Anybody here been the victim of black-on-white crime?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Have you or anybody in your family been the victim of black-on-white crime?

I'd be interested in reading what happened.
Have you or anybody in your family been the victim of black-on-white crime?

I'd be interested in reading what happened.

I was. About 10 years ago when I was around 21 I went out to a Polish club with a girl. I used to smoke back then and I ran out of cigarettes. I only had a couple of bucks on me so I decided to go by what they call "loosies" which are cigarettes that they sell individually. The only place you can by them is in bad(black) areas. It's 2 in the morning and I enter the store. A negro rips my wallet right out of my hand. Another Hispanic guy got mad, grabbed the wallet and gave it back to me. The negro backed off.
I used to work in Washington D.C. Came back to my car once and the window was smashed in. A black lady saw it and told police it was a group of black kids. They took a pair of old sneakers I had in the back. Also in D.C., the cops caught a Negro trying to steal stuff from my landlord's back yard when nobody was home.

Of course, there are the usual slurs and comments that could have escalated but I usually let them go. One time I was walking to school (grad school) and a lone black said something to me. He was one of the bums who hang outside the little bodegas and shops in DC. I got in his face and he backed down. But usually I just kept walking as they were in a pack and at least one of them was probably packing a gun or knife.

Never been victimized by a white, Hispanic, Arab or Asian in my life. Though I am against immigration I cannot recall even a cross word with a Hispanic, Muslim or Asian.

Only one group is responsible for the majority of crime, attacks, savagery, disease, disfunction and decline in this nation.
Thankfully I have not but I have a good story involving a close friend.

A few years back, my buddy was playing in an adult soccer league. An after-work sorta thing on the west side of Manhattan, not at all a bad area these days. Well after his game he took the subway and was waiting on the platform. He said it was basically deserted. He had only a sports type duffel bag containing change of clothes, soccer gear, old i-pod, etc. Basically nothing of value. He's approached by 2 teenaged negroes, one from the front and the other sorta behind him. He knew something was going to go down. The negro in front of him asks him for the time and other one almost immediately sucker punches him in the back of the head.

Now let me stop and add that my buddy is not the most physically imposing but is from rural, upstate NY, has a bad temper and knows how to fight because he's been involved in so many in his life. Basically he's a bad MFer and these negros picked the wrong White guy to mess with.

So after getting punched he flies into a rage and swings his duffel bag and clocks em with it. He then punches one punk and knocks him to the ground. He proceeds to kick the hell outta this one while punching the other. Eventually the guy on the ground runs away while the 2nd takes more of a beating before fleeing as well. My friend was virtually unharmed and none of his stuff taken.

This story had a happy ending but I still take it as a lesson. I'm always on the alert when I'm around blacks. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
No, I have not been a victim of any crime thank God, nor has anyone in my family.

I used to box competitively in my teens, so don't mean to brag but I could always handle myself much better than the average guy in a fight. I had a couple "street fights" or "school fights" with blacks but thats it. Of course, I also had these kinds of fights with other races too, lol. Now, of course I follow the law and never get into fights that I am an adult.

Ive had my share of arguments with Negroes in public though, and for the most part I just avoid talking to them as much as possible. I absolutely hate having to converse with them. The other day at the gym, I was doing some chinups, minding my own business, and this disgusting, fat, 300 pound+ Negro started saying that I was getting in his way while he was lifting weights and that I was being rude by interfering with his exercise. I said, Hey Bud, you should be jogging not lifting weights, you have a serious weight problem and obviously eat too many candy bars. He was surprised and just mumbled some crap and that was basically it.

Where I live in Toronto, I have a White female friend from school who's White brother was murdered by a couple of Negroes in a Drug Deal gone wrong. It's very sad and her brother must have only been about 17 years old when he was murdered.

When I get older and perhaps married with children, I certainly do not want my family around blacks and I would purposely move to an area of Canada that is black-free.
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Back in the 1970s, my younger blond-haired, blue-eyed 13-year-old sister was raped by three negroes. They were brothers, two in their late teens and one in his early 20s.

She has never fully psychogically recovered from the trauma, and has never married, even though men who would have made good husbands were interested in her. She's in her mid-50s now.

The town and surrounding area where I grew up was at least 96% white at the time and the brothers were from the ONLY negro family within a couple of miles. No one in my family has ever been the victim of a violent white-on-white crime.
Back in the 1970s, my younger blond-haired, blue-eyed 13-year-old sister was raped by three negroes. They were brothers, two in their late teens and one in his early 20s.

She has never fully psychogically recovered from the trauma, and has never married, even though men who would have made good husbands were interested in her. She's in her mid-50s now.

The town and surrounding area where I grew up was at least 96% white at the time and the brothers were from the ONLY negro family within a couple of miles. No one in my family has ever been the victim of a violent white-on-white crime.

Really sorry to hear that. My prayers go out to your sister and your family.

I've never been the victim of black on white crime, though I think the reason for that is strictly location. I've lived on the West Coast my whole life in areas where there simply aren't as many blacks around. It's probably a major reason why so many living here are liberal, simply because they haven't seen firsthand the effect integration has on the city.
Back in the 1970s, my younger blond-haired, blue-eyed 13-year-old sister was raped by three negroes. They were brothers, two in their late teens and one in his early 20s.

She has never fully psychogically recovered from the trauma, and has never married, even though men who would have made good husbands were interested in her. She's in her mid-50s now.

The town and surrounding area where I grew up was at least 96% white at the time and the brothers were from the ONLY negro family within a couple of miles. No one in my family has ever been the victim of a violent white-on-white crime.

Sorry to hear. My heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine how i would feel if my mother had to go through that.
Yes, I've mentioned this before. When I started the 1st grade it was the first year they integrated white schools in my county, by busing blacks in from the other side of the city.

The very first day, I went out to get my jacket. We hung them up in like an open closet just outside the classrooms. When I walked out to get my jacket, there were 2 black kids, one was holding it and I asked for it back and they said no. So I tried to grab it the first time, but I couldn't get it. Then the black kid slung the jacket and it hit my mouth and gave me a busted lip, but I was able to get hold of it and take from them. I started toward them to kick their a$$, but of course, both of them ran from me. Never had anymore trouble with them.

Also, my older brother was always being sent home for fighting blacks in high school. They would gang up on him and try to still money or anything from him, but he was a tough guy and always fought back. He usually had to fight 2 or more, but usually came out pretty good.

The sad part was alot of white kids would stand around and not help him when got into it with blacks.

To this day it still bothers him!
I have been involved in many incidents with blacks but nothing more sickening than the news I found out this morning. One of my best friend's wife got gang raped by a bunch of n*gg*rs this morning, held at gun point IN THE FRENCH QUARTER, 6 of them threw her in a van and dumped into an abandoned building when they were done.

I had to go over there and calm him down because he was ready to just kill any random black person. Luckily I know someone on the force and there are cameras in that area so hopefully this will get solved.

She is doing the sketch on Monday but said how am i going to describe them they all look the same. Truly sickening. I can't imagine what I would do if it were my wife.

This guy was originally anti racist many years ago (we go way back to high school) and would give me grief just for being pro White. Of course over the years his views have changed, especially after this , coming 6 months after his home was raided and he was decked in the face with a gun and had his whole house robbed. They came up behind him right as he was opening his door so didn't have a piece on him. Then the landlord , who is black, kicks him out because the place was ransacked when he collected the rent and he had the police report and everything.

Cowards, need a whole group and a gun for a 100 pound girl that is only in her mid 20's.
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I have been involved in many incidents with blacks but nothing more sickening than the news I found out this morning. One of my best friend's wife got gang raped by a bunch of n*gg*rs this morning, held at gun point IN THE FRENCH QUARTER, 6 of them threw her in a van and dumped into an abandoned building when they were done. I had to go over there and calm him down because he was ready to just kill any random black person. Luckily I know someone on the force and there are cameras in that area so hopefully this will get solved. Truly sickening. I can't imagine what I would do if it were my wife.

Cowards, need a whole group and a gun for a 100 pound girl that is only in her mid 20's.
Two sad stores from the op and your post. Isn't the French Quarter well policed because of the potential loss of tourist dollars? Anyway I can't say much as the Blacks I have interacted with where I grew up were basically Oreo cookies. I do have a hustle story in my drunk and disorderly days where I stumbled out of a cheap apartment with a buddy in a ghetto area of Toronto and tried to purchase alcohol off of a Black street hustler type and lost the 30 bucks for beer that he said he could get off of after hours sellers.

Ps scratch that I have a cousin who was robbed twice and beaten up badly the second time by a bunch of Black thugs in a ghetto part of Toronto. In the second incident his father actually went out with a baseball bat looking for the thugs. If his dad had caught them he would have used the bat as he was a bit of street tough in his youth and nearly joined the USMC during the height of Vietnam when he didn't need to as he wasn't living in the US.
Sad stories. Millions of good people crying in their beds alone at night, night after night. The enemy owned mass media can't spare a word of sympathy for any of them. No follow up stories about them or their loved ones. No crocodile tears for any of them from any of "our" stinking politicians. But a year and a half of constant loving lying coverage for the stinking dead black burglar-home invader-drug pusher trayvon.
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Some sad & sobering stories gentlemen. I never have been "victimized" by any coloreds, but about had to stomp one out.

Twas' about 14 years ago. My wife, folks & I were driving to the other side of metro Atlanta to see some kinfolk. We stopped for gas (en route). My Dad accidently overpumped some gas (which spilt out) & told the (colored) cashier (so some granulars could be put out over the spilt gas, etc.). As my Dad walked away (to the restroom) the groidian cashier cussed him (under his breath). Well, I was in line & heard it (ol' Leroy didn't know Dad was with me). I said "hey boy, watch yer mouth...that's my Dad!". The mug thought he'd call my bluff & said "you might be big, but we can do 'dis" which I responded "bring it boy!" As he started from behind the counter (& I readied to lay into him), his sheboon manager got in front of him & grabbed him. She threaten to call the law (on ME) & I clairified it was her "employee" who'd instigated it all by cursing my Dad. About this time my Dad came out of the jon & told me that the ghettosnipe wasn't worth getting hauled in for and to let it go. Out of respect for my folks, I complied with Dad's wishes so we could get to my cousins place. **I had a much shorter fuse back then & would have jumped the counter (to whoop that *****).... had Dad not been there. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed. ;-)
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Some sad & sobering stories gentlemen. I never have been "victimized" by any coloreds, but about had to stomp one out.

Twas' about 14 years ago. My wife, folks & I were driving to the other side of metro Atlanta to see some kinfolk. We stopped for gas (en route). My Dad accidently overpumped some gas (which spilt out) & told the (colored) cashier (so some granulars could be put out over the spilt gas, etc.). As my Dad walked away (to the restroom) the groidian cashier cussed him (under his breath). Well, I was in line & heard it (ol' Leroy didn't know Dad was with me). I said "hey boy, watch yer mouth...that's my Dad!". The mug thought he'd call my bluff & said "you might be big, but we can do 'dis" which I responded "bring it boy!" As he started from behind the counter (& I readied to lay into him), his sheboon manager got in front of him & grabbed him. She threaten to call the law (on ME) & I clairified it was her "employee" who'd instigated it all by cursing my Dad. About this time my Dad came out of the jon & told me that the ghettosnipe wasn't worth getting hauled in for and to let it go. Out of respect for my folks, I complied with Dad's wishes so we could get to my cousins place. **I had a much shorter fuse back then & would have jumped the counter (to whoop that *****).... had Dad not been there. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed. ;-)

Great story Dixie! Was it "Bad Bad Leroy Brown"?
Two sad stores from the op and your post. Isn't the French Quarter well policed because of the potential loss of tourist dollars?

not as well as you think, the force is understaffed and good cops have gotten suspended because of multiple complaints of simply doing their jobs. Now if it had happened to a tourist I am sure they would be more adamant about catching who did it, but there was a story not so long ago about how this businessman was here for some convention and they found his body dumped in the river, that made the news but I am not sure if they found out who did it. And about 10 minutes away from Bourbon st, walking distance is the Iberville projects. Its not as safe as you think. They won't let you know that because New Orleans main source of income is tourism. Usually they just rob you, but she was robbed and raped. There are cameras all over the quarter, whether it be the city or business, but most of the time they don't even review these for local citizens who have been victims, and I am not sure the quality of the footage and I am sure the criminals know the blind spots. More people get arrested for minor things like disorderly conduct, (A group of us almost got arrested for something like loitering, patted down by horse cops and they found a knife on one of us, when we were in our teens, the guy with the knife got a huge fine) and sent to opp which also houses guys that are in there for a long time, already convicted.

I think this cop I know had like 40+ complaints filed on him in the past 2 years and had to go under review. Blacks saying he would plant evidence if he found drugs on someone and knew it wouldn't stick, then he would put it on a guy with a record but of course the White residents and other White people and cops know the real deal. He works in an area where all they do is stand outside selling drugs, so you pretty much all are all doing something shady standing on street corners all day long, and they are going to take convicted felons complaints that seriously?
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I have been involved in many incidents with blacks but nothing more sickening than the news I found out this morning. One of my best friend's wife got gang raped by a bunch of n*gg*rs this morning, held at gun point IN THE FRENCH QUARTER, 6 of them threw her in a van and dumped into an abandoned building when they were done.

I had to go over there and calm him down because he was ready to just kill any random black person. Luckily I know someone on the force and there are cameras in that area so hopefully this will get solved.

She is doing the sketch on Monday but said how am i going to describe them they all look the same. Truly sickening. I can't imagine what I would do if it were my wife.

This guy was originally anti racist many years ago (we go way back to high school) and would give me grief just for being pro White. Of course over the years his views have changed, especially after this , coming 6 months after his home was raided and he was decked in the face with a gun and had his whole house robbed. They came up behind him right as he was opening his door so didn't have a piece on him. Then the landlord , who is black, kicks him out because the place was ransacked when he collected the rent and he had the police report and everything.

Cowards, need a whole group and a gun for a 100 pound girl that is only in her mid 20's.

I just almost punched a hole in my wall after reading this. I am terribly sorry that your friends wife was targetted by these savages. I hope all of them take their well deserved dirt nap. These type of stories involving these ****** are just too common and our despicable msm wont say a word. It really makes my blood boil.
I went to a pretty much a black school in Allentown, and i've been in numerous fights and never lost, and I have my father to thank for that. When I was young my father got us involvedin wrestling and boxing as young kids. On Easter we used to have brawls for candy. My older brother Jesse was a couple of years older we would wrestle in the backyard and the winner would get all the candy. It helped toughen me up, I think the problem with white kids it they are tough or commited to anything.
Here is a white guy in London being forced to stripe by a black guy, pretty soon this is going to happen in the U.S. and Canada if we don't put a stop to it. I suggest you get your kids involved in sports like MMA, wrestling, football, boxing, cross-fit. Even thing like gymnastics and swimming are great for conditioning. Most of all get them started early, and make sure they're aware of the caste-system.
Good testimony (above) Hawkeye. I fully agree about keeping kids involved in athletics, teaching them street smarts & the truth about cultural marxism (...& its caste system). I take that approach with my young'erns...whilst giving them a traditional/old time, Godly/Biblical based foundation of morals & values. :)
I just almost punched a hole in my wall after reading this. I am terribly sorry that your friends wife was targetted by these savages. I hope all of them take their well deserved dirt nap. These type of stories involving these ****** are just too common and our despicable msm wont say a word. It really makes my blood boil.
yeah I wanted to do more than that but I had to be the calm one when I saw him. It truly is sickening. I am hoping justice will be served on this. Hopefully the cameras got them, even then it will be hard to find them. However, I think the cops should put an undercover female cop in the same area, its probably the same group that preys on White women, its definitely not an isolated incident, and if its not the same group then they just catch another group of ****** as there are tons of them doing this kind of sick crap.
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