Andrew Breirbart dead at 43!


Oct 15, 2004
I liked Breitbart, he was a Matt Drudge conservative. He was instrumental in exposing a lot of liberal corruption, including Acorn and the Pigford black farmer settlement scam. My first thought is accidental overdose, oxycontin or the like. 43 is awful young to die of natural causes.
He announced that he had videos of Obama from his college days.
Now he's dead.

Is that how they define "natural causes" now?
I liked Breitbart, he was a Matt Drudge conservative. He was instrumental in exposing a lot of liberal corruption, including Acorn and the Pigford black farmer settlement scam. My first thought is accidental overdose, oxycontin or the like. 43 is awful young to die of natural causes.

This is the scroll-headline on the Drudge Report right now: "DEAR READER: In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what's happening. I don't think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind's eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20's. It was all there. He had a wonderful, loving family and we all feel great sadness for them today... MDRUDGE"

Must have been a curious workplace indeed. Flashing each other every day. Hmmm, Drudge is Jewish and "gay," Breitbart was Jewish, and. . . certainly sounds "gay" to me.
Must have been a curious workplace indeed. Flashing each other every day. Hmmm, Drudge is Jewish and "gay," Breitbart was Jewish, and. . . certainly sounds "gay" to me.

"Flash" is slang for instant messaging. I wondered about that when I read it too. It does seem unlikely that Drudge would eulogize a close friend, and father of four, by outing him with a comment about them showing their junk to each other every day. Perhaps a double meaning? Probably not as Breitbart would have been outed sooner by the liberal media that wanted his scalp.
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Looks like they are becoming more radical in their Communist-style media "purge" campaign by going beyond simple firing or character assassinations to actual biological "termination".

First Beck, then Buchanan, Napolitano, and now Breitbart. "Silenced" by the PTB in one way or another. Now they are taking down Newscorp. Coincidence?

Although I'm not a fan of Beck or Newscorp, at least there was some ideological crossover. Apparently only boot-lickers need apply anymore.

They are moving from so-called MSM media commentators (Beck, Buchanan, Napolitano, Newscorp) into the realm of the Internet now (Breitbart).

This is just the beginning.
We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior.
Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.

This was taken from Our fight against the PTB lost a brave warrior and patriot today. RIP Andy.
We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior.Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.This was taken from Our fight against the PTB lost a brave warrior and patriot today. RIP Andy.
He was also Jewish.
He was also Jewish.

He was actually Irish.

Breitbart was the adopted son of Gerald and Arlene Breitbart, a restaurant owner and banker respectively, and grew up in a family with secular liberal views, in upscale Brentwood, Los Angeles. He was raised Jewish (his adoptive mother had converted to Judaism when marrying his adoptive father).[SUP][7][/SUP][SUP][8][/SUP] He explained that his birth certificate indicated his biological father was a folk singer. He was ethnically Irish by birth, and his adopted sister is Hispanic.[SUP][7][/SUP] He changed his political views after experiencing an "epiphany" during the Clarence Thomas hearings, and later described himself as "a Reagan conservative" with libertarian sympathies. (from Wikipedia)

yeah I like him better now too!!
Andrew recently wrote a new conclusion to his book, Righteous Indignation:
I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and—famously—I enjoy making enemies.
Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I’ve lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I’ve gained hundreds, thousands—who knows?—of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night.

The above is also from Man, this was a great man. I know the neighborhood in which he lived. Most of the neighborhood are celebrities & Jewa with uber left/socialist billionaires who are BO syphcopants. It must have been great to be Andrew who wiped the floor with these misguided jews with wit and intelligence. Hopefully someone with his charisma and intelligence will step forward and fight/expose the PTB.

Andrew is at rest, yet the happy warrior lives on, in each of us.

Come on guys. Just look at this face. Ethnic Jew no way, as Jaxvid's quick research via wikipedia illustrates.
I didn't know much about Breirbart, but I read/saw many of his links. I feel sad for his wife and children. :(

As for Drudge, he might be a s0d0m1te tr1besman, but his site frequently includes links to articles on the NWO, police state and black on White crime. I think his website is pretty informative....but not on the level of Don's ANU news. :)
interesting take on his death.

Breitbart might not have been exactly caste material, but he had the right idea of playing the Left off against itself. He had guerrilla senibilities and a good sense of humor. I particularly liked the way he strolled into the Anthony Weiner press conference, took it over and then stared down that pack of sons-of-bitches we call "reporters." He said straight out, 'the press calls me a liar, one of you tell me what lies I have told, c'mon make your career, tell me.' Not a peep from the sheep, nary one. He cajones.

I'm sorry to see him go.

The above video is pretty awful. The Kennedys were anti-war? Huey Long was against federal power and for the people? BS.
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The above video is pretty awful. The Kennedys were anti-war? Huey Long was against federal power and for the people? BS.
Robert Kennedy was pro-war? I wouldn't consider JFK "anti-war", either, but I certainly don't think he was a "pro-war" hawk.

Overall, I thought the video was pretty good and, like you, I could nitpick on a couple of items in it, but that doesn't discredit it's entirety. I guess I've never been one to "throw the baby out with the bathwater".

However, I don't think it went far enough. Many more examples could've been shown. NYC Journalist, Dorothy Kilgallen, for instance. Killed in 1965. She was investigating the JFK investigation and was the only journalist to have privately interviewed Jack Ruby. Like Breitbart, she hinted to her audience what she was about to expose. Like Breitbart, she was going to publish the results of her investigation in her next article. But that never happened. She was found dead in her apartment and all of her research was "lost". Her death remains "undetermined" and the police refused to follow up on it.

And Karl Rove is a free man? Still living? He should be "enjoying" prison time right now. Or, found guilty of treason and...well, you know. But that's not how things work in America today, or over most of the past 60 years or so.
I would say the video is, at best, unwisely assembled.
The creator/narrator is apparently a libertarian from the far left. Such people can be useful. However, I suspect he would be unwilling to see the part that his own "side" plays in the master plan.
The loving tribute to Mike King in the middle of it is enough to ruin his credibility.
Robert Kennedy was pro-war? I wouldn't consider JFK "anti-war", either, but I certainly don't think he was a "pro-war" hawk.

Overall, I thought the video was pretty good and, like you, I could nitpick on a couple of items in it, but that doesn't discredit it's entirety. I guess I've never been one to "throw the baby out with the bathwater".

However, I don't think it went far enough. Many more examples could've been shown. NYC Journalist, Dorothy Kilgallen, for instance. Killed in 1965. She was investigating the JFK investigation and was the only journalist to have privately interviewed Jack Ruby. Like Breitbart, she hinted to her audience what she was about to expose. Like Breitbart, she was going to publish the results of her investigation in her next article. But that never happened. She was found dead in her apartment and all of her research was "lost". Her death remains "undetermined" and the police refused to follow up on it.

And Karl Rove is a free man? Still living? He should be "enjoying" prison time right now. Or, found guilty of treason and...well, you know. But that's not how things work in America today, or over most of the past 60 years or so.

1. I wasn't "nitpicking" so, that wouldn't be like me. That whole video lacks credibility.

2. Jack and Bobby Kennedy were Cold Warriors, JFK founded the Green Berets and conducted serious brinksmanship in the Cuban Missle Crisis. The idea that JFK was going to pull out of Vietnam is laughable. Bobby reinvented himself by 1965. RFK circa 1968 was light years away from RFK 1963, but it was a PR ploy.

3. The Dorothy Killgallen assassination theory is ridiculous. They offed a TV columnist but left Ruby alive? Come on.

That baby drowned in the bathwater. Time to bury it.
3. The Dorothy Killgallen assassination theory is ridiculous. They offed a TV columnist but left Ruby alive? Come on.
Ruby was sentenced to death for the murder of Oswald in 1964 so he was already going to die. Only after the sentence was reversed and a second trial was granted did he all of a sudden die of lung cancer just before he was set to testify (and spill all of the beans.) What a strange coincidence.

"In 1964, Jack Ruby was brought to trial for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. In that same year, he was convicted and sentenced to death. In 1966, the judgment of death was reversed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, and he was granted a second trial. On January 3, 1967, Jack Ruby died from the effects of galloping lung cancer before his second trial could begin. He claimed that he had been injected with cancer."

"...One of the techniques involves the injection of cancer cells, heart attack inducement, as well as non-chemical techniques which require no special equipment. Based on the strange circumstances of Jack Ruby's death in prison (he died from lung cancer but the cancer cells were not the type that originate in the respiratory system). Ruby wrote notes and spoke to several people saying that JFK was killed by a conspiracy and that he had been maneuvered into killing Oswald who was a fall guy. He claimed to have been injected with cancer cells when treated with shots for a cold. He died just before he was to testify in Congress. He had told congressional investigators that he wanted to talk but he needed protection..."
Didn't want to start a new thread and this one seemed to be the most appropriate one because if Jack Cafferty keeps speaking like this, he may get "Breitbarted", even though Breitbart may have disagreed with him too.

Great stuff by Jack. He'd be the only reason I'd ever watch CNN. Note the last idiotic email he received from a viewer in Arizona and what she says. Of course CNN won't allow Jack to spout off too long on this subject...
An article entitled "Medical Examiner Dies the Day Breitbart’s Cause of Death Announced"
Andrew Breitbart did some great work during his brief career like exposing ACORN and getting its government-funding canceled. Breitbart also established a major Internet news service. Shortly before his death, Breitbart had been talking with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who had just completed an investigation of Obama’s alleged birth certificate. Breitbart also announced that he possessed some videos that were so powerful that they would cost Obama the election. Since Breitbart’s death, his organization has failed to produce any earth-shaking videos, suggesting that if someone had Breitbart murdered, they likely also knew where his videos were and eliminated them, which makes sense since it would be pointless to kill Breitbart if they didn’t also eliminate his videos.
Now widely considered dead after exposing John Podesta as a pedophile.

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He announced that he had videos of Obama from his college days.
Now he's dead.

Is that how they define "natural causes" now?

Get the dope on the Clintons or Mr & Mr Soetoro is called fosterization, or in the enemy owned and controlled media, suicide or natural causes or a plane or car accident or a senseless robbery-murder (where nothing even gets stolen).

An article entitled "Medical Examiner Dies the Day Breitbart’s Cause of Death Announced"

The giggling medical examiner in Sandy Hook, CT is dead too. They have scoured the internet of Sandy Hook Hoax anomaly videos, but they missed this one here - the very end, when he says, "I hope the people of Newton don't have it crash on their heads later"!

(Note that this thread is eight years old)
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