Another terrorist attack in France

Icsept, Is this your idea of a joke every time something awful happens? If it is, go away and don't come back.
It's not a joke. It is my opinion based on years of research. I understand that it is a minority viewpoint. I feel compelled to at least put the idea that we are being hoaxed into everyone's consciousness. I won't comment further on this thread.
Sunni Muslims are cowards without honor. They target the unsuspecting and helpless, including little children.

I guess if icsept was among those getting run over yesterday he would still deny it happened til the last of his entrails were spilled out.
Those who are in denial about terrorism are more dangerous than the terrorists themselves.
I'm skeptical of some of these events, as I've posted in other threads. Not this one, but I will certainly look at any videos or other evidence offered that the event didn't happen on the scale the media says it did. I understand that emotions run strong, but we need to post civilly. If some of these are hoaxes, what then does that mean? At the very least that crimes of a colossal nature are being perpetrated not just on the people of individual countries but on the entire world. If icsept doubts the official version of this particular event it's not because he's cold-blooded, but rather is concerned about the agenda that he thinks is being pursued.

There are a lot of people who doubt the official version of 9/11. Does that mean they are uncaring about the people who died that day? And if higher-ups can lie about the perps of 9/11 and how it happened, then they'll lie about anything else. I'm surprised that some here, who are always so critical of those who traditionally have been accused of promoting the Big Lie, never doubt any detail the media gives of certain events. There's nothing wrong with having eyes wide open when it comes to anything the media says. In the current times, divide and conquer strategies, including the manipulation of "news events," are being pursued more devilishly than ever.

If you disagree with someone, defeat them with better logic, not with denunciations.
Some of the higherups in the French government have said they will "defeat the jihadis". Hm, I dont think so. The problem in France's case is that the terrorism is coming from within its borders. Pledging to fight an overseas war with ISIS doesn't seem to make any sense since the problems are coming from within. They'd be better off addressing their own population.

France has anywhere from 7-20% of its population as Muslims, mainly Arabs from North Africa. And this % is growing every year. Jihadism is a problem that will always persist in France and by all accounts that is the fault of the French people themselves.

Through their notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity the French have effectively sold their own nation to foreigners (Arabs mainly but also Black Africans). Its really that simple.

Now these French leftists are reaping what they sow and we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Sorry, its a nation of blow hard liberals, established wiggers and relentless feminists.

There is much to respect about European nations such as Russia, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Scotland even England. But France have always been a nation of poofters and raging leftists. I dont feel sorry for them. They were the ones who gave their own nation away. And to be honest its too far gone now for the Frenchman to have his country back.
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Some of the higherups in the French government have said they will "defeat the jihadis". Hm, I dont think so. The problem in France's case is that the terrorism is coming from within its borders. Pledging to fight an overseas war with ISIS doesn't seem to make any sense since the problems are coming from within. They'd be better off addressing their own population.

France has anywhere from 7-20% of its population as Muslims, mainly Arabs from North Africa. And this % is growing every year. Jihadism is a problem that will always persist in France and by all accounts that is the fault of the French people themselves.

Through their notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity the French have effectively sold their own nation to foreigners (Arabs mainly but also Black Africans). Its really that simple.

Now these French leftists are reaping what they sow and we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Sorry, its a nation of blow hard liberals, established wiggers and relentless feminists.

There is much to respect about European nations such as Russia, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Scotland even England. But France have always been a nation of poofters and raging leftists. I dont feel sorry for them. They were the ones who gave their own nation away. And to be honest its too far gone now for the Frenchman to have his country back.

are you some kind of expert on french culture or culture in general, to say things this extreme, like saying that all french people deserve to die?
and what you said about france could be said about any white country
are you some kind of expert on french culture or culture in general, to say things this extreme, like saying that all french people deserve to die?
and what you said about france could be said about any white country

Well, actually I am well acquainted with French people because I have lived in Montreal for years and I (through my family) also own land in Quebec.

Even here in Canada, Toronto and Montreal in particular are hot beds of leftism. French kids in Quebec are always going on and on about womens rights. And the white French have clashed with Muslim immigrants here in Quebec mostly over gay rights and womens rights. And many of the "heroes" in Quebec are Black Frenchmen from Haiti. Just like how in France your soccer team is filled with Blacks. Its disgusting. Have some pride in your own race, which the French never seem to have. Their support of all things liberal is disgusting.

Im not saying that anyone deserves to die.
Im merely pointing out that the actions of French people themselves have contributed to their problems. Id say a good 90%+ of ethnic White French are hardcore leftists. These are not the people we should be supporting instead we should focus our concern on more worthy people (Eastern, Central, some Western Euros).

It really is counterproductive for a site like this to be supporting or trying to help established liberals.
Now these French leftists are reaping what they sow and we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Sorry, its a nation of blow hard liberals, established wiggers and relentless feminists.

Wrong. French leftists are making excuses for their Muslim allies just like American leftists always protect blacks. The French left wing media covered up how brutal the treatment of hostages was at the Bataclan and they regular refuse to cover Muslim/black criminality. The dead in Nice were innocent normal white people in one of the most conservative parts of France. The left and Muslims (and Jews) are on the same side. They both hate white Western civilisation more than anything else. They may only be temporary allies - though I'm not so sure about that - but they are both enemies.
At the end of the day it is organized leftists reaping what they sow in France.

Its hard to argue with that because its the truth and the French willfully destroyed their own national identity and handed their country over to foreigners so what do you expect? This is a nation that promotes Negro heroes in all walks of life (sports, business, arts), multiculturalism, and equality across the board (racial, gender, orientation). The French have always been at the forefront of progressivism perhaps more so than any other country including USA or Scandinavian nations.

Cant say I feel bad or sorry about what happened to them. The truth is it is a deserved outcome based on their national policies. Just hope that the rest of Europe is intelligent enough to spot the warning and to see it for what it is and avoid the same trap.
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I'm skeptical of some of these events, as I've posted in other threads. Not this one, but I will certainly look at any videos or other evidence offered that the event didn't happen on the scale the media says it did. I understand that emotions run strong, but we need to post civilly. If some of these are hoaxes, what then does that mean? At the very least that crimes of a colossal nature are being perpetrated not just on the people of individual countries but on the entire world. If icsept doubts the official version of this particular event it's not because he's cold-blooded, but rather is concerned about the agenda that he thinks is being pursued.

There are a lot of people who doubt the official version of 9/11. Does that mean they are uncaring about the people who died that day? And if higher-ups can lie about the perps of 9/11 and how it happened, then they'll lie about anything else. I'm surprised that some here, who are always so critical of those who traditionally have been accused of promoting the Big Lie, never doubt any detail the media gives of certain events. There's nothing wrong with having eyes wide open when it comes to anything the media says. In the current times, divide and conquer strategies, including the manipulation of "news events," are being pursued more devilishly than ever.

If you disagree with someone, defeat them with better logic, not with denunciations.

The video footage posted above and various others online that are even more graphic are evident enough for any person who adheres to logic. Is anyone, ANYONE going to dispute the various graphic footage of this particular event? People who will deny the fact that this happened are in a pathetic mindset.
If that shoe doesn't fit anyone reading this post then don't wear it.
I'm skeptical of some of these events, as I've posted in other threads. Not this one, but I will certainly look at any videos or other evidence offered that the event didn't happen on the scale the media says it did. I understand that emotions run strong, but we need to post civilly. If some of these are hoaxes, what then does that mean? At the very least that crimes of a colossal nature are being perpetrated not just on the people of individual countries but on the entire world. If icsept doubts the official version of this particular event it's not because he's cold-blooded, but rather is concerned about the agenda that he thinks is being pursued.

There are a lot of people who doubt the official version of 9/11. Does that mean they are uncaring about the people who died that day? And if higher-ups can lie about the perps of 9/11 and how it happened, then they'll lie about anything else. I'm surprised that some here, who are always so critical of those who traditionally have been accused of promoting the Big Lie, never doubt any detail the media gives of certain events. There's nothing wrong with having eyes wide open when it comes to anything the media says. In the current times, divide and conquer strategies, including the manipulation of "news events," are being pursued more devilishly than ever.

If you disagree with someone, defeat them with better logic, not with denunciations.
And it's not like all "false flags" fit the same template, as if everthing is completely scripted and all the deaths are fake or false. In some cases, most notably, Sandy Hook, that is the case.

The (((PTB))) could care less about the deaths of goyims. The (((Deep State))) has an endless supply of "wind-up toy soldiers" to carry out whatever they need them to do, whenever they need to do it, under the guise of "terrorism" or whatever else suits their ultimate end-game.

So, with that fact being established, I could certainly conclude that, although many people most likely suffered terrible or tragic deaths (or deaths of close family members) in this particular event, the underlying reason may be far different than that being reported by the (((media))).

The fact that this happened on the last day of the "Emergency Powers Act" (or whatever it was called), and that policy has since been re-instated, and that Hollande immediately announced increased military action in Syria and Iraq to take on "ISIS" (a ruse to really depose the democratically-elected leader of Syria - Assad), makes me suspect of the true motivation or reason behind this tragic event.
Heretic, you make a very good point regarding the distinction between whether something actually did happen vs whether it happened as reported by the media. A healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing and I personally don't believe anything coming out the vermin in the MSM in the first place.

There's no doubt that dozens of people were killed and wounded in this horrific attack in Nice. They are not crisis actors lying on asphalt where the "make-up artists didn't even do a good enough job" as insanely claimed by the poster
icsept. Anyone who believes that needs help.
A question kept getting asked in various reports, why does France keep getting attacked? The answer is simple, too many freaking Muslims and a worthless government selling its people out. It's a complete failure of diversity and multiculturalism, but the politically correct idiots and leftist scum in France won't admit it. As long as that's the case, the attacks will keep happening.

One thing is for sure. Facebook profile updates and candlelight vigils sure as hell ain't going to fix this mess. The fighting spirit has been completely taken out of white people in the West.
Just hours before the attack, Hollande said populism is the real threat

Yeah, perhaps to his regime, but not to the (real) French citizens. Populism is the solution to France's real problems.

Looking back at the past 40-50 years, the problems in the West started with all of the welfare and unions that the Left used as bait to obtain the support of the then, nearly all-White, all-Christian populace. Originally, much of this populace were culturally-conservative, but just wanted fairer labor laws and economic opportunities. After this populace became dependent on this welfare, and their unions, the Left then started to fold in their cultural agenda as part of their platform...feminism, mass immigration, LGBT "rights", etc., stances that the original populace were opposed to but looked the other way so they could continue to reap their perceived economic benefit.

That's how I see it, at least; and once you can define the problem, the solution is relatively simple, but just difficult to implement.
Just hours before the attack, Hollande said populism is the real threat

Yeah, perhaps to his regime, but not to the (real) French citizens. Populism is the solution to France's real problems.

Looking back at the past 40-50 years, the problems in the West started with all of the welfare and unions that the Left used as bait to obtain the support of the then, nearly all-White, all-Christian populace. Originally, much of this populace were culturally-conservative, but just wanted fairer labor laws and economic opportunities. After this populace became dependent on this welfare, and their unions, the Left then started to fold in their cultural agenda as part of their platform...feminism, mass immigration, LGBT "rights", etc., stances that the original populace were opposed to but looked the other way so they could continue to reap their perceived economic benefit.

That's how I see it, at least; and once you can define the problem, the solution is relatively simple, but just difficult to implement.

Excellent post. The communists have found that race and gender warfare is far more effective than class warfare, particularly in the U.S. where traditional socialist and communist class-based propaganda never found a strong foothold.

Building up hatred and fear of Muslims makes it easier to rationalize a totalitarian surveillance/police state rather than doing the logical thing and deporting them and barring further immigration from Muslim countries. It also diverts attention from (((them))) and also makes it that much tougher for populists and nationalists to organize and actually take power from the enablers of the forces that have subverted all Western countries.
Looks like the gutless French government suppressed reports of brutal torture during the muzzie attack on Bataclan. If the French had any nards, they'd be running the heathen w0gs out of their land (by hook or crook). The French who stormed the Bastille would have burnt down every Godless mosque in the land (had they let any be built to begin with).

an important thing worth noting about mosques is that france is supposed to be secular so public money can't be used to build churches or mosques
yet the leftists (=all the parties in france) financed mosques with public money
it is obviously an illegal thing to do but the leftists are so powerful that they get away with it
there is nobody to call them out on that because everybody in politics and in the media is a leftist
nothing is going to happen in france with politics
france right now is the defeinition of an oligarchy
in other countries i believe that politicians can come from many different backgrounds for example
in france most politicans come from the very same school
they are all taught the same things
basically they are all the same
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