Hall of Famer
Let's hope & pray for more (mass) awakening of the sheeple...
Average American,
Correct, but it is our federal govt which is responsible for the hatred. If it wasn't for the actions of our federal govt., they wouldn't hate us. As in they didn't used to hate us, but now they do. "Something" (our massive interferance in their business) happened to change their feelings towards us. This is the reason for the hatred. The answer is to leave them alone and they won't hate us, just as in the past, they didn't hate us. It's not complicated. Very easy for any level headed person to figure out.
"Liked" is probably the wrong word. "Indifferent" would be better. We were just a big "Christian" country on the other side of the world that had little effect on their religious order, and was actually a benefactor with their growing oil wealth.From my readings, the Arabs/Muslims pretty much liked us up until 1948 ...
From my readings, the Arabs/Muslims pretty much liked us up until 1948 when Pres. Truman (that was an interesting story in itself) backed the formation of the zionist state of Israel. After that, it's been downhill ever since. Also, just about all the borders of these supposed nations in the mideast were drawn up in London and Paris. They bare no relation to the peoples living there. Didn't help us much to put the Shah in Iran either (the real issue of the recent movie - "Argo").
Very interesting subject.
White Americans are Freaking out that Islamic terrorists have murdered 4 people in Boston. But no one seems to be freaking out or even caring about the fact that Negroes are murdering 7,565 Americans every year (2,000 of which killed are white Americans)...
Imo, the militant Islam issue can be dealt with very easily, we revert back to a nativist immigration policy.. where only legal immigrants from Europe are allowed in. Prior to the re-writing of our immigration laws in the 1960s, there was no meaningful presence of middle Eastern Islamists, & as a result America & the West had no (Islamic) bombings, no honor killings, no legal wrangling over burqua laws, sharia issues..(same applies for Western Europe, I assume.. correct me if I'm wrong.)