerdy &/or fat buffoons &/or sodomites (ala that crapola "Will & Grace").
The usual suspects, once again.

"Jews built the comic book industry from the ground up, and the influence of Jewish writers, artists, and editors continues to be felt to this day. But how did Jews come to have such a disproportionate influence on an industry most famous for lantern-jawed demigods clad in colorful tights?"

Full Article.
I' m shocked! I always thought that Jughead was a poop. Now we know he is straight.
I should be shocked by this. Isn't Archie still aimed at children?
There are adult level lines, like Vertico, who can have all the gay characters that they want. This looks like a recuitment drive for gays. They know that their numbers are deminishing because many of their friends are going straight.
This will bring them nothing but trouble. This is a bad idea for Archie comics.
Look how they emphasize his blue eyes too. How many people walk around with their eyes that wide-open. "Hey look at me! Look at me! I'm a blonde, gay, Caucasian male with blue eyes! I'm such a style Fashionista that I bought a blue shirt just to match them!."

It's complete psyops by the PTB.
Archie is a comic for kids, at my local library it's in with the stuff like Dr. Suess. The whole idea of the comic is to present a non-sexual image of teen life. To introduce a gay chararcter is a blatent attempt at brainwashing of children. It's extremely brazen. There is no reason for kids to know the sexuality of a comic book chararcter. Heck at that age they don't even understand what it's all about.

But a society that teaches it's children that perversion is okay will get what it deserves, too bad we have to be along on the ride.
Thoroughly sickening stuff. Anyway, I thought I'd take a quick squiz at the Archie website and what didI find?

Edited by: Rebajlo
That cover is bad enough, but really look at it for subliminal messages and it gets even worse. Race-mixing, implied beastiality (animal suit), homosexual/trans-gender suggestion (guitars as phallic symbol)...yup, good old all-American comic fun from our jewish friends. Edited by: Run Stuffing LB
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