Amnesty = disaster!

Mr. Lott also said that illegal immigrants provide valuable services and expertise in areas such as a Ph.D. in Physics. Yeah, I can see the Mexican physicists running for the border even as we speak. Where in the wild blue yonder does he get ridiculous examples like this?
Bart said:
DixieDestroyer said:
 Comments by Republican senators on Thursday suggested that they were feeling the heat from conservative critics of the bill, who object to provisions offering legal status. The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: "Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem." At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in "younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill." 

I think all forms of alternative media have contributed to awakening the American public, not just talk radio.  So, Trent Lott wants to deal with the problem. How?  Perhaps he and his cronies will propose legislation making it a hate crime to discuss the Mexican invasion. 

And the line between conservative and liberal blurs even more.

Thats because they are all oligarchs. There is no two party system in America anymore. Only the almighty dollar and bigger government, until we are a socialist state.
"Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem." At some
point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in "younger
guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill."

Actually worthless whores like Lott are running America. They hate talk
radio and the internet because it actually subjects their whoring to daylight.

Any worthless politician who objects to public input and outrage over
legislation is simply saying he doesn't believe his job is to represent his
constituents, but somebody else. At some point, people are going to realize
that they have only one real option to deal with whores like this guy, and it
has nothing to do with elections or phone calls.
PitBull said:
"Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem." At some
point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in "younger
guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill."

Actually worthless whores like Lott are running America. They hate talk
radio and the internet because it actually subjects their whoring to daylight.

Any worthless politician who objects to public input and outrage over
legislation is simply saying he doesn't believe his job is to represent his
constituents, but somebody else. At some point, people are going to realize
that they have only one real option to deal with whores like this guy, and it
has nothing to do with elections or phone calls.

I think that point is getting really close. I read alot of blogs, and there are some very angry people out there. I was talking to a co-worker today and predicted one of these Senators gets laid out in his home state before the year is up. (wishful thinking anyways)
The internet has let people learn and connect in ways they have never done before. The television monopoly is being broken.

I feel the boiling point on the horizon too. The government has been way too arrogant and agressive lately.

Doesn't it say they are corrupt beyond words when they sign laws behind closed doors, and put them to the vote quickly, at an awkward time? Cheat an amnesty bill into law? Especially with illegal immigration being such a major issue in this country? Outrageous!

Or that the bill dies to the will of the people - only to have Bush arrive (at a closed door meeting again!) and turn around the vote of some key senators formerly opposed?

I can't imagine what the people would do if they pushed this amnesty bill through anyway.
Tom Tancredo with some creative legislation (from the unfunded mandate playbook):

U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo's (R-CO) amendment to cut funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Bill (H.R. 2638) for cities that employ a sanctuary policy passed the House with strong bipartisan support today; 234 to 189.
"The times, they are a changing," said an exuberant Tancredo, who had introduced the same amendment several times in the past with far less support. "This should also serve as a warning sign to the White House and supporters of re-introducing an amnesty bill from the Senate. If that legislation makes it to the House, it is in serious trouble."

The Amendment would prevent cities like Denver and San Francisco who employ a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens from receiving first responder funds, including law enforcement and terrorism prevention grants, among other programs.
Edited by: KJV1
IO, the two party system is a are Globalist shills like Pawn Vanity who constantly unleash their predictable "Democrat bad, Republican good" rhetoric! The Globalist Elite control/own the DNC & GOP "leadership"...including the '08 "Frontrunners" like Hildabeast ClinTAX, Obama, Rudy McRomney, etc. That's why all these "frontrunners" will (like SkullnBones Bush) embrace amnesty and the North American Union/SPP!!!
[url] jun20,0,5528369.story?coll=ny-leadnationalnews-headlines [/url]
<H2>By Nicole Gaouette
Times Staff Writer

<TABLE id=printemail cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=right>
<DIV id=rail-item></TD></TR></T></TABLE>June 19, 2007, 3:06 PM EDT</H2>

WASHINGTON -- In a sharp rebuke to President Bush, House Republicans today introduced their own immigration reform and border security bill, a tough measure that would bar illegal immigrants from gaining legal status, require employers to check the legal status of all workers and make English the nation's official language.

The Secure Borders First Act stresses operational control over the border as one of its core principles. The bill would reject "amnesty" and insist that the administration do more to enforce existing laws.

The lawmakers behind the bill also introduced a seven-page resolution detailing the myriad ways in which they believe the Bush administration and its predecessors have not only failed to implement immigration laws, but made it easier for illegal immigrants to live and work in the U.S.

"The federal government has lost credibility with the American people on immigration," said Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley), who contributed sections of the bill.

The bill's authors, Reps. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Peter King (R-N.Y.), cast their bill as a challenge to the immigration legislation the Senate is expected to take up again this week...
God bless Tom Tancredo. At least there are some politicians that still represent the people in America.

This is another sign that the house of representatives will strike down anything that comes through from the senate.

Keep on the pressure!
Here's a roll-call of the traitors who voted for cloture on the scAmnesty bill. What this means---
The Senate will now begin rushing the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill through a rigged process designed to suppress opposition. We expect the second "cloture" vote to come within 48 hours and final passage by week's end...unless we rise up as citizens and say "No"!
We can still stop this bill -- only a handful of Senators need to switch their votes to "no" on the next cloture vote.

[url] all_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&session=1&vote=00228 [/url]
Don't know if anyone has caught this. According to the local paper, Trent Lott has expanded further on the immigration question. They report that Lott said that a border fence would do little to hold back his farm goats, let alone illegal immigrants. That's nice.

He is receiving a barrage of phone calls from the people.

Lott taking heat, tons of calls

Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, R-Miss., has been inundated with so many phone calls in his Washington office over his support for the immigration bill that he has taken to picking up the phone himself...

..."The problem has been that when lines are tied up, people with concerns about Social Security or veterans' benefits can't get through," said Youngblood. "That's what has posed the greatest challenge."

...Lott has expressed concern that some people who call use profanity and inappropriate language.

With three phone lines in his Washington office, three in Jackson and two lines in his offices in Gulfport, Pascagoula and Oxford, Lott would seem to be well-connected. But the hot-button immigration bill, which the Senate agreed to move by a vote of 64-35 with Lott's support on a procedural motion, has taken on a life of its own.

And Lott's high profile in favor of the bill has drawn nationwide attention. Many of the callers to the Washington office are not from Mississippi, which Youngblood said Lott was not trying to discourage.

"He's a leader," said his spokesman, "when he was majority leader this sort of thing happened, too. Lott has no problem with people expressing their views. "

As to the volume of calls, which number in the thousands, Youngblood said, "It's safe to say that it's the most phone traffic we've had in a number of years." by: Quiet Speed
Yep Quiet Speed, I heard about that the other day. I didn't realize you are in Mississippi as well. Cool deal! Lott is a traitor plain and simple. I doubt he plans to run for re-election in 5 years, so we'll probably have to suffer more liberal/sell out/traitorous acts and statements by him until he retires. One of my relatives who used to be in the Mississippi State Senate said that the only person we have from Mississippi in Washington who we can trust is Thad Cochran. After this mess, I believe him.
Let them try to pass this bill.

Patriots of this country will march on Washington and demand to be heard. There will be so many of us that our marching will shake the walls.

I will be among them. Will you?
Quiet Speed said:
...Lott has expressed concern that some people who call use profanity and inappropriate language.

Just wait Trent. You ain't seen nuthin yet .. traitor.
Bart said:
Quiet Speed said:
...Lott has expressed concern that some people who call use profanity and inappropriate language.

Just wait Trent.  You ain't seen nuthin yet  ..  traitor.



Good picture of Senor Lott. He has the peculiar habit of changing his ethnic background. I remember when he was Tyrone Lott:

Edited by: Menelik
You know he was a cheerleader in college right?
InfamousOne said:
Colonel_Reb said:
You know he was a cheerleader in college right?

I can hear his cheer now:

Go go big business! Go go Mexico! Down with America! Yay!

I think that is actually Bush cheering in the above pic.

Lott as a cheerleader in. Second from the right on the bottom.


Standing as President of the Ole Miss Interfraternity Council

The wicked bill is dead!


Now to detroy the traitors that voted in favor of selling our country out. I can't wait to vote this time around.

McCain might as well bow out of the presidential race now. The necons are nearing the end of the line. I hope it was a good run you damned thieves.
I just hate the all or nothing approach in the Senate right now. They said this bill probably won't be brought up again till after next years presidential election. They should have kept some of the border security measures in this bill and went ahead with the fence building, hiring more border patrol and so forth. It just shows how serious they were about those provisions was more about amnesty and guest workers than it was about border enforcement.
I almost can't believe this. Lindsay Graham, Ted Kennedy, and John Kyl are pushing to add the Dream Act and other illegal alien amnesty language to unrelated bills on the Senate floor TONIGHT! They plan to attach these measures to the war funding bill and the Homeland Security funding bill. Time to make more calls and emails.
Thoroughly disgusting. Make a note of the three stooges, the public is aware of them and will be voting them out.

So, the "representatives of the people" will continue to "sneak" things into other bills that must be passed? Even after we have sent a message that this is unacceptable?

And our military is accepting illegal immigrants as mercenaries (person paid to fight = mercenary) because Americans don't support this idiotic war?

How about we lobby for a change in law where each bill must contain one "focus", to prevent fraudulent acts like these senators are so fond of? So these jackasses can be called out on trying to jam immigration down our throats a third time?
Remember the mayor of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, who made national news by taking a stand against the illegal aliens swarming into his town? Hazleton's city councilenacted a law to evict the illegal criminals, but now a federal court has overturned it. That's how it works in America's peculiar "democracy" -- the people are "free" as long as they don't do anything that upsets their masters. This is reminiscent of Prop. 187 in California and all the other times a court has negated the hard work of grassroots activists working on causes that don't fit in the Cultural Marxist agenda.

Hazleton loses bid to evict illegal workers

By Milan Simonich, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The small city of Hazleton, which created a national sensation by approving laws to evict illegal immigrant workers, violated the U.S. Constitution, a federal judge ruled yesterday.

District Judge James Munley said even illegal immigrants have rights in America, and Hazleton Mayor Louis Barletta was wrong to try to force them out of his town by targeting them through city ordinances.

"Even if federal law did not conflict with Hazleton's measures, the city could not enact an ordinance that violates the rights the Constitution guarantees to every person in the United States, whether legal resident or not," Judge Munley wrote in his 206-page decision.

Mr. Barletta said the city plans to appeal. He blames illegal immigrants for increases in violent crime, drug trafficking and the emergence of street gangs in his northeastern Pennsylvania city of 30,000.

His most explosive allegation was that two illegal immigrants from the Dominican Republic murdered a 29-year-old man on a Hazleton street last year. But the district attorney of Luzerne County this month dismissed the charges against both suspects, saying he did not have enough evidence to prosecute them.

After the murder in May 2006, Mr. Barletta persuaded Hazleton's city council to approve ordinances to drive illegal immigrants out of town.

The laws would have forced every tenant to obtain a residency permit at city hall. They also would have penalized landlords who rented to illegal immigrants and businesses that hired them.

Judge Munley, though, ruled that a town cannot take immigration policy into its own hands.

"Whatever frustrations officials of the city of Hazleton may feel about the current state of federal immigration enforcement, the nature of the political system in the United States prohibits the city from enacting ordinances that disrupt a carefully drawn federal statutory scheme," Judge Munley wrote.

He issued his ruling after a trial earlier this year in which the American Civil Liberties Union and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund challenged Hazleton's laws as unfair attacks on dark-skinned newcomers.

Vic Walczak, legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania and lead counsel in the lawsuit against Hazleton, said Mr. Barletta was quick to blame illegal immigrants for every problem, from crime to crowded classrooms.

"Mayor Barletta's claims are greatly exaggerated," he said.

Rudy Espinal, a Hazleton resident originally from the Dominican Republic, said fear and bigotry escalated because of the city laws.

"There was an incredible amount of division caused by this," said Mr. Espinal, who admits he once was an illegal immigrant. He eventually obtained citizenship and now is a real estate salesman in Hazleton. His family operates one of the town's groceries.

Mr. Walczak said immigration reform is a national problem that must be solved by Congress. He said he hoped Judge Munley's ruling would discourage other cities from targeting illegal immigrants.

He estimated about 100 cities in the country have approved their own immigration ordinances. But many have not been enforced pending a ruling in the Hazleton case, which was the first in the country to go to trial.

Judges have issued injunctions to stop immigration laws from taking effect in another half-dozen cities, Mr. Walczak said.

Judge Munley said there is no doubt that Latinos from New York and New Jersey poured into Hazleton after the terrorist attacks of 2001. He accepted anecdotal evidence purporting that the city's population, though listed at 22,000 by the U.S. Census Bureau, actually is 30,000 or more.

Mr. Barletta says Hazleton has an underground population of illegal immigrants who are crowding schools, overrunning the hospital emergency room and committing violent crimes in once-peaceful neighborhoods.

Mr. Barletta, a Republican who has been mentioned as a possible congressional candidate in 2008, became a national figure because of the immigration debate. But Judge Munley said the mayor's attempt to regulate immigration at the local level was improper, even if those he targeted entered the United States illegally.<!-- Ed Yozwick/Post-Gazette

Here comes the Amnesty bill again, this time the Senate plans on implementing parts of it into the Department of Defense authorization bill.
American Freedom News