Allen Iverson Sucks!

Nov 30, 2008
Watching the Pistons, this guy is just awful. He embodies everything that is wrong with basketball. He plays no defense, has to dominate the ball to be successful and makes stupid decision after stupid decision. Here is an example of how dumb he is. When behind, players often let the ball roll to save some time. This idiot actually does it when the Pistons are ahead late in the game! It's like he saw others do it, realized it was a smart thing to do, but doesn't have the advanced next level thinking skills to understand why it is smart and when to apply it.

Bottom line, every team he went to got worse and every team he left got better. Don't believe me look it up. And that is what will happen when he leaves Detroit.

Anybody who thinks this was a bad trade for the Pistons though is mistaken. They were not getting by the Celtics or Cavs and Stuckey was getting better than Billups anyways. Now they have an embarrassment of cap space next year with three borderline All-Stars locked in for a few more years on the perimeter (Stuckey, Rip, Prince).

By the way, that "personal reason" he no-called no-showed a Pistons practice this year, was because he was out getting drunk in Vegas at 5am in the monring with all his "boyz." And what a shock, he was spotted at a casino getting rowdy with his boyz and Rasheed Wallace the night before a game.

Sorry, just had to rant. I hate that guy and everything he did to basketball in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Edited by: Fightingtowin


Nov 23, 2008
I couldn't agree more with your whole statement. I NEVER liked the guy from the beginning. The disrespect he showed to a great like Charles Barkley, the countless scandals he has racked up off the court, the rap thing, his annoying tattoos and the works. He's a great scorer and a LOUSY teammate. I was even more annoyed by those who keep praising his achievements for a "little man." And they keep criticizing players like Dirk, Nash, and Gasol when this guy is OVERRATED in all aspects. If he ever makes it to the Hall of Fame, (he will anyway) he is to me, the MOST OVERRATED Hall of Famer, EVER.
Nov 30, 2008
And he really ushered in the Hip Hop thug basketball more than anyone. I practically grew up with a basketball in my hands, yet literally stopped watching the NBA for several years in the late 90s and first part of this decade. Teams like the Spurs, Pistons and Suns got me to start watching some NBA again because they actually played team basketball. Now with the Pistons being damaged by AI, the Spurs getting old, the Suns doing their thing and stars like Lebron, Wade and Kobe dominating, I'm afraid there is going to be a shift back to the 1 on 1 super star garbage.

Oh, and take everything I said about AI and times it by 2 with "Starbury." There is an example of every team he leaves gets way better and every team he joins gets way worse. He's a less talented version of AI. I hope he goes to the Celtics and blows that team up.


Nov 23, 2008
I forgot to mention Starbury (sucky name), he is as every bit worse as AI. If either of them go to the Celtics, that team will implode for sure. Not even Garnett's constant ranting will save them from impending disaster.

Garnett by the way, I've grown to hate him as well: the confrontation he did against Calderon, and the non-called flagrant foul he did against Belinelli. He has shown his true colors, he hates white guys. I'm sure he tortured Brian Scalabrine into getting injured.Edited by: j41181


Mar 25, 2008
j41181 said:
Garnett by the way, I've grown to hate him as well.

Me too. I used to respect his loyalty when he said he stay with Minnesota, regardless of the fact that they sucked. He then immediately jumped ship to Boston.

We get it Kevin, you're intense. He can stop banging his chest and grimacing. It's becoming a bit tiresome. i did, however, love how Zaza Pachulia wasn't afraid to back down from Garnett in the playoffs last year. Zaza didn't fear the league's most "intense leader".

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
iverson has always been overrated, in my opinion. he hasn't won anything, ever. and to the people who talk about how good a scorer he is, well, there's more to that than a casual fan would notice, too.

iverson is what i call a "volume scorer." meaning he has to take a lot of shots, and i mean a lot of shots, to get his points. he shot the worst percentage of any leading scorer in NBA history. not surprisingly, his team did not experience any kind of long-term success with him jacking up bricks every time he touched it.

he is incredibly selfish, is a ghetto thug, and is without a doubt one of the biggest team cancers in the NBA. one thing i will give credit to him for, however, is that he plays very, very hard. that being said, i wouldn't be upset if he got run over by a train.


as for kevin garnett's "loyalty" on a horrid Minnesota team... money will do that. garnett wasn't loyal enough to take a pay cut to allow his team to bring in some better players. instead, he just bitched about them not doing it while he single-handedly cost 48% of the Timberwolves salary cap.

forgive me if i don't share his pain.


Nov 23, 2008
A prime-time loser, on and off the court!

Appeals court upholds verdict against Iverson</font>

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer 11 hours, 25 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP)â€â€￾NBA star Allen Iverson must pay $260,000 for standing idly by and watching his bodyguard beat up another man in a 2005 bar fight, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected the Detroit Pistons guard's attempt to throw out the verdict decided by a jury in 2007.

Bar patron Marlin Godfrey accused Iverson's bodyguard, Jason Kane, of punching, kicking and hitting him with a bottle because he refused to vacate the VIP section at Washington club Eyebar to make way for the basketball star and his entourage. Godfrey suffered a concussion, a ruptured eardrum, a burst blood vessel in his eye, a torn rotator cuff, cuts and bruises, and emotional injuries.

A three-judge appeals court panel wrote that Iverson stayed out of the fray in the back corner of the VIP area, standing on a couch or bench and observing.

"The evidence in this case supported the jury's finding that Kane attacked Godfrey in a fight that lasted several minutes, and that Iverson stood and watched without attempting to do anything to stop the beating," the decision said.

Godfrey and another patron, David Anthony Kittrell, sued Iverson for $20 million, but the jury decided not to award punitive damages and only compensate Godfrey $10,000 for his medical bills and $250,000 for pain and suffering. The jury did not find either of the men liable for assaulting Kittrell.
Edited by: j41181
Nov 30, 2008
Allen Iverson has quit the Pistons because they want him to come off the bench. He said "I would rather retire than come off the bench."

He quit in Phily when things weren't going his way and now he's quit the Pistons when things weren't going his way. He's a child. No wonder he's never won any type of title of any kind in the college or pros.

Have fun finishing your career with the Grizzlies or whoever. What a loser. What a punk. Edited by: Fightingtowin


Nov 23, 2008
His retirement will be good for the NBA. I can't wait to see the look on the faces of his stupid fans. Truly a loser of epic proportions.
Nov 30, 2008
j41181 said:
His retirement will be good for the NBA. I can't wait to see the look on the faces of his stupid fans. Truly a loser of epic proportions.
His fans take stupid to an entire new level. I could care less about grammar and spelling on a message board, yet his fans are almost always the worst spellers and have no understanding of grammar. Furthermore, they often get banned because they go over the top with childish insults. They pretty much reflect AI.