I have to say,i quite liked Ali. I understand all the points made by the guys in this thread and the media has jumped on his legacy turning him into a saint like figure as they do so many other undeserving Blacks like luther King and Mandella. But one of the things i always admired about him was the fact he never dated or fathered any children with White women as far as i know, unlike so many other Black athletes despite most probably having opportunities to do so when taking his wealth and status into account.He viewed Black women as the most beautiful creatures on earth.Ken Nortan,a rival of his in the seventies,a body beautiful type who fancied himself as a ladies man,dated a fair few attractive White women models,actresses etc,even played Mandingo in some 70's production
was relentlessly slated by Ali as a sellout for doing so.
He had alot of respect for his White opponents like Quarrey and Cooper,never showboated,humiliated or spoke bad of them crediting Cooper with landing the hardest punch he's taken though i suspect he was hit harder by Frazier,Foreman.Despite the boasts,cockyness and rymes and this is something Cooper picked up on,he made it funny.The twinkle in the eye,the comedy timing,its all in the delivery which other Black athletes past and present have tried to replicate.Needless to say,they come off as insolant and dour as they dont have the smarts or natural delivery. One of the funniest things he come out with was a comment he made in a post Foreman fight press conference not to Cossell's face but about Cossell who pre fight dismissed him stating he's not the same man he was five years ago and picking Foreman as all sports pundits did by demolition.He responded saying 'well Cossell i spoke to your wife and she said you were'nt the same man you were two years ago
His delivery made it so you could'nt help but laugh.In the real world,i think guys like Ali and other nationalist Blacks who hold similar views regarding race to their White equivalents are an asset

He had alot of respect for his White opponents like Quarrey and Cooper,never showboated,humiliated or spoke bad of them crediting Cooper with landing the hardest punch he's taken though i suspect he was hit harder by Frazier,Foreman.Despite the boasts,cockyness and rymes and this is something Cooper picked up on,he made it funny.The twinkle in the eye,the comedy timing,its all in the delivery which other Black athletes past and present have tried to replicate.Needless to say,they come off as insolant and dour as they dont have the smarts or natural delivery. One of the funniest things he come out with was a comment he made in a post Foreman fight press conference not to Cossell's face but about Cossell who pre fight dismissed him stating he's not the same man he was five years ago and picking Foreman as all sports pundits did by demolition.He responded saying 'well Cossell i spoke to your wife and she said you were'nt the same man you were two years ago