Ann Coulter wakes up?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
There is a lot to dislike about the neo con republican shill but maybe just maybe.....[h=3]DEMOCRATS' IDEAL VOTER: ILLEGAL ALIEN, SINGLE MOTHER, CONVICTED FELON

The same process that has already destroyed California is working its way through the entire country.

While conservatives have been formulating carefully constructed arguments, liberals have been playing a long-term game to change the demographics of America to get an electorate more to their liking.

They will do incalculable damage to the nation and to individual citizens, but Democrats will have an unbeatable majority. Just like California, the United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state.

Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the ethnic composition of America to make it more like Nigeria, considered more susceptible to liberal demagogues.

Since 1965, instead of taking immigrants that replicate the country's existing ethnic mix, we've been admitting mostly immigrants from the Third World. At the same time, people from the countries that sent immigrants to this country for its first several centuries have been barred.
The "browning of America" is not a natural process. It's been artificially imposed by Democrats who are confident of their abilities to turn Third World immigrants into government patrons.

And the Republicans and "conservatives" have been naive, innocent waifs for the past 47 years as the Democrats secretly "browned" America without the Republicans realizing it was happening. Just more of the same old lies and rhetorical game playing.
Don, how right you are sir. It's too little, too late (all in all). However, maybe Coulter will continue to "awaken" and sway some neocon'd sheeple to do likewise. One can hope. :icon_rolleyes:
There is a lot to dislike about the neo con republican shill but maybe just maybe.....DEMOCRATS' IDEAL VOTER: ILLEGAL ALIEN, SINGLE MOTHER, CONVICTED FELON

The same process that has already destroyed California is working its way through the entire country.

While conservatives have been formulating carefully constructed arguments, liberals have been playing a long-term game to change the demographics of America to get an electorate more to their liking.

They will do incalculable damage to the nation and to individual citizens, but Democrats will have an unbeatable majority. Just like California, the United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state.

Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the ethnic composition of America to make it more like Nigeria, considered more susceptible to liberal demagogues.

Since 1965, instead of taking immigrants that replicate the country's existing ethnic mix, we've been admitting mostly immigrants from the Third World. At the same time, people from the countries that sent immigrants to this country for its first several centuries have been barred.
The "browning of America" is not a natural process. It's been artificially imposed by Democrats who are confident of their abilities to turn Third World immigrants into government patrons.

Jaxvid, important and enlightening article for the DWF masses, but Ms Coulter always knew the score. Just read one of her many best sellers. In her books she all but called alarm of the marginalization of Whites and her hate for uncle teddy. May he continue to roast in hell.
Jaxvid, important and enlightening article for the DWF masses, but Ms Coulter always knew the score. Just read one of her many best sellers. In her books she all but called alarm of the marginalization of Whites and her hate for uncle teddy. May he continue to roast in hell.
In Canada the Liberal Party (a left of center to middle ground party) has pandered to new immigrants for 50+ years and was viewed as the natural governing party for years. All new immigrants seemed to vote on mass for the party and the party carried all of the major urban centers. While the whiter Conservative party won the rural areas and areas of Canada that have stayed whiter. It's funny but as some immigrant groups have gotten richer ie Italians and Indians they have left the Liberals and started voting Conservative.
coulter probably looked at how much pat buchanon is raking in with his book sales. she probably figured if pat can be pro white in books, and tow the line when i'm in the limelight, this may be a formula for success. we'll see if she uses any of our language in here tv appearances.
Don is spot-on about the coke/pepsi political establishment being at fault for the current mess we're in.

The PTB knew 60 years ago that destroying or breaking-up America from within was an impossible task with a united, 90% White population of European descent. Since the country was too powerful, vast, and geographically isolated to take over by some other means, it had to happen internally. Feminism, the civil rights movement, and 1965 Immigration Act did a good deal of damage, but it was still somewhat inadeqaute. That's why they opened the Southern border to allow for the Mexican invasion, while continuing to promote third-world legal immigration and all-but eliminating any White immigration.

Now that we're finally on the road to an irreversible demographic shift that'll make Whites the minority, the other aspects of the plan are being put in place. One is the continual loss of our various individual freedoms and liberties, but the most obvious is the promotion of the homosexual agenda which has infested every institution, including the military, our last line of defense. It's arguably the last manly, macho thing we've left in this country, and so they have to destroy it.

By feminising and homesexualizing the armed forces, it leaves the country in a very vulnerable state. Unfortunately, the populace is too dumbed-down and apathetic to realize any of this. I think the best thing to do is to try and re-locate to majority White areas if not already, so when the SHTF, you're not stuck in some hell-hole, ready to be enriched by diversity.
Coulter attended the first American Renaissance conference and defended the Council of Conservative Citizens not too long ago (in one of her books I believe).

Very surprised the lefties and neocons never picked up on this.
I'm generally indifferent about Coulter.. but I read her recent book, 'cuz the title caught my eye ('Mugged: Racial demagoguery from the seventies to Obama'). I think it's a good read. She has a whole stretch in the book, reminding readers of all the hate crime hoaxes that helped build animosity toward Whites thru the 80s & 90s. She does a good job disecting the media's role in these frauds, and media indifference & irresponsibilty when it turned out the 'crimes' were actually hoaxes (Tawana Brawley, the white shoe polishing attack, etc) and then she documents the REAL retaliatory Black-on-White crimes that came subsequently.

my one complaint, is chapter 1.. where Coulter borrows a theory from a Black columnist, & explains that a lot of immoral behavior in the modern Black community, is actually borrowed from the (Scots-Irish) Southern redneck culture of the past. She cites the Hatfield-McCoy feud as the blueprint for modern day gang-banging :frusty:.

Most modern day Black thugs (who are living in predominately Black projects, going to predominately Black public schools, & ending up in mostly Black city jails & state pens) have almost no meaningful contact with Whites while growing up, so have little cross-pollination with redneck influences (?) but, the book is still worth checkin' out, I liked this quote from it,

"Liberals took blacks as their own pets & then tried to kill 'em by patronizing them to death."