All-Star Weekend Chaos in Vegas

Here's a post that I found on the hockeys future board ( by a Las Vegas resident that sums up this years NBA All Star game

I'd love to have the NHL All-Star game here, but screw the NBA and its fans.

Have you seen what it has been like? I am sure you do not work in a casino because you would not be saying this if you did. This has been THE worst crowd I have ever seen since I have lived/worked here and that was echoed by co-workers who have been doing valet for 20 years here.

There have been shootings at the Palms, Caesars, the Flamingo, and other places. Caesars was completely shut down for two hours on Friday! Do you know what the **** has to happen for a casino to completely shut down for two hours!? That is many, many millions of dollars that they are losing and casinos do not take that lightly at all. Huge amounts of gang activity, Crips, Bloods, and tons of other black gangs came in town for this event. More fights in three days at my casino, than in the last month combined. Incidents of guys hitting girls (which is also popular when the Iranians are in town!) have been common according to a security guard I work with. I work at the casino that is hosting everything going on with the All-Star game, except for the actual game itself, which was at the Thomas and Mack. It has been absolute hell for the last three days, thank God Monday is the last day for any All-Star events.

It has been absolute pandemonium. Friday night, Dwayne Wade was making a scheduled appearance at one of the clubs right by our valet entrance. A huge amount of people leave the club at once, so we basically have like 500 people (most drunk and high) mingling in front of where we bring out cars, which slows us down by a significant amount. Glasses are being broken, people are fighting, everyone wants to know where their car is (hey, you're only behind 150 people, but you think it's going to take 5 minutes? ) It was the most chaotic I've ever seen it been and things have gotten pretty chaotic on boxing nights. They actually shut the doors to one of the entrances it was so packed. A business man who was taking a client out to dinner, unknowing of the events, said it looked like downtown Detroit. Empty Hennessy and other assorted bottles everywhere. Many throwing up, of course. Two paddywagons made four trips, (at just this entrance, there is also another one) which is a new record!

Saturday night wasn't as busy for us, which doesn't say much, as Friday was the busiest this casino has ever been in seven years of existence, but it was an even ****ier night. Ludacris was performing at the same club and some basketball players were appearing. Same scene as the night before basically, except this time there was a big fight inside with Crips and Bloods which ended up with the Crips walking across one of the valet drives and walking on top of parked cars and stomping on hoods of $100,000+ cars. ****ing animals. Security just watched them, none of them are dumb enough to try and be the hero and wind up getting shot. Not enough police presence for this type of crowd, to be sure.

Tonight Akon was performing, but I worked dayshift to miss that catastrophe. It was still insanely busy today, as they have events with NBA players all day long. I'm sure something went down tonight, after what happened Saturday, and being that it's the 2nd to last or last night here for most of these people. They are cheap, I have honestly been stiffed more in the last three days than in the last year, no joke. We still get loads of money out of them because when they are desperate to get to the club and we are the only parking left and we decide who valets, the $20s and $100s come out fast.

Believe me, with the type of crowd the NBA draws, Las Vegas is NOT a good city for an NBA All-Star game here again. I feel sorry for the tourists who were here that were not for the NBA All-Star game.

NHL fans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> NBA fans
Whitlock's column and Lance's post certainly paint a vivid picture of the orgiastic mayhem the NBA brought to Vegas but Tracy McGrady saying he might skip New Orleans if named an all star speaks volumes. From

HOUSTON (AP) -- Houston Rockets star Tracy McGrady said Wednesday he would consider skipping next year's All-Star game if he felt he wouldn't be safe in New Orleans.

"When they first mentioned to me that the All-Star game was going to be in New Orleans, the first thing I thought about is how much security they are going to have for the players and everybody there," McGrady said.

"I don't think it's the right city to have this type of event right now. I know the city is in need of trying to get back on their feet, in need of money. Safety comes first. I'm sure they have to do a lot of research and look into before they really make this decision."

The security issue became a larger concern after there were hundreds of arrests in Las Vegas during All-Star weekend.

"If I don't feel that I'm going to be safe, if I am on that team, I will look into probably not even going," McGrady said.

McGrady's comments came two days after union director Billy Hunter raised his concerns over New Orleans' ability to host the weekend's events, telling Newsday that, "If the union is not convinced that the city can accommodate the All-Star game, it's an issue that will be subject to litigation between the union and the league."

However, Hunter said he was just speaking hypothetically, and both he and NBA commissioner David Stern said they expect next year's weekend to be successful.
American Freedom News