Americans Fear Fedgov More than "Terror"

Dec 10, 2012
I fear both..
I listen to some AM radio at night, which is populated with ppl who seem to exclusively fear an encroaching fed govt.. even to a degree where they believe every act of terror is a staged government act.

This attitude, to me, shows a dangerous level of naivete about how much the West is hated by the at-large Islamic world & our Islamic immigrants. Bcuz we have an overbearing government, doesn't exonerate or negate the existence of a real jihad being waged on the West..

IMO, our government's greatest sin has been it's immigration policy.. as we let more & more 3rd world America-haters in the US, the more and more routine this will become. Before our immigration quotas were tilted away from Europe, we were never in danger from domestic Islamic terrorists.. I don't think there were any domestic Islamic attacks prior to the last 30-40 years(?) & I dont think there was any significant Islamic immigration in the 17, 18, early 1900s (?)
We reverse our immigration & restricted travel laws, or an enact a complete moratorium, this trend would end thru attrition. I think this is more practical than letting millions of haters in here, & then handing over our liberties in the name of protecting ourselves from them.
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Apr 27, 2013
Average American,
This attitude, to me, shows a dangerous level of naivete & misunderstanding about how much the West is hated by the at-large Islamic world & our Islamic immigrants. Because we have an overbearing government, doesn't exonerate or negate the existence of a very real jihad being waged on the West..

Correct, but it is our federal govt which is responsible for the hatred. If it wasn't for the actions of our federal govt., they wouldn't hate us. As in they didn't used to hate us, but now they do. "Something" (our massive interferance in their business) happened to change their feelings towards us. This is the reason for the hatred. The answer is to leave them alone and they won't hate us, just as in the past, they didn't hate us. It's not complicated. Very easy for any level headed person to figure out.

Dec 10, 2012
Average American,
Correct, but it is our federal govt which is responsible for the hatred. If it wasn't for the actions of our federal govt., they wouldn't hate us. As in they didn't used to hate us, but now they do. "Something" (our massive interferance in their business) happened to change their feelings towards us. This is the reason for the hatred. The answer is to leave them alone and they won't hate us, just as in the past, they didn't hate us. It's not complicated. Very easy for any level headed person to figure out.


hey Joe,
I agree our foreign policy has ratcheted up the modern Islamic world's hatred of the West. We could to do a lot to ease the tension by changing our foreign policy..

but America's foreign policy didn't create the jihadist world-view. Islam & the White Western world have been competing in cultural crusades for over a thousand years.. going back to Islamic conquerors destroying the European's Christian churches. The struggle between the West & Islam pre-dates America by 500 years, and will probably outlive America :usa2:.. I think it's an eternal tribal (masked as a religious) struggle..

but who knows, like u said, it can probably be significantly toned down if we were less interventionist, that is something we can control.. but for the most part, Islam's worldview of the West has always been negative, nothing has really changed in 1500 years.
Apr 27, 2013
From my readings, the Arabs/Muslims pretty much liked us up until 1948 when Pres. Truman (that was an interesting story in itself) backed the formation of the zionist state of Israel. After that, it's been downhill ever since. Also, just about all the borders of these supposed nations in the mideast were drawn up in London and Paris. They bare no relation to the peoples living there. Didn't help us much to put the Shah in Iran either (the real issue of the recent movie - "Argo").

Very interesting subject.



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
From my readings, the Arabs/Muslims pretty much liked us up until 1948 ...
"Liked" is probably the wrong word. "Indifferent" would be better. We were just a big "Christian" country on the other side of the world that had little effect on their religious order, and was actually a benefactor with their growing oil wealth.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Before I get into my opinion, please refer to this source, for which I am basing my argument on:

Looking at that source, you'll see that out of 10,471 murders which were reported in USA in 2011, 52%, or 5486 were perpetrated by "Blacks". Further, there were 4,077 murders which, for whatever reason were not reported, but using the same 52%, we can estimate that there were a total of 7,565 Americans killed by Negroes in 2011 in USA. In case you were wondering roughly 1,500-2,000 of the Americans who are killed by Negroes are white Americans. This is a national crisis and what's interesting is that this number has remained relatively consistent since around the late 1960's, early 1970's.

Quite literally, in the past 20 years, Negroes in the USA have murdered at least 150,000 Americans (say 2/5's of which, the victim or killed person would be a white American). This is a national crisis. This is a much more significant threat than anything posed by Islam or Islamic terrorism yet strangely, government policy and media representation seems to avoid this issue altogether.

White Americans are Freaking out that Islamic terrorists have murdered 4 people in Boston. But no one seems to be freaking out or even caring about the fact that Negroes are murdering 7,565 Americans every year (2,000 of which killed are white Americans). Every time Islamic terrorists strike, which is very infrequently, the Z[SUB]ionist media makes the absolute most of it. They've covered the Boston Bombings now, nonstop for a few weeks, they'll probably continue to cover it for months and even mention it [/SUB]for years. Meanwhile, these same media companies will continue to remain silent about the national crisis of Negroes murdering thousands of Americans every year.

Some obvious questions people should be asking include:

- Why is the national media failing to report on the majority of Negro murders?

- Given that Negro murderers are constituting a national crisis, why isn't the government addressing it as such and structuring policy around this threat?

- Why is the media badly misrepresenting race, religion, and crime in the USA quite literally, CNN has devoted weeks, months, and even years of nonstop coverage on Islamic terrorism, and white supremacist killings, but are strangely silent on the statistically larger national crisis of Negro murderers?

- Why is the term "terrorism" only applied to Muslims killing 4 people, where somehow Negroes murdering 7,565 in various acts of systematic civil disorder is not "terrorism"?

- Why does the media choose to focus on incidents which show Muslim or White killers, but seems to ignore the much more abundant crimes involving Negroes? Why does the media like to portray Muslims as killers and terrorists and when incidents like the Boston bombing happen, weeks and months are dedicated to its coverage?

- Why do politicians and the government refuse to address these mind-boggling numbers of Negro murders in terms of being a national crisis that needs a solution?

- Why is Islamic terrorism seen as a threat but Negro murderers are not? Understand that in many years, Islamic terrorism doesn't account for a single American death, but each year Negroes are kill 7,565 Americans. Does this portrayal of a threat make any sense whatsoever when we consider the statistical discrepancy between the two? (Islamic terrorism in the past 20 years has probably accounted for less than 4,000 American deaths, Negro murders have accounted for more than 150,000 American deaths).

- Why is the media and federal government over-exaggerating the extent of Islamic terrorism and under-exaggerating the extent of Negro muderers?

So, in conclusion I strongly agree with any white Americans who have a distrust, or fear of their own government and media. They're presenting extremely biased coverage and public policy which in no way represents the actual statistics behind crime, or in no way actually combats the real threats. "Islamic terrorism" is not a threat at all. It's been blown way out of proportion by the media and government policy has assisted in that agenda. The real threat lies with your own government, media representation, and Negro murderers.
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
From my readings, the Arabs/Muslims pretty much liked us up until 1948 when Pres. Truman (that was an interesting story in itself) backed the formation of the zionist state of Israel. After that, it's been downhill ever since. Also, just about all the borders of these supposed nations in the mideast were drawn up in London and Paris. They bare no relation to the peoples living there. Didn't help us much to put the Shah in Iran either (the real issue of the recent movie - "Argo").

Very interesting subject.


+1, Great post you make here.

Also, would like to add the last president to really stand up against Zionists was JFK, when he took a stance against the protection and sustainability of Israel, by asserting that Israel shouldn't have nuclear weapons to defend themselves against Arabs. Of course, he was soon assassinated and Israel given a pass to get their weapons. Since then it seems like every president the US has put the security and well being of Israel above the security and well being of their own country, USA.
Dec 10, 2012
White Americans are Freaking out that Islamic terrorists have murdered 4 people in Boston. But no one seems to be freaking out or even caring about the fact that Negroes are murdering 7,565 Americans every year (2,000 of which killed are white Americans)...

point well taken..
but honestly, I'm disturbed by both..(the high crime rates amongst Blacks, and the threat militant Islam poses to the West). You're framing the issue like we should only fear the greater of the two..

Imo, the militant Islam issue can be dealt with very easily, we revert back to a nativist immigration policy.. where only legal immigrants from Europe are allowed in. Prior to the re-writing of our immigration laws in the 1960s, there was no meaningful presence of middle Eastern Islamists, & as a result America & the West had no (Islamic) bombings, no honor killings, no legal wrangling over burqua laws, sharia issues..(same applies for Western Europe, I assume.. correct me if I'm wrong.)

But you're right, 4 people killed by ungrateful immigrants is small in number compared to the thousands of innocents routinely killed by Black thugs & psychos..
but it was still 4 human beings, who could've easily been protected by a sane immigration policy. I mean, these militant dopes were here for asylum, and went straight on a litany of public assistances..Section 8 housing, food stamps, college assistance (reported by the Boston Herald). They were grimy, predatory ingrates.. who could've easily been prevented entry here.
We as voters still have a voice in how our immigration policy is formed,.. I'm not sure what the effective way out is on American born & bred Black crime.. :peep:

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
The federal government is far more dangerous than any threat from the third world terrorist. The fedgov ARE terrorist! Now I have no love for muslims. Muslims are something of a problem, but not even close to our false flag attacking "leaders" here in the land of propaganda, and brainwash we call the USA.

Heck, even the controlled media:kev: is FAR more dangerous than any threat from overseas. Id say if I had to make a list of most dangerous threats to western civilization the islamic terrorist would be quite a ways down on the list.

On a side note my spellchecker is telling me to capitalize the words "islam", and "muslim", but dosent say anything if I dont capitalize "Christian", or "Christianity". In fact it wants me to capitalize "satan", but not "Christ"!

The satan worshiping puppet masters really do despise Christianity worse than they despise anything else.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Imo, the militant Islam issue can be dealt with very easily, we revert back to a nativist immigration policy.. where only legal immigrants from Europe are allowed in. Prior to the re-writing of our immigration laws in the 1960s, there was no meaningful presence of middle Eastern Islamists, & as a result America & the West had no (Islamic) bombings, no honor killings, no legal wrangling over burqua laws, sharia issues..(same applies for Western Europe, I assume.. correct me if I'm wrong.)

Bingo! You nailed it there. Go back to the traditional immigration policy that served America well for most of its history, get rid of the unwanted global imperial empire, maintain a strong military for legitimate defensive purposes, rebuild our industrial base, have good relations with all countries but no entangling relationships, and the U.S. would again thrive. However, that will never happen given that the current power structure is diametrically opposed to all of those common sense policies.