Ancestry testing


Feb 27, 2005
Just received my ancestry by DNA test back.

I know some of you doubt the accuracy of these tests but it sure does feel good.

100 % European.

70% Northern Euro

25% South Eastern Euro

5% Middle Eastern Euro
Where do you get that done, how much does it cost, and what is the
science behind it - actual science, or is it pseudo-science?
Worrying about racial composition on this level is going abit far IMO. I know I have abit of Cherokee in me, maybe even a tiny bit of ******* somewhere in the line the since my family has lived in the South for 200 years. But the red beard and blue eyes are kind of a give away that the signifigant part of the genome is white. If you physically look white according to the "standards of the breed" and your immediate ancestors were white, there's no need to quibble IMHO.
Racial composition isn't something I'd worry all day and night about. I'm sure it does feel good to know where you come from, as it seem's hard for American's. That's why has so many users. But DNA test don't really list your direct ancestors, which is something I'd find much more interesting.
As far as direct ancestors are concerned, I can trace mine back 400 years in America.

Most of that time in the South.

IMO and no offense, if I thought I had negro in me it would make me very uneasy.

Just because your ancestors lived mostly in the South does not mean you may have a negro in your line.

Red hair and blue eyes also doesnt mean that you are majority Aryan.

Anyway, Im still glad I had it done.

On with football.
I would be uneasy if I found out I had Negro blood in me too. I can trace my roots back quite a ways too, and most of the time, my ancestors were in the South.
I dunno, the insignifigant amount of Indian (I think it's like 1/32) doesn't bother me, though logically speaking, that's non-white blood. All the non-white I have, as far as I know.

And emotionally speaking, I can understand the unease one would feel finding out you had some black blood, though logically, such small infusions would make no difference.

What I would really hate, is if some good white person, especially a racially conscious one, found out that like his great-great grandfather was married to a mullato or something, and freaked out, maybe even had a change of heart. He'd still be who he is, I mean, white for all intents and purposes. Theres probably no such thing as an absolutely pure race, at the very least us and the ******** share a common ape-creature as an ancestor. And even some of the blacks make decent folks, when you get down to it.
White_Savage; your ancestors may have swung by the tail and mine may have swung from a rope, but I did not come from an ape!

I would like to hear your opinion on the Gigantopithecus.

I agree that many blacks are good people. Just like their are good and bad whites, there are good and bad blacks.
Im a long way from a monkey also sir.

I mean, that monkey Clyde on Every which way but loose is smart but not close to me.

Negros are mostly ok as long as they are not in groups of 2 or more.

Most of your behaved blacks are elderly.
Your last point is very true KD. Your second to last point is very funny, but also true.
Well, if you go in for Adam and Eve, that would put the divergence of the white from the ******* much more recent in time. I prefer an australopithicus who picked up a club and fought his way to the top of the food chain to a naked dolt who couldn't stay off the apples as an ancestor. YMMV.
What's YMMV?

I'd rather be made in the image of God myself, but if you want to descend from a "creature" that almighty science can't even prove the existance of, that's fine with me.
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

Just a way of saying your experience or opinion may vary from the writer's.
As I say Reb, great Grandaddy Adam and Gramma Eve in 4004 B.C. puts our divergence from the ******* alot closer than any theory of human evolution. I don't myself think we share a common ancestor with them much beyond Australopithicus, who is as well proven as any extinct creature.

Darwin noted admirable behavior amongst apes, but little amongst ********. I share that opinion.

It's also very hard to explain just how a caucasiod came to be different from a ******* sans evolution. That's a historical implication you have to live with if you accept it. All men are brothers, it's wrong to hate, God likes Jews for some inexplicable reason, etc are ideological implications you'll have to live with, too.

I can understand your frustration which science though, since it just about proves why the races CAN'T be equal, then hits us over the head with the Big Lie. Edited by: White_Savage
Some other reasons I don't like science is because it always changes it's mind about things. It can't decide how old the world is. It can't verify dates on fossils, and it doesn't explain why human footprints were found mixed with dinosaur prints if they lived almost 60 million years apart. It has much work left to do before it can prove it's worthiness to me as something to believe in over the Bible. Until it does, you won't find me doing any monkey-business!
Thanks for the clear up White Shogun.
In other words, white shogun, your saying, enough already! Ok, I get the message.
Let me add the caveat that I don't totally reject the possibility of super-natural persons or phemonmenon, nor do I think life and it's evolution is plausibly explicable due to purely random processes.

I do however think Judaic-derived religion and White Pride are difficult to mix without running into serious ideological and historilogical conflicts. IOW, I think we need a new Christianity or a new religion entirely that serves White civilization better.

And that's all I have to say on the matter.
I guess I am a living exception to that thought then, as well as several others on this site.
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