Anybody ever hear of Coral Eugene Watts?


Apr 13, 2005
When I heard that he had died in a Michigan prison last weekend (of prostate cancer), I myself had forgotten Watts, a black serial killer who had admitted to killing 80 women, but have killed many, many more.

Andy Kahan, a victim's rights advocate in Houston where many of his victims were, had this to say about Watts:

"What's amazing to me is everybody in America has heard of a Ted Bundy, a John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer. But when you mention the name of Coral Eugene Watts, 99.99 percent of the public has no clue who you're talking about."

As far as I know, all of Watt's victims were white women. If not all, certainly the majority of them were white. He told cops he targeted women with "evil eyes."
Yes I heard of this whacko. I think he murdered people all over the country. For the amount of killings he has confessed to he is not nearly as infamous as he should be.
It is entirely possible that all of his victims were White - I know of several sources (including the notoriously anti-White, liberal Wikipedia) that state that "most" or the "great majority" of his victims were White; one mentions that he "crossed racial lines", almost with sick glee.

Not surprisingly, most souces refuse to mention the race of the victims of this monstrosity; what a shock...

Thank you Bronk for bringing this up; it is important that we never forget these crimes, and that we remember that filth like this are a constant peril (Watts would travel great distances to murder women, often to suburbs and other areas).

Speaking of evil and the continued genocide of the White Race - we all hear how the Jena 6 are victims of evil White oppression...while this actual, vile crime remains buried. May - somehow, some way - the perps who did this die painfully and slowly. God knows the state won't give them what they deserve.Edited by: son_of_Radovan
It is claimed, that at least one of his victims was black. However, several police investigators and others dispute this and say the cops are retroactively tying Watts to some unsolved cases to clear them.

Several cops in the Houston area have noted the racial angle in the Watts' murders.
This topic also brings back memories of the zebra killings in San Francisco when many Whites were slaughtered.Much good info at

Also,it is being reported that Mychal Bell of Jena 6 fame has been released on bail,the amount $45,000Edited by: LabMan

Finally, a man with a stupider first name than me.
Lance Alworth said:
yanling said:

Finally, a man with a stupider first name than me.

Why is Yan (assuming thats your first name) be stupid? Its a Chinese name. There is nothing wrong with it

I know there isn't anything wrong with it; I was just being facetious. I'm actually sort of proud of it, though I do admit some kids poked fun at it when I was younger.
If I were you I would be proud of it. It's better than a sellout western name. A first generation ethnic Chinese American with a biblical name is rather sad to me. Now if you were a descendant of one of the railroad workers and had a Chinese name I would think your parents had issues with North American culture..
Watts' trial was covered on Court TV several years ago. He is well-known to people who study the Crime News, but not like Ted Bundy.
What an evil career! And no, I have never heard of him.

But not suprised that he is not played up as much as Bundy, et. al.
Could u guys just imagine the press coverage had he been a white guy who had 80 black women victims? It would have been beyond reality.
One of the reasons posited for his lack of publicity is that Watts killed without a sex motive and did not rape his victims.

I have no doubt that is PART of the reason but his race also plays a role in his anonymity.
Court TV is showing a one hour special on Watts right now. It will be repeated early Sat. morning at 3am ET, and again at 3pm ET Saturday afternoon October 27.
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