Another great post by Paul Kersey of Stuff Black People Don't Like on football and race

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
that's a good piece.

i think it'd be nice if he gave credit to Caste Football, though, since this site is the only site on the internet that has compiled the information that he uses in it. i guess he could've have researched all of that stuff on his own, but i know for a fact that all of the players' quotes and other assorted tidbits that he referenced in the column have been posted and discussed here at CF.

all in all, i'm happy the message is spreading. it's obvious that CF, under Don's leadership, is making a difference ... even if it's one savvy web user at a time.
Dec 18, 2004
that's a good piece.

i think it'd be nice if he gave credit to Caste Football, though, since this site is the only site on the internet that has compiled the information that he uses in it. i guess he could've have researched all of that stuff on his own, but i know for a fact that all of the players' quotes and other assorted tidbits that he referenced in the column have been posted and discussed here at CF.

all in all, i'm happy the message is spreading. it's obvious that CF, under Don's leadership, is making a difference ... even if it's one savvy web user at a time.

For the most part, Kersey does his own research. I've exchanged several emails with him and suggested books and articles he would find useful.

He is extremely well-versed on the historical side of football. You don't always find this in someone born in 1984.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The article is posted on the CF homepage. It would be helpful to the cause if more than just a very few CFers would write comments after the posted articles, and also write articles for the homepage.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
For the most part, Kersey does his own research. I've exchanged several emails with him and suggested books and articles he would find useful.

He is extremely well-versed on the historical side of football. You don't always find this in someone born in 1984.

That may be, but I'm surprised that he used slightly outdated info regarding White sprinters very early in his article. Christophe Lemaitre is now within the top 200 and poised to jump into the top 100 with a 9.88 run.

I'm a little surprised that Kersey has emailed you, sport historian. I couldn't get him to respond to a question I had for him a while back.

CF is a clearinghouse for info like what Kersey is using, and even if he does cite another "original" sources in his articles, he undoubtedly owes a debt of gratitude to CF, as do all of us. I too would like to see him give CF credit a little more often than he does, but I am glad that more people are posting such info online. I personally believe that Kersey is trying to maintain an image for his site that requires the use of multiple citations of original sources. Not a bad thing, but it does seem off-putting at times that he neglects to mention things that he is very likely to have found *through* CF.

One thing I don't agree with is the assertion that all or most of the change to black WRs and DBs resulted from the rules change of 1978. It was changing way before then.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
That may be, but I'm surprised that he used slightly outdated info regarding White sprinters very early in his article. Christophe Lemaitre is now within the top 200 and poised to jump into the top 100 with a 9.88 run.

I'm a little surprised that Kersey has emailed you, sport historian. I couldn't get him to respond to a question I had for him a while back.

CF is a clearinghouse for info like what Kersey is using, and even if he does cite another "original" source in his articles, he undoubtedly owes a debt of gratitude to CF, as do all of us. I too would like to see him give CF credit a little more often than he does, but I am glad that more people are posting such info online. I personally believe that Kersey is trying to maintain an image for his site that requires the use of multiple citations of original sources. Not a bad thing, but it does seem off-putting at times that he neglects to mention things that he is very likely to have found *through* CF.

One thing I don't agree with is the assertion that all or most of the change to black WRs and DBs resulted from the rules change of 1978. It was changing way before then.

I second what the Col has to say. It's obvious that some of his stuff is either cribbed or inspired by CF. But that is not to say that he isn't doing great stuff and I applaud him for it. He has given some credit to CF and his articles are appearing on the front page so I guess he doesn't have to give a 'shout out' each time but some props are to be expected.


I'm a regular visitor to his site and I like to post in the comments section. One of my main problems with it is that any discussion of the Tribe is strictly forbidden.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Lew, you provided some evidence that goes along with a thought I've had about Kersey for a while. That is, he tries to toe the line of being considered "respectable" to some degree by the rest of the online world. Granted, he covers a lot of the same bases we do here, but we've seen time and time again that it does one no good to try to limit discussion when it comes to "God's chosen." If you appear to support Whites in any way, you will be taken to task for it. Unfortunately, this a lesson that some folks have yet to learn.
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I saw those inaccuracies as well, Colonel. I would have thought Lemaitre already ran a top 100 all time 100m time with his 9.92 but I guess I was wrong. I believe this article was written several years ago as I could have sworn reading something very similar.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
So what? It's his site.

I think a little more then 'so what? it's his site' is warrented in response. It's much simpler to admit that eliminating that topic prevents endless posting wars on the subject. I've seen several sites where that topic has disrupted the site so much that the operator or members have just given up. We've had some of that here and there is no good way around the issue.

He seems to write a LOT of material so he can't be policing each and every post to prevent the inevitable wars that will result.

Also, to be frank, it helps him get on other sites like Vdare and Amren, and covered by Steve Sailer etc. Notice how little attention they give to this site in comparison for writing something similar years ago.

White Men Can Run
by J. B. Cash

(11/16/05) A remarkable occurrence happened last Sunday in the NFL. A white running back received the majority of his team's carries out of the backfield and was a major factor in his team's subsequent victory. Heath Evans of the New England Patriots, rushed 17 times for 84 yards (a 4.9 average) and also caught 3 passes for 18 yards, and also ran in a critical 2-point conversion.

Those are not staggering numbers but consider the circumstances. A white man gets 17 carries in an NFL game about as often as a solar eclipse occurs. When it happens it is always under the same circumstances. A succession of black running backs have to be suddenly injured or suspended with little time for the team to scrape up another black scrub to replace the others.

What makes the story all the more compelling is that Heath Evans was recently released by the Dolphin team he played against. He was signed the week before by the Patriots, practiced with them, and then got the call when the other backs became injured.

Heath Evans has toiled in obscurity for nearly his entire NFL career. He has followed the all too familiar, and depressing, career path of a white running back in this prolonged racially segregated era of professional football. He was a stand-out talent as a running fullback at Auburn. Although he did not get many carries while playing in a pass oriented offense he did lead the team in rushing yards one year.

The pros saw Evans and pictured him as the only type of white running back allowed in the pro game: the blocking fullback. Yes, a strong, fast, agile running machine like Heath Evans has only one place in the NFL of the new millennium: blocking for a succession of black running backs, some of them half the player he is.

The history of the NFL is full of rugged, hard running, white runners that carried their teams to championships. John Riggins, Mark Van Eaghen, Larry Csonka, Marv Hubbard, Jim Otis, and Ed Podalak are just some of them. But nowadays there is only one spot reserved for a white player in the backfield: quarterback, and that is starting to disappear too.

The NFL will allow big, bulky, black runners to play important roles for their teams. Jerome Bettis, Duce Staley, and Ron Dayne come to mind, but even the white players that could fill those roles are rarely given the ball and told to run with it. Mike Alstott, Rob Konrad, Brad Hoover, Dan Kreider, and Marc Edwards, are some of the recent players that had running talent but were the wrong skin color.

Heath Evans has been in the NFL for 4 years and in this one game he gained more yards than in any of his full seasons. This would seem like the kind of feel-good story that the news/sports media loves. Here is a player, a career bench rider, gets cut from his team, signs with another one, then immediately comes in and plays against the team he was cut by and has the game of his career. Wow! You can't make stuff like that up.

Imagine if it was a black player at a position that is not "black enough" for the media, like quarterback. A career back-up, gets cut, plays against his old team and leads them to victory. Think the media would have played it up? You bet!

So what did they have to say about Heath Evans' memorable effort? The AP had this to say in its post game wrap-up:

"With no running back, a Saban castoff at fullback and reserves at three other offensive positions, Belichick and the injury-riddled New England Patriots still beat Saban's Miami Dolphins 23-16 Sunday."

So Heath Evans, not mentioned by name, isn't even considered a running back when he played tailback the entire game, he's still a "fullback," and a "Saban castoff" at that. Yahoo! Sports listed the game's top performer for the Patriots as Ben Watson, a tight end who caught 3 passes for 37 yards.

Of course the media would be reluctant to play up Heath Evans' story. They continue to stick their head in the sand concerning the NFL's racial imbalance. If they pointed out Evans' success all kinds of things might go wrong. The fans might ask why there aren't more Heath Evans type players and more opportunities for those types of players.

Also, since Evans will be shunted back to the bench and back to obscurity it is best not to remind people that it happened. White running backs occasionally get an opportunity and after they excel they disappear. It happened to Brock Forsey, it happened to Brad Hoover, and a couple of times to Mike Alstott. If white players would bitch and play the race card like so many blacks do every time they feel they are mistreated then the door might open a bit for other white players. Apparently though the NFL only chooses a certain type of white player, one who doesn't say anything about racial inequities in exchange for a roster spot.

Another reason why the media has no interest in the Heath Evans story is the possible repercussions that would ensue if any discussion about specific racial qualities were brought up. Black people and their media apologists cry like stuck pigs whenever they are complimented on blacks' athletic ability because they are worried that any mention of a specific racial trait may bring up the subject of poor IQ test scores.

Plus the sports media does not want to talk about race. Not just because of their agenda but because talking about it in any way covertly, openly, honestly or frankly, usually means someone is going to get fired. Better for them to ignore it completely.

And finally, the main reason the media will not feature a story like this is because it's a case of success for someone mainly because they are white. Thus it is a source of pride for white people as a race. The media does not want to acknowledge that white people have a racial identity. So they cannot feature an instance of success that is memorable because it is a success based on the whiteness of the person in question.

Yes, the media will feature a hundred stories a week about some non-white doing something noteworthy only because the person doing it is non-white. Those stories are reported merely so those people can experience a measure of pride in their racial heritage. But they will never, ever, do it for a white person because that might indicate that white people are allowed to be proud of their race too.

While that may be a taboo at nearly every other place in the electronic media, the print media, and the internet, it is NOT the case here at Caste Football. We are proud of our heritage and our people. We are proud of the excellent play of Heath Evans, we wish him further success and hope to see more of our young men getting these opportunities and experiencing the same success. We will be here to cheer them on even if no one else has the courage and the decency to do so.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I saw those inaccuracies as well, Colonel. I would have thought Lemaitre already ran a top 100 all time 100m time with his 9.92 but I guess I was wrong. I believe this article was written several years ago as I could have sworn reading something very similar.

Yeah, the article is over 3 years old.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South is a site with the alltime list of track performances. Lemaitre's pb is just outside the top 100 of alltime. He is on the list for his 200 meter performance.....

white is right, that is the site I checked earlier today to verify what I already knew about CL. I believe he will break into the top 100 next year, when he runs a 9.88 or better.
Dec 18, 2004
In the emails we exchanged, Kersey told me he had articles on Auburn and Alabama in the works. He also is writing a book on college football in black and white. The research Kersey has done on these topics is way beyond what has been on CF.

A book I suggested to him is "Football My Way," by Joe Paterno. This is a book Paterno put out in 1971. Even then he was courting media favor.


Nov 25, 2004
I tried to log in to the home page to comment for the first time and apparently my username and password is invalid on that page. Do we have to register separately for the home page and discussion forum? Anybody?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I tried to log in to the home page to comment for the first time and apparently my username and password is invalid on that page. Do we have to register separately for the home page and discussion forum? Anybody?

Yes. You do have to register again.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
It's of course excellent that anyone is going to go to bat on behalf of the anti-caste cause; anything that brings greater awareness to anti-White bias that's going on today is a positive for White people as a group.

If all of his research is indeed his own, and independent of CF, then that's great...

But if he is cadging material, even in a minor way, from CF, it would be better for him to attribute it to D. Wassall's site, not merely because of social graces, but also because it brings even more awareness to the anti-caste fight.

I think the caste system is going to eventually topple with or without SBPDL's direct support of CF; if CF indeed doesn't get that support it's just indicative of the fact that different people have different ideas about what constitutes "victory" against Caste America.

But in a meaningful way Whites will win, one way or another.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
This passage by Kersey is looking outdated:

Ask Austin Collie of the Indianapolis Colts, who excelled at Brigham Young University as a receiver. BYU is known for having great quarterbacks who throw to primarily white Mormon receivers, and Collie is easily the best receiver the school has ever produced.

Perhaps his success is fueled partly because he had a good support system at BYU, instead of being constantly ridiculed by his teammates for being a "slow, white receiver." Because BYU actually recruits student-athletes instead of any Black kid who can run a fast 40 time, white athletes aren't unfairly criticized and made fun of; with most of the team being white guys, there a sense of camaraderie that talented white players don't feel elsewhere.

Their receiving corps have been "browning," and I'm not sure if some of those guys are mixed blacks or dark Polys. They had (Todd) Watkins a few season's ago, and now they have Apo and such. Their backfield has had several Polys.

Their d-line starters, and rotation, are mostly Poly. For whatever reason, (Senior) Matt Putnam isn't getting much PT this year. At a time when White d-linemen appear to be on the rise in college football, where is BYUs "new" Travis Hall, Ryan Denney, Brett Keisel, Chris Hoke, Jan Jorgensen, etc? Sure, the Utah Utes' got commitments from the Kruger brothers (Paul, Joe and David), but there has to be other competent Whites out there that BYU could have gotten.

3 non-Whites start in BYUs secondary. Going into the future, one of the few positives I see from them is some promising Whites' they have at linebacker and maybe tight end. In closing, this isn't the BYU of decades ago. They are noticeably browner, and, Polys aren't "honorary Whites." Either BYU is being forced to go darker because White LDS are choosing other college destinations, primarily in the Southwest and Northwest, or BYU has made the "choice" to become a rainbow team.