Amateur Wrestling


Dec 17, 2004
Amateur Wrestling is one of the last sports that has not been affected
by the caste system. There are many white stars. Also, this
sport is a very fair sport. Champions are usually very hard
working and embody traditional American morals and values. Look
at the biographies of Cael Sanderson, John Smith, Pat Smith, Dan Gable,
Greco legend Rulon Gardner, and many others. You will not find
many criminal records. Just a life of hard work.
an interesting note. John Madden recently remarked about how he always thought wrestlers made good football players. This, of course, makes perfect sense as it is the most physical sport out there. I beliieve he was talking about Chris cooler of the Washington redskins at the time and I think he mentioned how he wrestled and beat terrel owens in high school. Brock Lesnar tried out for the Vikings this year and was cut. He was given much of a chance by mike tice. He is 6'4 and ran a 4.7 40 benched 475 and squats 700 pounds. Interestly enough the only nfl coach interested in converting him to a football player straight out of college was tony dungy. Black guys often convert from basketball, track, and other sports to the nfl. Rarely are white guys given the same chance.
Actually, I think it was Stephen Neal of the New England
Patriots. Maybe we are both right. I recall him saying
wrestlers had good balance and made good offensive linemen.
Madden talked about Neal and Cooler.

Good Point Kapt.

I read Stephen Neal pinned Ricky Williams in High School. You say
Chris Cooley beat Terrel Owens. This is interesting. It
seems that when whites beat blacks in wrestling, a test of toughness,
strength, and pure athleticism, it goes ignored. Ricky Williams
and Terrell Owens got plenty of attention, where Chris Cooley had to
play at Utah State. Stephen Neal did not even play College
Football.(He wrestled in college for a school that did not have a team,
Cal State-Bakersfield).
IceSpeed said:
Madden talked about Neal and Cooler.
Good Point Kapt.
I read Stephen Neal pinned Ricky Williams in High School. You say Chris Cooley beat Terrel Owens. This is interesting. It seems that when whites beat blacks in wrestling, a test of toughness, strength, and pure athleticism, it goes ignored. Ricky Williams and Terrell Owens got plenty of attention, where Chris Cooley had to play at Utah State. Stephen Neal did not even play College Football.(He wrestled in college for a school that did not have a team, Cal State-Bakersfield).
Can this be because Ricky Williams and Terrel Owens went on to compete in OTHER sports ?
williams wasn't that good of a wrestler. he only did it for a year. besides linemen are usually bigger and stronger anyways.
Cooley is the wrestler I heard Madden talking about, but I did hear it in passing as to who wrestled who - I'm not sure. I looked it up and cooley was a high school state champion with a senior record of 40-0. He led the nation last year in receptions and yards per game for a tight end. He was also used as a fullback and h-back. He looks outstanding and I predict will prove to be the best tight end from last years draft in the future.

So why do whites dominate amatuer wrestling? As a former wrestler, I know that there couldn't be a caste system of any type in wrestling. Coaches don't decide the starting line-up - its a wrestle off. A referee's judgement is rarely effects the outcome of a match. Steroids would only put you in a higher weight class. wrestling is truly a pure sport and only the best rise to the top.
Kevin, I don't see size as a factor because they must have been the
same weight to wrestle(probably at least, unless one wrestled up.)
. In case anybody does not know, wrestling is done by weight
classes, like boxing. Neal got bigger later. You make a
good point though about Williams probably not having good technique.

I think whites dominance in the sport has to do with a number of
things. For starters, it appeals to everybody. Someone can
be big, small, slow, skinny, fat(in shape, but have big gut), blind,
deaf, crippled, and even limbless and wreslte. Basketball
has alienated itself from whites and non ghetto type kids. Not to
mention small people(just the nature of the sport).

Also, whites tend to be explosive and have stamina. West African
Blacks may have some tendencies to be slightly more explosive(no where
near as much as the system makes it seem), but burn out. In
wrestling, you need to be in all-around shape.

Of course, there are white wrestlers like Sanderson who are lightning
fast, and black wrestlers who are in all around shape. This is
because training overcomes genetics in wrestling.
I just got through watching the ncaa national championship for wrestling. The majority of the sthletes where white. Oklahoma state had six chapions out of nine weight classes. Two of my favorites where Jack Rosholt at 197 and Steve Macco at 280. They both won their championship and are only junuiors. Macco lost in the finals of the olimpic trials but i think he will be back again. Macco is also a judo chapion and that style has helped him improve his wrestling.
Yes, wrestling is dominated by whites. So, of course our feminist ruled colleges have cut the funding and decimated men's wrestling programs across the country. Title lX was instituted to rectify the imbalance of sports programs on campus. Bye bye wrestling, hello ladies lacrosse.
What the helk is lacrosse anyway?
White wrestlers won 5 or 6 of the championships, with three
blacks and one Asian winning as well. I'm not sure about
Esposito. Gallick was 4-0 against Ware going into their match,
but lost. That was a shame. It's depressing to see blacks like
Pendleton and Jones dominating in a white sport. It's bad
enough that they dominate American football and basketball,
and some events in track, but psychologically it seems worse
when those guys, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, James
"Bubba" Stewart, etc., do so well when they're practically the
only blacks in their sport.
Colonel_Reb said:
What the helk is lacrosse anyway?

Lacrosse is a sport invented by the American Indians its kinda like
soccer except you have a pole with a web pouch at the end of it.
It's played with 10 people on a retangular field mostly played in the
Northern regions and Canada.
Hmm, I guess I'll have to study up on that sport, seeing as how I'm a little Cherokee and Choctaw. I'll call it learning my roots.
RealProWrestling premiered this past Sunday. Its aim is to return wrestling to major sport status. Rather than focusing on albums, endorsements, and hype, it focuses on showing athletes training. To promote it, they show athletes practicing takedowns, drilling, and jumping rope. It intends to be unique because it has character that NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB lack.
What network did that premier on IceSpeed?
Thanks Icespeed. I'll have to check that out.
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