

Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Emergency Amnesty Alert!"

Harry Reid is trying to get the "DREAM ACT"Â￾ illegal alien amnesty bill passed before the current session ends! The bill would grant amnesty to an estimated 2.1 million illegal aliens.

Harry Reid is desperate and pulling dirty tricks. The Democrats just added an amendment to the bill to give a one time $250 Social Security bonus check to senior citizens. This desperate attempt to buy off the elderly just shows how unpopular this amnesty bill is.

Reid is expected to force a cloture vote by the end of the week. A cloture vote is needed to block any Republican filibuster.

Your phone calls have been instrumental in thwarting amnesty bills for the past four years! Take a moment to call the offices of your US Senators now and demand they vote against cloture of the "DREAM ACT."Â￾

Two Democratic Senators, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas, have pledged not to vote for closure and not to vote for the bill if it gets closure. However Reid believes he has found two Republican sell-outs to achieve his 60 votes. If the session ends before cloture is obtained, Reid will be unlikely to get cloture when the next session starts.

The two Republicans that Harry Reid believes will vote for cloture are Republican Sens. Dick Lugar of Indiana and Bob Bennett of Utah.
An article entitled "Conservatives win the day!"

The Democrats got the massive amnesty bill passed in the House yesterday, but FAILED to get enough votes for cloture in the Senate today.

The bill is most likely DEAD forever. The current session is almost over and dozens of left-wing Reps and Senators are being replaced by conservatives when the new session starts.
Thanks for the update, Michael, this is fantastic news! Rather than grant amnesty, we should use some of the unspent "stimulus" money on chartering a few thousand buses to haul them back to "Ole Meckyo".
Glad to see the "Nightmare" act up-ended. Why not spend any taxpayer (fiat) money & just...1) abolish birthright "citizenship", 2) taxpayer subsidized education & healthcare, 3) outlaw renting to invaders & 4) stick harsh penaltie$ to "American" companies who hire these vermin. Do all the above & the mexcrements will "self-deport" back to their cesspool native land.
Unfortunately, this disastrous bill isn't fully dead. Reid is going to probably try one more time this week to get it through. Last Thursdays vote was basically to delay it for the week. I'm optimistic about its chances for defeat, but we can't be sure until the lame duck session is over.
Great victory for now on the Dream Act/Amnesty bill but we lost on the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell". That's just what I wanted when I was in the Army, to share a foxhole with a out of the closet sodomite. This has got to be the busiest lame duck Congress in my lifetime full of politicians who were soundly defeated in November voting on legislation the American people don't want them voting on.
Great news on Dream. The four non voters would likely have voted no as well, so it was really more like 55-45, or 56-44. This was one instance where there was a huge difference between the parties, as almost all Republicans voted against, and most Democrats for it, although there were a crucial group of five Democrats (plus Manchin of West Virginia said he opposed it but didn't vote on it) who helped kill it.
Man, these Repub/TEA party members coming into power 1/2011, had better not disappoint with the amount of effort and funds I put forth to help them get there. The first thing on the agenda, if I was running the show, dismantling of Obamacare. Second, sealing of the borders, 3rd, telling states like CA, NY and any other broke ass liberal run states....don't come looking for bail out loans. You are on your own. 4th, restructuring all trade agreements with all partners where terms are equal.
Good news about the Dream Act. Nobody should be surprised by what this congress (sic) is doing right now though. This is right out of the marxist playbook. They are showing their true colors right now. People shouldn't forget what is going on with the repeal of don't ask, don't tell. Passing all this BS legislation should be on the minds of people who care come the 2012 elections.
American Freedom News