All Time white 100 meters


Dec 31, 2005
California far as Americans go.


1.Thane Baker Kansas State WR/Oly
2.Darel Newman Fresno State
3.Dave Sime Duke WR/Oly
4.Bobby Morrow ACU WR/Oly
5.Kevin Little Drake?
6.Ben Vaughn GaTech
7.Marty Krulee SDS
8.Mel Patton USC WR/Oly

This is just San Jose States All Time 100


1.Dennis Johnson WRholder/Oly
2.Bill Gaines 9.3
3.RR Smith WRholder/Oly
4.John Carlos WRholder/Oly
5.Ron Whitaker 10.0m
6.Tommie Smith WRholder/Oly
7.Ray Norton WRholder/Oly
8.Kirk Clayton 9.3

Now the All Time American 100 meters


1.Leroy Burrell
2.Dennis Mitchell
3.Bob Hayes
4.Justin Gatlin
5.Carl Lewis
6.Andre Cason
7.Tim Montgomery
8.Jon Drummond

See the big difference in talent there? Even when Morrow starred in 56,the shadow of Jim Goliday the black WR holder from Northwestern hung over him. Goliday was injured.

White sprinters aren't told they can't run. Just like all those white kids in Russia and Germany. Or even Kansas and Iowa. They just don't have the tremendous speed we only find in the black athlete.

Edited by: Zach
This topic has been covered before. See thread "There have been fast white sprinters..... " One thing you might want to note, we're not saying that there have never been any good Black athletes. We're mostly saying that White athletes aren't getting a fair shake. And this board also serves as a place to cheer for our own. For you to express your views on Black supremacy only illustrates the problem. How can young White athletes be evaluated accurately with Black supremacy being the prevailing paradigm among coaches and recruiting services? And as for "where are the sprinters in Germany and Russia"? Where are the sprinters from Zimbabwe and the Congo? I'm sure Germany and Russia could defeat them in head to head meets.Edited by: KG2422
KG2422 said:
This topic has been covered before. See thread "There have been fast white sprinters..... " One thing you might want to note, we're not saying that there have never been any good Black athletes. We're mostly saying that White athletes aren't getting a fair shake. And this board also serves as a place to cheer for our own. For you to express your views on Black supremacy only illustrates the problem. How can young White athletes be evaluated accurately with Black supremacy being the prevailing paradigm among coaches and recruiting services? And as for "where are the sprinters in Germany and Russia"? Where are the sprinters from Zimbabwe and the Congo? I'm sure Germany and Russia could defeat them in head to head meets.

Football and track people understand the differences between white and black. Blacks are simply bigger with speed. Give me a white...

Curtis Dickey..220lbs 10.11
Herschel Walker...225 10.23
Bo Jackson...230 4.19
Tommie Smith...6-3 WR in the 400/200
Steve Wiliams 6-3 WR9.1
John Carlos 6-3 WR9.1 can't! They just don't exist!

We only find the big/tall speedy athlete in abundance in the black athlete. Prove me wrong!Edited by: Zach
Zach said:
We only find the big/tall speedy athlete in abundance in the black athlete. Prove me wrong!

Oh really, Matt Jones is 6' 6", 230 pounds and he runs a 4.3 40. I guess that's not tall or speedy. Jason Sehorn also clocked a 4.3 .The point is when Whites have equal size and speed, Blacks are almost always picked over them even when Whites have been more productive than them. I think there are several reasons Whites are underrepresented in the 100 and 200m. Then again, maybe we have them all stowed away with the Black rocket scientists.
Edited by: KG2422
Brutal, is that you?

How come the white sprinters from 40 and 50 years ago that you have listed have close to the same times as the white sprinters today? Yet, the black sprinters of today would destroy the black sprinters of 40 or 50 years ago.Edited by: SteveB
Yes, SteveB asked the question. The list of white sprinters Zach produced on average ran at much earlier times in history than his list of black sprinters. Why has the black development continued, and the white development stopped? Even if blacks are faster, why haven't the white times progressed? In fact, it seems like they've regressed! Borzov ran 10.07 in 1972. That's 34 years ago! The explanation for this anomaly must go beyond fast twitch muscle fibers and shorter calf muscles into the psychological realm. If we go by the numbers, blacks are getting faster at the same time whites are getting slower. This doesn't make any sense.
Notice that when "Zach" posts, his post total remains at zero. Even the board software must be sick of this one-note idiot!
lets look at the black & white speed issue from a scientific perspective.a person would need about 70% of hismuscle to be fast twitch to be a world class sprinter. testing has shown that blacks of western African decent (mostly your slave breed blacks) about 80% had the fast twitch muscles needed to be a world class sprinter. now for the whites, when tested had about 30%. so yes, there should be more blacks then white in the sprints, but test have proved that there should also be whites in there also. a top 100m list should have 30 give or take white athletes on it, and a Olympic 100m final should have about 2 white runner in it. so where are the Armin Harys & Valerie Borvoz of today? well, its my personal opinion that white athlete are 1. discouraged from sports do to stereo typing. 2. are overlooked by coaches due to stereo typing. and 3. pursue abusiness career life (usually due to the first two reasons) instead of a athletic career. studies also show that black kids tend to develop earlier then white. this also may be a reason white kids are overlooked in sports.all is not lost! as much as i hate the hip hop influence on white America, i have to say its making white kid feel equal to blacks. this will helping in breaking down the "white men can't jump" theory. tellthat to Jonathan Edwards! right now the best street ball player is a white kid and if you look at college basketball you will see a big increase in the white will also see that these white athletes are also "playing black".taking it to the hole and dunking and what not. the thought of a white heavy weight was thought impossible even thought one of the greatest was rocky Marciano! now heavy weight boxing is being dominated by white athletes. soon this new thinkingwill spread to the other sports and we will see some great white athletes again. Jeremy Warnier is a prime example!
You said it perfect albinosprint.People just don't realize the power of role models who look like yourself when you want to reach a dream.Kids are very vulnerable and tend to believe what they are told.They are constantly being pushed into non athletic positions.Whites are slowing mounting a comeback and hopefully the trend will continue.Not only do we need a white 100 meters champion,we also need a white superstar running back to help pave the way for the future!
albinosprint said:
a top 100m list should have 30 give or take white athletes on it, and a Olympic 100m final should have about 2 white runner in it. 

I'll take it! Especially if those 30 white 100m sprinters could win 30% of the time. That would be awesome.
Err Brutal, err Zach is in love with lists. Maybe he should make up a top ten reason why he is still a 30 year old virgin. Or a top ten list of why he likes black fetish movies.........
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