Anti-Christian "American Dad"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More crapola from that jewry enabled, leftist POS Seth McFarlane. That overexposed hack gets on my last nerve. He and his rootless cosmopolitan pals (Zuckerman, Borstein, Seth Green, Kunis) trot out the anti-Christian, pro-sodomite, anti-White man filth pitched as "humor"...

Worst TV Show of the Week - American Dad on Fox

Brought to you by the Parents Television Council

In the promo for the holiday episode of American Dad, the announcer states, "Joy to the World? Not gonna happen here."Â￾ Honestly, would anyone expect anything less from Fox? When it comes to the true meaning of Christmas, Seth MacFarlane would be the last person to call. But it's one thing to secularize the holiday; it's another matter entirely to deliberately offend the people that celebrate it and demean their religious beliefs, which is exactly what the episode did. For strong sexual situations, extreme violence, and offensive religious content American Dad has been named worst Worst TV Show of the Week.

It is Christmas morning at the Smith household, and Stan hurries the family to get to church on time. But when he sees what Francine is wearing (a modest pink dress), he chides her: "I can't take you to God's house like that. I can see your calves. You look like a two-dollar whore."Â￾ Roger, on the other hand, looks like he just stepped off the set of Little House on the Prairie. Stan compliments him: "See, at least Roger shows the proper respect for this holiest of days."Â￾

Roger replies, "Oh, I love your religion for the crazy. Virgin birth, water into wine"¦it's like Harry Potter -- but it causes genocide and bad folk music."Â￾

Once Stan pulls into the parking lot, he's upset by all the "fair-weather Christians who only show up on Christmas and Easter."Â￾

Roger quips, "I hope I haven't missed the part where the three Chinese guys give perfume to the star baby. It's like the diaries of a madman."Â￾

Stan can't find a seat inside the church, so what does he and Francine do? What else? They have sex inside the janitor's closet. (Don't even bother trying to comprehend how this makes any sense at all). Apparently, nothing makes Francine more randy than a standing-room-only religious service.

"Francine, we can't do this in the house of the Lord,"Â￾ Stan points out, "This is wrong."Â￾

Francine coos, "Then I've been naughty and you'll have to put a big piece of coal in my stocking."Â￾

"Damn your clumsy Christmas-sex metaphors,"Â￾ Stan utters as he lunges at Francine.

When Stan and Francine finish their session in the closet, they discover that the church is empty. They've missed the Rapture and longingly watch everyone else ascend, naked, toward heaven. But Roger is looking at something else: "Oh my God,"Â￾ he shouts, "the homeless guy from the bus station is hung! But I knew that."Â￾

Eventually, Jesus returns to earth to wage Armageddon against the Anti-Christ's demon-army. Stan corners Jesus at one of his events and begs to be Raptured, blaming Francine for the whole "sex in church"Â￾ thing. He pleads, "Don't let HER moral failings screw ME out of Paradise!"Â￾ Enraged that Stan would so willingly abandon her, Francine leaves him. She quickly meets a charming man at a nearby coffee shop. Meanwhile, Jesus escorts Stan to a back alley, where he tells Stan to undress. Stan is under the impression that his clothes would fall off magically when he is Raptured. When Jesus drops his trousers and exposes his genitalia, Stan realizes that the guy isn't really Jesus. The real Jesus is hitting on Francine at the coffee shop, where asks Francine to be his girlfriend.

Flashforward seven years. The world is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Jesus needs Stan's help to save Francine, who has been captured by the Anti-Christ. In this sequence, Jesus has been reduced to a pun-uttering, B-movie action hero who violently kills demons with deadly-sharp crucifixes.

While the other broadcast networks at least attempt to program family-friendly fare that explores the true meaning of Christmas, Fox seems hell-bent on demeaning Christmas. In fact, American Dad has made a "tradition" of skewering the holidays with past Christmas episodes that involve killing Jane Fonda and a "Christmas rapist." For continually trashing religious beliefs through vulgar, sexual and violent content American Dad definitely deserves to be named Worst TV Show of the Week.

***Reference article...
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
This is just wild stuff that the writers come up with. This is nothing to be outraged over, it's just the way they get kicks. They actually do these things to get groups upset, and are happy when they get the job done. That's why they say all sorts of slanderous things about various celebrities, and do "unconventional" things like approving of the most wicked things like child rape and drunk driving, because they know there are strong groups opposed to it. That's why I don't get all up in arms when they do something that's anti-Christian.

Remember, they also say some terrible things about Muslims and Jews. At least they always show Jesus himself as a pretty cool guy.
This is why I haven't owned a tv in years. I must admit that tv hadn't deteriorated to this point when I got rid of mine.

Tom Iron...
ES, I understand their schtick (similar to that crappy South Park), but that MacFarlane jack@$$ grades on my nerves. I'd like to serve the sumb-tch a nice knuckle sandwich!

RSLB & Tom Iron, very good points gentlemen.
We'd ALL do well to get rid of the "electronic rabbi". If not for my kids, I'd probably scrap the SheepleVision. They don't watch a ton of it & we monitor what they watch. I do enjoy MMA & football, but the negative crap outweighs the "good" pretty heavily.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Ever since, we turn digital, I can't get my TV to work. I am not sure I want it to work. I am not missing television at all.
I watched this American Dad show last night and was INSULTED buy the anti-Christan message and blatant hate andslander ofChristianity. I will put a boycott together to tell the advertisers how I and all the churches in America feel and all the members. Lets see if Chevy advertises your show, or any other company that cares about 87% of American consumers that go to Church and ProfessChristianity. Why dont you insult theMuslimsyou chickens, because they will come over here and bomb you or shoot you, so you wont. LETS cuttheirpockets and Boycott the advertisers.
Electric Slide said:
This is just wild stuff that the writers come up with. This is nothing to be outraged over, it's just the way they get kicks. They actually do these things to get groups upset, and are happy when they get the job done. That's why they say all sorts of slanderous things about various celebrities, and do "unconventional" things like approving of the most wicked things like child rape and drunk driving, because they know there are strong groups opposed to it. That's why I don't get all up in arms when they do something that's anti-Christian.

Remember, they also say some terrible things about Muslims and Jews. At least they always show Jesus himself as a pretty cool guy.

That's partially true, but if it were completely true then why don't they ridicule the Holohoax or other Jewish sacred cows? No matter how disgusting and line-pushing the media, tv, and Hollywood gets they never offend the Jew.
Hey guy's I got rid of cable television way back in 1994 for this reason.

I couldn't take the BS any longer, and to think that I was paying for it. What was I thinking? This is sickening, but not surprising, at all! The Jews in the media salivate at the chance to mock Christ at every turn, this is simply an example of this. The fact that they don't mock Judaism is proof positive that they're the ones responsible for it, IMO.

I get two channels via a homemade antenna. ABC and PBS is all that I've gotten in the last 16 years.

I rarely watch either, as I get my news from the computer now.

TV=Talmud Vision! After all the call it PROGRAMMING for a reason.
Scorcese's Boardwalk Empireis astonishingly un P.C. In the pilot, one of the gangsters, a deceitful Jew â€" Sam Rothstein â€" deceives Steve Buscemi's character over a bootlegging arrangement. During a private meeting, the mayor of Chicago degrades Rothstein and then hands Buscemi a copy of <B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Henry Ford's "The International Jew."Â￾ <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>[/B]Edited by: Alpha Male
Kaptain said:
Electric Slide said:
This is just wild stuff that the writers come up with. This is nothing to be outraged over, it's just the way they get kicks. They actually do these things to get groups upset, and are happy when they get the job done. That's why they say all sorts of slanderous things about various celebrities, and do "unconventional" things like approving of the most wicked things like child rape and drunk driving, because they know there are strong groups opposed to it. That's why I don't get all up in arms when they do something that's anti-Christian.

Remember, they also say some terrible things about Muslims and Jews. At least they always show Jesus himself as a pretty cool guy.

That's partially true, but if it were completely true then why don't they ridicule the Holohoax or other Jewish sacred cows? No matter how disgusting and line-pushing the media, tv, and Hollywood gets they never offend the Jew.

...because Hollyweird IS der jude.
American Dad recently had a rare honest look at how much black women hate and resent the more beautiful white women -- with the black jealous one throwing acid on the white one's face, telling her she was doing it because she was so "fine."
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