Al Sharpton, Again

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The professional race baiter is at it again. Only in an anti-white country like this would the promoter of the Tawana Brawley hoax be a major figure whose every ranting is dutifullygiven playby the media.
<H1>Rev. Al Sharpton slams Post for 'racist' column about Plaxico Burress</H1>

An outraged Rev. Al Sharpton is calling for the New York Post to take immediate action to address a column in Monday's editions that he called "blatant racism" and a "media lynching."

Post columnist Steve Serby began his column in Monday's editions with "Good for Tom Coughlin. Good for Coughlin for tightening the noose around Plaxico Burress."

Burress has been fined and benched by the Giants for infractions including tardiness and missing practices. On Saturday, the wide receiver skipped a treatment for his neck, and was benched during the first quarter of the Giants' win in Pittsburgh Sunday.

In criticizing Burress, Serby used a racially loaded and offensive term, Sharpton told the Daily News. "To make such a blatant racist statement about an African-American football player with a neck injury is completely unacceptable," Sharpton said. "Clearly, the racial connotation is very disturbing. ... This is the verbal reflection of a hanging noose."

Sharpton said that if the Post did not acknowledge that the column was offensive, he would further highlight the issue but he did not specify what steps he would take. "They have to act swiftly," Sharpton said. "If we don't see action, I will lay out exactly what that is ... we would like to talk to someone there about whether it was the writer or editor who let this in."

Full article: [url] /2008-10-27_rev_al_sharpton_slams_post_for_racist_co.html [/url]


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
No comments from good ol' Rev. Sharpton about the missed practices and other transgressions of Plaxico Burress that led Coach Coughlin to take disciplinary action.

No surprise here. Shift the focus of the blame away from Burress and his foolish actions, and try to put it all on a white writer who tells the truth.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Coughlin went on to say that Burress seemed like he had hands full of fried chicken grease when he dropped a pass, and that Plaxico would not be able to flash his watermelon grin to get out of his doghouse. Despite Burress reputation for being lazy and shiftless Coughlin still wanted him on the team because no one shucks and jives like Plaxico.

Al Sharpton also announced that black peope should stop conking and straightening their hair and instead wear it in an afro like God meant it to be.