

Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I have been critical of Mel Gibson, but it appears that his new movie - Apocalypto - is far from politically correct.I have included a comment from the Amren message board and a link to an article condemning the movie issued from anorganization called Mexica movement.




We, the Indigenous people of this continent, were hoping that the Walt Disney Company would show the beauty and great accomplishments of our Maya people in Mel Gibson's new film APOCALYPTO. We were hoping to see recreations of our great cities, our art, our libraries, our calendar systems, our superior knowledge of astronomy, or at least some of our great accomplishments in a positive light. Sadly, this movie is a series of nightmares of the same old racist ignorance, distortions and exaggerations, stereotypes, and lies and omissions that present our people as a violent and irrelevant savage people.

Apocalypto is Gibson's ignorant and criminal white supremacist vision of Maya civilization. Hitler's minister of propaganda could not have done a better film to destroy the true beauty of our Maya heritage.
Before the European (the only real illegals) invasions of our continent began, we were a great collection of sophisticated and egalitarian civilizations with accomplishments in medicine, writing, engineering, architecture, laws, agriculture, mathematics, literature, and so much more.

http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2006/12/apocalypto_mel. php

"In those centuries that Gibson's Apocalypto takes place Europeans never bathed and were mostly illiterate, while our people were bathing daily in cities that had public toilets and free hospitals. We had mandatory and free education for males and females in all ranks of society. We had great universities and libraries, poets and philosophers, courts with fair laws, and more democracy than any place in Europe."

Was this around the same time the black Egyptians were flying around in their gliders while Whites still had flippers and gills? It gets old hearing about how every non-White race was doing this or that while Europeans were eating dirt and staring blankly at a wall. Face it people - Europe created modern civilization. Everything else was savagery like the Mayans.
Posted by Adramelech</A> at 6:42 PM on December 27 Edited by: Bart
I don't see how Apocalyto was offense at all to Mayan's or people of Mayan ancestry. I thought the movie was sweet, esp when they chopped the heads off and they rolled down the hill. This movie was very historically accurate, and there was boobage
The only stupid scene was running from the jaguar, but I liked this movie.
I loved the movie. It had humor, great action scenes and the fight scenes were believable. The ending leaves much to the imagination of the viewer - but in this case, you'll like it! Trust me!

I highly recommend this movie. It is not politically correct at all. Edited by: White Shogun
I liked it. When did Gibson ever say it was true?

Besides, the critics seem to think that every single Mayan was some sort of genius just because a few of them were. Slavery was quite common and cities were not ubiquitous. It is pretty ridiculous to accuse Gibson of racism in this movie.

Actually, it's insane! By his critics' logic, Braveheart is racist towards whites.

It was cool.
How come in brave heart every Scotsman had a muddy face.
white tornado said:
How come in brave heart every Scotsman had a muddy face.

The Scots may have originated the toast, " Here's mud in your eye." Plop!
Wasn't this movie more about how the Aztecs took over the Mayans? It was. Both civilizations are well known for human sacrafices and slavery. I was expecting the whole time that whites would eventually be portrayed as the guys behind all the evil - but to my surprise they were not. IMHO, the movie was just OK and seemed more like a long reality national geographic show.
I don't think the movie was supposed to be historically accurate. It was a chase movie. Gibson was on some talk show and retorted that he wasn't making a Discovery documentary, he was making a chase movie. He just chose ancient Central America for the setting. I think people are reading too much into it when they expect it to portray all the tribes and history of that region accurately. It was a movie.

There has been some talk now that Gibson meant this movie to subtly parallel the decline of Western Civilization, but that seems a bit of a reach, too.

"300" on the other hand, specifically purports to retell the story of the Spartan's epic battle against the Persians at Thermopylae. The previews look awesome, but even then there appear to be fantastic monsters and night creatures in the movie, so I'd venture to guess it's not supposed to be historically accurate, either.

One of my favorite movies of all time, "The 13th Warrior," was not historically accurate either, but man! It was a great movie!
I don't think it was all that much of a reach. Basically our modern version of Political Correctness is as genocidal as the Aztec/Mayan version. We might not get the human sacrifice spectacle to compliment the mumbo jumbo of the day, but we get plenty of violence directed towards us in the manner of "crime."