All White Basket League

I first thought this was a joke, but it looks like a real effort, and I'm all for it. There are actually several post-article comments that defend the right of these folks to have an all-White league. I sense a growing frustration on the part of many Whites who are fed up with insane double standards which encourage all-negro organizations while at the same time decry any all-White or just pro-White efforts. This frustration and increasing willingness to speak up is nice to see, it just needs to increase a thousand fold.
It's called freedom of association. It used to exist everywhere, before the jew took over America.

Now we have to hear the usual bleating about "inclusiveness" that never seems to apply to "minority" organizations, traditionally black colleges, the state of Israel, etc.
Good for them! They probably don't want to deal with the TNB of the "afroletes"...arguing calls, cheap shotting, talking endless "smack", etc. That's one of the reasons I stopped playing rec league hoops...too much TNB.
Nah! It got "rejected" by Augusta so easily!

I don't think many will buy into this idea... until folks stop being too politically correct. Either way, I'm not optimistic on this idea either.
i dont know if i like this idea. I'd much rather white players do their best to get into college and NBA. to me, creating a league of all white players seems to say to me "we're not as good as black players so we gave up trying to compete with them".
I think the idea of having a league like this highlights the Caste System and its affects on American born White basketball players. There is some level of desire to see good fundamental basketball played again, and this is the best way I can think of to do it. I'd watch these games in a heartbeat. I hardly ever watch NBA games anymore, no matter which teams are playing.
I find NBA games unwatchable anymore, too. So far this season I've limited my interest to checking out how many empty seats there are in the background during ESPN's highlights. Seems to be a lot more than there used to be.
I support the concept of this and hope it somehow works out but I don't think it will.
Don Wassall said:
I find NBA games unwatchable anymore, too.  So far this season I've limited my interest to checking out how many empty seats there are in the background during ESPN's highlights.  Seems to be a lot more than there used to be.

Same here Don. I never watch the "YO.B.A" & rarely watch college hoops these days, whereas basketball used to be my favorite sport (in grade school & HS). It's gotten far too "hip-hop"/thug'd out for my taste. My current favorite sport is MMA, followed by college football.
I posted this in the nba section before I knew it was here. We can delete one of the posts if you want Don. I like the league but only if they get many athletic guys in there. Guys that get screwed over by the nba. We need an all white dunk contest as well.
There is no way this gets of the ground and has potential to be a huge laughingstock. I also agrre with Taco in this league saying that whites arnt good enough. Its not advertised as a league for athletic whites who are screwd over, its for fundimentily sound ie "unathletic" whites who cant compete. Also foreign whites are excluded.
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