When discussing the Jewish question, freedom of speech is is not tolerated.If one dares to shine the light of truth, he will be labelled as ahater, Nazi, Anti-Semite, and then systematically destroyed.
[url]http://media.www.daily49er.com/media/storage/paper1042/news/ 2008/02/07/News/Psychology.Department.To.Issue.Statement.On. Professors.Controversial.Literature-3194393.shtml [/url]
<H4>Staff and faculty are worried that psychology professor Kevin MacDonald's work has anti-Semitic and racist overtones.
<DIV id=>
Issue date: 2/7/08
The Cal State Long Beach Psychology Department has recently initiated new plans to
disassociate itself from controversial psychology professor Kevin MacDonald.
The department is currently considering publishing a statement to confirm its disassociation from
MacDonald, with his research and writings on Judaism continuing to garner controversy and be used by publications considered to publicize neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.
MacDonald's three-part series in evolutionary psychology, "A People That Shall Dwell Alone," "Separation and Its Discontents" and "The Culture of Critique," was labelled as
anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi propaganda in late 2006.
The labels came from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a civil rights organization based in Montgomery, Ala., that tracks hate groups. The organization sent a representative to CSULB to interview students and faculty members about MacDonald's work in November of 2006...