This is a really interesting subject consider the NHL gets about as much respect from the mainstream media as professional wrestling.
When looking at NBA teams and NHL teams that share the same venue you have to take into account the disparity in seating capicity. As Don pointed out, the Pistons outdrew the Red Wings, but this is only because the Pistons have a bigger seating capacity.
The same holds truein New York where Madison Square Gardens seats 18,200 for hockey and about 19,500 forKnick games. Thisalso applies to other cities such as Dallas, LA& Philadelphia where usually over a1000 seats are lost to accommodate the size of the rink.
Also keep in mind that attendance figure are usually inflated as the attendance numbers are basedon tickets sold as opposed to an actual turnstile count. For example, I seen New Jersey Net games where they have an announced attendance of15,000, but in reality you could of probably had your own personal vendor if you went to the game.
Most importantly, the NHL in my opinion has a much more loyal fan base than the NBA. There are numerous NHL teams that will draw fans no matter how much they suck (e.g. Red Wings, Flyers, Rangers, Wild, Bruins, Avalanche, Sharks & all the Canadienteams) I'm hard pressed to think of a poor NBA team that consistently sells out or draws a good crowd. Keep in mind thatmost fans are fickle & once the team starts losing, their interest wanes with it. I find this especially true of the NBA fans, where many in attendance have obtained their tickets thru some corporate outlet and couldn't tell you the difference between a basketball or a bocce ball.
You can rest assured thatwhenthe Pistons start losing over a period of ayear or two you won't be able to give their tickets away. That won't happen withthe Wings. I seen it here in New York wherethe Knicks are no longer the " in thing" tosee because they suck.The Rangers fan baseon the other hand is fiercely loyalin spite of the fact they getabout a 1/10 of the media coverage.
Despite the aforementioned, hockey will continue to be the subject of ridicule by the mainstream media as long as the only thing that is black is the puck. In New York they always like to say that the same 18,200 people go to Ranger games every time they play. You will hear the same all tired cliches such as: "You can't see the puck" " I went to a boxing match and a hockey game broke out."., etc, etc coming from the majority of the idiots in the media. But I know there are many on this site and across the country that see hockey for the great sport it is. A sport that isfast paced, rough and played by athletes that give a 100% effort every night. Athletes that for the most part are humble, gracious and accommodating. Tell me another sport where you are going to find that.