Alexander Dimitrenko

Bad loss today. The scores were 116-110 117-109 113-113

With the win today Chambers became Wladimir Klitschko's mandatory challenger. After Wlad fights Povetkin he'll have to defend against Eddie. Some delusional fans (DWFs) are now claiming Chambers will beat not one but both Klitschko's

Dimitrenko needs to learn how to deal with pressure fighters.He struggled with Chambers' pressure and he's not even a pressure fighter. Dimitrenko's lucky he wasn't in with Arreola. Arreola while being heavily hyped and overrated would probably stop him.

Alexander can come back from this and be a solid contender but one's things certain, he doesn't have nearly the same mental or physical toughness of Povetkin who dominated Chambers over a year ago.
I'm glad Chambers won. Now wigger America has there great black dope. Wlad will destroy Chambers. He is made to order for him.
Dimitrenko was backing up the whole fight and letting Chambers take him into the ropes. Chambers would then start throwing flurries and scoring. I thought he would be able to control the fight with his jab from a distance.Chambers is not nearly as good as he looked today.
I haven't seen the fight but I read about it on fightnews. This fight as there for Dim. to win but I believe he was not properly trained. When a fighter has that much height, reach, power, and weight advantage he does not need to be fast. He should have had his jab into Chambers' chest every time Chambers came within range. He should never have let Chambers get close to him and he didn't have to but he doesn't know how to fight tall. Chambers trainers knew this about Dim. and that's why they took the fight. Dim. will be back but he needs a new trainer to get him fighting tall.

I don't like to see a white fighter lose to a black fighter but this win will fast track Chambers to Wladimir who will execute him. The fight will be shown on U.S. television for all of the NBA and NFL players to watch and stifle as their champion gets slaughtered before all of the white media. Wladimir fights tall and Chambers will make a good highlight reel clip as he crashes like Byrd did.
Chambers has no chance vs Klitschko who will pump the jab into Chambers all night long. Dimitrenko didn't do this at all. He allowed the smaller guy to take him out the ropes and hit him. I would love to see Chambers get knocked out.
I noticed in Dimitrenko's fight against Hoffman he has a tendency to stop fighting and back up. A bad habit against a fighter with the skills to take advantage. I agree with Maple Leaf. New trainer's are needed.
In this fight Eddie Chambers took away Dimitrenko's heart. The fight was there for him to win if he just boxed Eddie from the outside. If Chambers wasn't a pop gun puncher Dimetrenko would have been ko'd. I can't see Eddie doing much against Wlad he doesn't have the power to hurt him. Still a disappointing night....
Makes Povetkin's easy win over Chambers look pretty good. But this isn't the bad old days when there were only 1-2 decent white prospects at heavyweight. Now 4 of the top 5 and 8 of the top 10 fighters at heavy are white.

Haye and Chambers are great black hopes who will get the headlines and make fights versus the Klitschkos and Povetkin even bigger. That means more people will watch as the black hypes get KTFO.
You have all made valid comments -and some are funny. AD tries to throw body shots at smaller much smaller men. That's a good way for a big man to expose his chin and get countered. That's what I call poorly trained. And for AD to get hurt from a body shot by a pepper spray puncher like Chambers tells me that AD could have been in better shape. Again poorly trained.

All in all, facts speak for themselves. If Povetkin could batter Chambers with a decent effort, what will Wladimir do?
Liverlips said:
Makes Povetkin's easy win over Chambers look pretty good. But this isn't the bad old days when there were only 1-2 decent white prospects at heavyweight. Now 4 of the top 5 and 8 of the top 10 fighters at heavy are white.

Haye and Chambers are great black hopes who will get the headlines and make fights versus the Klitschkos and Povetkin even bigger. That means more people will watch as the black hypes get KTFO.

Great perspective. I wasn't particularly impressed with Dimitrenko, so this wasn't a shocker for me. Of course it's never fun to see, or hear about, a white fighter losing to a black fighter. But this was just one top ten guy beating another top ten (or fifteen) guy. No big deal. The HW division begins and ends with K2, and Chambers would have to pull off a miracle to beat either of them.
Dimitrenko could have won this fight if he trained properly. Chambers was backing him up the whole fight and that was his downfall.
It's bizarre how many posters on other sites can't see much difference between the Klitschkos and Dimitrenko. They think because Chambers out-boxed Dimitrenko he can do the same with the Klitschkos (their just big, pondering, and slow as the saying goes). The reality is, Dimitrenko had zero chance of beating either Klitschko anyhway!
Mapleleaf you are right on with that analysis. The Klitschko's know how to use their size and would never let a small fighter like Chambers get inside on them. They also wouldn't be fighting backing up like Dimitrenko did the whole fight. This is a tough loss for Alexander but doesn't hurt his career at all. One loss to a top 10 fighter isn't the end of the world. He will be back and hopefully he will correct his flaws.
Whiteathlete33 -I saw the fight for the first time last night on Youtube. Like some of you guys said, Dimitrenko was backing up and covering up. That is not how a 6,7" fighter is supposed to fight a 6,1" fighter. It's called "giving up your advantages". He wasn't throwing the straight right down the middle much at all. He was trying to hook as Chambers came in. But that is what he was doing in previous fights also available on Youtube.

What I found most odd about the fight was Dimitrenko was covering up instead of at least trying to mix it up with his smaller, light punching opponent. He'd throw one hook and then hide under cover instead of five-six punch combos. Why? what was he worried about? If he couldn't connect well from afar why not throw short hook bombs up close? Someone mentioned Dimitrenko looked like he had no power. I agree with that entirely. He looked like he had no power at all to keep Chambers away. I wonder if this was a bagged fight when I see a big guy like Dimitrenko, who can box a bit and can punch, getting pushed around by a light hitter like Chambers? When a fighter finds he's in with someone faster than him and his game plan isn't working, and when he's so much bigger and his opponent has little power, then usually a fighter will resort to simply mixing it up and brawling knowing he can bully and pound his way to win. Why didn't Dimitrenko do that? Was this fight bagged to keep Dimitrenko away from Klitschko?
I don't know if this fight was bagged. It could be a possibility. Chambers would come inside because Dimitrenko was inviting him in. He would then land multiple shots and Dimintrenko would do almost nothing. I still don't think Chambers is that good of a fighter. He beat someone he shouldn't have because Alexander had a terrible game plan.
Chambers lost to Povetkin and he will lose much worse than that to Klitschko. Tony Thompson who is a big heavyweight lost to Klitschko and Chambers is too small.
Dimitrenko's fight for the European heavyweight title will be here on Polsat.

They are television the whole card, Balzsay fight is on now.
The biggest fight is yet to come tonight. We need Pirog to win though it's going to be real hard for him fighting in the US.
Dimitrenko appeared to be in excellent shape. Didn't see his win, will check it out on Youtube in several days. Hopefully his loss against Chambers was a road bump and look forward to his progress.
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