Fabulous insight from an Amren poster concerning African-Aid B.S. [url]http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2005/07/no_major_aid_mo .php[/url]
Helping a people that not only refuse to help themselves, but increase their plight with their attitudes and actions, is useless. Blacks not only show zero gratitude for things done for their benefit, they usually respond with some kind of criticism complaining about oppression, racism, etc.
But the most remarkable thing about this entire matter is that these afrophiles have never, EVER offered to help the dirt poor whites in the Appalacians, or elsewhere who, if they were given assistance like the blacks in Africa, would be gushing with gratitude. But there's no songs written about them, nor is there even a single statement by these Afrophiles in support of this faction of the white population that truly needs assistance.
These Afrophile dorks are beside themselves with worry over black poverty, but I've never heard a peep from them in support of the white farmers in Rhodesia or South Africa who have lost their property through confiscation and eviction, and have even been murdered, simply because they are white. And there are many whites who are unemployed and destitute and are blatantly discriminated against because of black racism against them. Yet not a peep from the white supporters of aid to blacks.
These same flakes, oddballs and misfits, want the US to do something about Aids among blacks, yet refuse to address the fact that blacks themselves don't protect themselves from Aids and that much of the disease is spread via the rape of women and children, making Sub-Sahara Africa the rape capitol of the world, as well as one of the most intense areas---if not THE most intense area--- for violent crime in the world.
I'm absolutely disgusted and sickened by the misguided do goodism by these disgusting geeks.
Helping a people that not only refuse to help themselves, but increase their plight with their attitudes and actions, is useless. Blacks not only show zero gratitude for things done for their benefit, they usually respond with some kind of criticism complaining about oppression, racism, etc.
But the most remarkable thing about this entire matter is that these afrophiles have never, EVER offered to help the dirt poor whites in the Appalacians, or elsewhere who, if they were given assistance like the blacks in Africa, would be gushing with gratitude. But there's no songs written about them, nor is there even a single statement by these Afrophiles in support of this faction of the white population that truly needs assistance.
These Afrophile dorks are beside themselves with worry over black poverty, but I've never heard a peep from them in support of the white farmers in Rhodesia or South Africa who have lost their property through confiscation and eviction, and have even been murdered, simply because they are white. And there are many whites who are unemployed and destitute and are blatantly discriminated against because of black racism against them. Yet not a peep from the white supporters of aid to blacks.
These same flakes, oddballs and misfits, want the US to do something about Aids among blacks, yet refuse to address the fact that blacks themselves don't protect themselves from Aids and that much of the disease is spread via the rape of women and children, making Sub-Sahara Africa the rape capitol of the world, as well as one of the most intense areas---if not THE most intense area--- for violent crime in the world.
I'm absolutely disgusted and sickened by the misguided do goodism by these disgusting geeks.