African American IQ lower


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The mean African American IQ might actually be only 78 rather than 85

July 23, 2010

Nisbett Wrong, Againâ€"No Black Gains In Reading and Mathematics Over
Five Decades

By Professor J. Philippe Rushton


When Jensen and I reviewed Nisbett's book, we noted that his claims of Black IQ gains relative to whites were far too high. But, in common with other race realist scientists, we tended to assume there must have been some improvement.

However, our new analysis finds that from 1954 to 2008 Black 17-year-olds consistently scored at the level of White 14-year-olds on tests of mathematics and readingâ€"i.e. in more than fifty years, there had been no significant change at all.


The lowest scores in our analysis came from the gold standard NAEP tests (70, 71, and 77). In our review of Nisbett's book mentioned earlier, Jensen and I noted the possibility that the mean African American IQ might actually be only 78 rather than 85â€"in part because, even today, test developers and educational researchers seldom get to examine the very lowest scoring segments of the Black population in inner cities.

Taken together, our results indicate no significant Black gain in educational achievement for over 50 years. When evidence in favor of Black gains is presented, it typically rests on insufficient sampling and highly selective reporting.

By contrast, the results in Figure 1 are based on a highly reliable composite based on combining the Reading and Mathematics scores of the NAEP.

Our conclusion: predictions about the Blackâ€"White IQ gap narrowing are based on faith rather than evidence, wishful thinking rather than critical analysis.

There is no more reason to expect Blackâ€"White differences in IQ to narrow as a result of, say, the secular rise in IQ over time, than to expect maleâ€"female differences in height to narrow as a result of secular changes in height due to nutrition. The (mostly heritable) cause of the former is not the (mostly environmental) cause of the latter.


Jul 12, 2007
But... But...
Those tests are CULTURALLY BIASED!
You gotta understand where da black man be comin' from. In da hood, 13 + 5 = 20. Your "white man's math" don't accurately test our chillins.
You gotta change yo tests.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
It's always blamed on the school system and poor funding in inner city schools. Good ole' Newark, NJ is now getting 100 million dollars from the owner of facebook. Like it will make a difference.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
This make my 118 look high lol.
sub saharan african 70
native american 87
east asian/ white 102

Average african american is has around 20% european ancestry, 5% native and 2% east asian admixture.If average of african americans is really 78 then they wouldn't have any gain from socially viewpoint but would be linear to the admixture on average.
Jul 14, 2007
whiteathlete33 said:
It's always blamed on the school system and poor funding in inner city schools.  Good ole' Newark, NJ is now getting 100 million dollars from the owner of facebook.  Like it will make a difference.

The only thing in these school systems that boosts scores are the very few white students in them. These systems usually have a couple schools with a significant number of white kids and those schools are by far the top in the system. The leaders there always struggle to "close the achievement gap," as if it would be a good thing if white students test scores DROPPED to meet those of black students!

Of course black parents complain that the "white school" get all the resources, and complain when their kids can't get into them because too many people have applied to get in.

If anything, I hope that 100 million somehow benefits the few white kids in Newark Public Schools.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Newark had a significant Italian-American area. I'm not sure if still exists. I have never heard of a middle class to upper middle class area of Newark. The area that had significant Whites were working class to lower middle class. Did the Facebook founder grow up in Newark?
Jul 14, 2007
white is right said:
Newark had a significant Italian-American area. I'm not sure if still exists. I have never heard of a middle class to upper middle class area of Newark. The area that had significant Whites were working class to lower middle class. Did the Facebook founder grow up in Newark?

No, he had no ties to Newark... He said he just wanted to give others an opportunity because he went to good schools growing up.


Oct 26, 2008
Electric Slide said:
white is right said:
Newark had a significant Italian-American area. I'm not sure if still exists. I have never heard of a middle class to upper middle class area of Newark. The area that had significant Whites were working class to lower middle class. Did the Facebook founder grow up in Newark?

No, he had no ties to Newark... He said he just wanted to give others an opportunity because he went to good schools growing up.

The schools don't matter. If you're smart, you're smart. If the school is an absolute disaster,then,yes, it could hurt. But if it is a decent school ,it's not going to matter.

If we spend 10 g's per student, why not just have one teacher for 6 students and pay him 60 grand and they could teach out of some one's living room. Why have the school infrastructure? I think there are some teachers on this site. I would be interested what you think.Is this feasible?Edited by: Europe


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Europe, I'm trying to make sure I understand what you are asking here. Seems pointless to argue over infrastructure if you are still spending money to pay teachers out to individual homes to teach small groups of students. If the teachers are teaching groups of 6 instead of groups of 20-30, then you have to pay for more teachers and the price of education will probably be close to the same as if the buildings were still being used. You'd still have to pay for the student's books, etc.

If this is what you are in favor of, I don't see it as feasible. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I'd be in favor of mass home-schooling (by parents) over this plan. Public schools are our enemy. I don't think they can be redeemed as long as everything else stays the same.
Jul 14, 2007
Colonel_Reb said:
Europe, I'm trying to make sure I understand what you are asking here. Seems pointless to argue over infrastructure if you are still spending money to pay teachers out to individual homes to teach small groups of students. If the teachers are teaching groups of 6 instead of groups of 20-30, then you have to pay for more teachers and the price of education will probably be close to the same as if the buildings were still being used. You'd still have to pay for the student's books, etc. If this is what you are in favor of, I don't see it as feasible. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I'd be in favor of mass home-schooling (by parents) over this plan. Public schools are our enemy. I don't think they can be redeemed as long as everything else stays the same.

I think the best solution would to phase out public schooling, not eliminate it out right. There are still some high performing (aka white) schools in big city school districts. I don't find a problem with retaining these for a while. I believe in expanding options, and for now the money should follow the students. If parents choose to home-school or send their kids to a private school, they shouldn't pay the portion of property tax that goes to education. For the good (aka white) public schools, there should be a tuition paid and/or funded by Mark Zuckerberg types who want to donate. In the end, public primary and secondary schools should be like college, an option that you still need to pay for and is not guaranteed to anyone. Any thoughts on this idea?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

What your're talking about is a "radical" idea, getting rid of public schools. But all radical ideas are ridiculed when first introduced. I've been writing about this for some time here with my letters to the editor to a weekly newpaper for a few years now. One thing you left out in your discussion so far is the quality of the so called "teachers." They are for the most part, sub-par people. People who gravitate to "ed" courses because they know they're the least demanding in the colleges. But there are many other problems with the system as well.

For example, it's not about teaching anymore. It's about all the outside vendors and whatever they're selling. For example, imagine the guy who's supplying all those breakfasts and lunches for poor students. Do you think he cares whether or not they know that 2+2=4. Of course not. All he cares about is his bottom line. What about the school bus co.? They don't care about the kid learning anything either. It's all about bottom line with them too. There are hundreds more vendors to go along with them as well.

As far as whether or not black kids are smart enough to learn past 4-5 grade, it's irrelevant anymore (I think everyone knows more or less that they can't unless a person is absolutely insane). The only thing that matters is to teach our White children that their survival depends on them understanding that our country is going to face a war that will make our civil war look like a mere skirmish (the killing will get to a point that would astonish Pol Pot). That they must know things that will help them survive when the test comes.

To do this, people should teach their own children how to handle fire arms and be proficient when they fire, one round, one kill.

Also, those people who for one reason or another are forced to put their children in public schools, they must monitor what their child is taught and tell the child when a teacher has told them something that is a lie.

The end of this nation as we know it is drawing closer every day. Don't get caught flat footed when it happens. Prepare yourself and your families as mush as possible. A point about your families. If someone in your family rejects what you tell them, write them off. Don't waste time trying to convince people of the obvious. It's already to late for them.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Electric, good point about there being some good quality public schools. Yes, the move away from them would have to happen gradually. I really like your idea about being able to opt out of paying taxing that support the public schools for those who don't use them. Getting political support for an idea like that would be the tough part.

Tom, you make a good point as well, and one that I meant to mention last night. Many public school teachers are sub-par and should be let go. Trying to get better ones would take some time, however, especially in some of the worst areas. Standardized testing from elementary through high school has done a lot of damage as far as teachers actually trying to get their students to learn. Now the focus is on getting all the students to pass those tests, at the expense of everything else. A lack of parental involvement is epidemic within most public and private schools. Most parents don't care if their kids are being taught lies and are being indoctrinated with statist, anti-White propaganda. This is the main reason home-schooled kids perform better than their peers on average.

I also agree that White people should have guns to protect themselves, their families and their gold/silver/food, etc. Anyone here who doesn't own one should get one and become proficient in its use.

I don't agree that we should immediately write people off if they disagree with us at first. I've seen people wake up, and in a fairly short amount of time. With some it takes longer, but I believe the effort is always worthwhile. If they don't hear it from me, they probably won't get it from anyone else. I might as well try to make them aware.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Public schools in Jersey are a joke. The only thing I learned in high school is how corrupt the system actually is.


Oct 26, 2008
Colonel_Reb said:
Europe, I'm trying to make sure I understand what you are asking here. Seems pointless to argue over infrastructure if you are still spending money to pay teachers out to individual homes to teach small groups of students. If the teachers are teaching groups of 6 instead of groups of 20-30, then you have to pay for more teachers and the price of education will probably be close to the same as if the buildings were still being used. You'd still have to pay for the student's books, etc. If this is what you are in favor of, I don't see it as feasible. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I'd be in favor of mass home-schooling (by parents) over this plan. Public schools are our enemy. I don't think they can be redeemed as long as everything else stays the same.

I wasn't thinking about reducing the cost. I was just thinking about improving the quality of teaching and attention each student gets.
Plus,you would take the students out of these massive schools where problems could happen.

The problem is that many people think that all students are equal and that is why we have the idea about closing the achievement gap between blacks and whites. This just wastes money by spending it on kids that can't pass Alegebr II.

I don't know if every parent could teach their child that well, some could. We also have both parents working in most cases, which would give them less time to teach their children. Even in the 1800's many children weren't taught at home. They went to the 1 room school house.

We need to rethink education completely in this country in terms of how long kids go,what kind of classes they should take and what setting it is taught in. I also think many people are wasting their money on a college degree that is useless.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Here is an article that I just came across that shows that black boys are waaaaay behind their white counterparts in academics. Wow, that is shocking. But that's okay, they'll still be the ones given the "scholarships" to the D1 university of their choice due to their athletic "upside".


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
FootballDad said:
Here is an article that I just came across that shows that black boys are waaaaay behind their white counterparts in academics.  Wow, that is shocking.  But that's okay, they'll still be the ones given the "scholarships" to the D1 university of their choice due to their athletic "upside".

Thanks for posting this article, Football Dad.

This was discussed on NBC News last night. Brian Williams said "for some reason" young blacks are lagging behind their white counterparts....

The usual litany of excuses was paraded out to explain it-ranging from bad schools and teachers to a lack of opportunity.

Funny thing is they didn't mention a statistic I saw in an article the other day pointing out that 72% of black mothers are single mothers.

When the black community makes an effort to take care of themselves, perhaps things could get a tad bit better. Edited by: Van_Slyke_CF

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Colonel_Reb said:
I really like your idea about being able to opt out of paying taxing that support the public schools for those who don't use them...

Is this for people who home-school or send their children to private schools only? Or do you mean for people who do not even have (school age) children?

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Van_Slyke_CF said:
Funny thing is they didn't mention a statistic I saw in an article the other day pointing out that 72% of black mothers are single mothers.
When the black community makes an effort to take care of themselves, perhaps things could get a tad bit better.

Perhaps, discipline-wise. But there is no reason to think blacks' being born to unwed mothers holds down their mean-IQ; nor is there cause to suppose that an embrace of the nuclear family would boost blacks' mean-IQ scores.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
In europe we have a lot of differnt levels of school, you have vmbo which is low and at least 50% non white you have havo which is like highschool and you have vwo which is very high which is very white. When you have college in us you can if you are good with school were I live go to mbo which is medium education level or HBO or university.Young dutch generation is like 1/20 black but in university around 1/1000 or less, and great mayority if not all do economics and no science. But Arabs do not much better.

Are there in the US more blacks in jail or more in college?


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
BTW i can better get along with blacks then with Arabs.US does section Europe did it not for a long time so a lot of arabs hereare mountains with a middle ages culture.I have never heard a arab saying something positive about whites but ther are also good ones.In holland you have a line of: 95% verpest het voor de rest .which means something like the bad 95% makes it bad for the others.This is often used for Maroccains's sound funny becuase the media always said the bad are a small% etc. and that every group have bad and good people.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
waterbed said:
BTW i can better get along with blacks then with Arabs.US does section Europe did it not for a long time so a lot of arabs hereare mountains with a middle ages culture.I have never heard a arab saying something positive about whites but ther are also good ones.In holland you have a line of: 95% verpest het voor de rest .which means something like the bad 95% makes it bad for the others.This is often used for Maroccains's sound funny becuase the media always said the bad are a small% etc. and that every group have bad and good people.

Damn i am typing much too fast.


Aug 27, 2008
Waterbed, I'm almost sure I've read that the US has more blacks incarcerated than attending college.