Afrophile geeks


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Fabulous insight from an Amren poster concerning African-Aid B.S. [url] .php[/url]

Helping a people that not only refuse to help themselves, but increase their plight with their attitudes and actions, is useless. Blacks not only show zero gratitude for things done for their benefit, they usually respond with some kind of criticism complaining about oppression, racism, etc.

But the most remarkable thing about this entire matter is that these afrophiles have never, EVER offered to help the dirt poor whites in the Appalacians, or elsewhere who, if they were given assistance like the blacks in Africa, would be gushing with gratitude. But there's no songs written about them, nor is there even a single statement by these Afrophiles in support of this faction of the white population that truly needs assistance.

These Afrophile dorks are beside themselves with worry over black poverty, but I've never heard a peep from them in support of the white farmers in Rhodesia or South Africa who have lost their property through confiscation and eviction, and have even been murdered, simply because they are white. And there are many whites who are unemployed and destitute and are blatantly discriminated against because of black racism against them. Yet not a peep from the white supporters of aid to blacks.

These same flakes, oddballs and misfits, want the US to do something about Aids among blacks, yet refuse to address the fact that blacks themselves don't protect themselves from Aids and that much of the disease is spread via the rape of women and children, making Sub-Sahara Africa the rape capitol of the world, as well as one of the most intense areas---if not THE most intense area--- for violent crime in the world.

I'm absolutely disgusted and sickened by the misguided do goodism by these disgusting geeks.
That post tells it like it is. Another great find, Bart!
Bart, you said it all man. Especially about nobody wanting to help whites. The difference between a liberal and a guy like me could be that they want to pander to the black to keep him from burning his city, while I'm at home cleaning my guns. Though I do believe as Rand did that altruism/charity is usually counterproductive.
WHITE MAN'S BURDEN-Rudyard Kipling
(February 12, 1899, "McClure's Magazine")

Take up the White Man's burden â€â€
Send forth the best ye breed â€â€
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild â€â€
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man's Burden â€â€
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain.
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden â€â€
The savage wars of peace â€â€
Fill full the mouth of famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hope to nought.

Take up the White Man's burden â€â€
No tawdry lie of kings.
But toil of serf and sweeper â€â€
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go make them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.

Take up the White Man's burden â€â€
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard â€â€
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light: â€â€
" Why brought ye us from bondage,
" Our loved Egyptian night! "

Take up the White Man's burden â€â€
Ye dare not stoop to less â€â€
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your Gods and you.

Take up the White Man's burden â€â€
Have done with childish days â€â€
The lightly proffered laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!
From the article:
Beyonce agrees that more education about Africa is needed -- not only for black musicians, but for people in general.

Why do we need more education about Africa, Beyonce? So we can figure out how much more money to pump into the "Dark Continent?"

Again from the article, quoting Beyonce:
"I don't think it's an African-American (problem); I think it's an American thing because of the news. Maybe that's why, I don't know. Or maybe we're just spoiled."

Why is it an American thing? Because American's and other white nations are the only ones stupid enough to send millions of dollars in 'foreign aid' to help the ungrateful?

And "maybe we're just spoiled?"????

Ya think?
Your flippin right about that Don. They could care less than anyone about what happens to their cousins back home. They don't know the meaning of helping anyone. If we had any sense, we'd cut off aid to those idiots who won't even try to help themselves. We have been wasting billions for years.
American Freedom News