Andrzej Fonfara

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Andrzej Fonfara steps up this coming Friday against former light heavyweight titleholder Gabriel Campillo. It will be televised by ESPN. The co-feature will be a rematch between two heavyweights Mike Mollo vs Artur Szpilka.

Teddy Atlas seems to especially dislike Polish boxers and it's a sure bet he'll be very negative in his comments about Fonfara and Szpilka.

He was at his worst during the first Szpilka-Mollo fight. It was poetic justice when Szpilka knocked out Mollo after being unfairly criticized by Teddy throughout the fight.
Fonfara KOs Campillo in the 9th round.

Once again, Teddy Atlas was extremely negative about the Polish boxer throughout the fight, and openly rooting for Campillo. He kept saying Campillo was going to KO Fonfara.

But all his hateful commentary just made the KO by Fonfara more enjoyable! :happy:
Slobbering Teddy Witless eats his words again. I figured the unpolished Fonfara would have trouble with the slick and experienced Campillo and he did. I like the way he hung in there though and finished Campillo with a body shot after eating a lot of punches.

The possibility of Campillo stopping Fonfara was there, but Atlas seemed to be hoping for it.
Teddy was in rare form last night. He wouldn't stop croaking about how fonfara was in trouble and how campillo was about to ko him.
Teddy was in rare form last night. He wouldn't stop croaking about how fonfara was in trouble and how campillo was about to ko him.
And then, after Campillo was KOed, he went on to discredit Fonfara by saying Campillo is old and shot.

Teddy isn't intelligent enough to veil his hatred for white boxers, like the other Jewish Supremacists (for example, Al Bernstein).
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