affirmative action


Nov 30, 2004
United States
Lets talk about affirmative action. Blacks are ruling the spotlight right now in music, sports,and on tv commercials it seems like they are on almost every commercial,and thats not even good enough. I work in a factory , and they are hiring about two blacks to every white, and our new distribution manager is black. This is not a joke our big money black manager seems like he can't even make a decision on his own. My piece of sh*t company created a position under big money black to make his decisions for him. I s this going on whereall you guys work,and what is your opinions on it ? Edited by: tnt461
Affirmitive action seems to go hand and hand with
the moral deterioration of America. People are too lazy to judge
individuals as individuals, so they just pick some "minorities" to work
in companies. This way everyone is happy. This system
shares paralells with Communism.

People are not showing any discipline when it comes
to drugs and sex. They also do not show any discipline when it
comes to picking employees.
By People, I guess I mean the government. The government is
showing little discipline so America's philosophy is being contaminated
by Marxism. This will have long term damage, when an unqualified
doctor is performing surgery.
I had heard a interview with a black one time on cnn, i cant remember who the guy was but they were talking about afirmative action. The black guy said if he was ever in the hospital er and he had the choice of seeing a white,black, or asian doctor he would choose the white one because he was probably the only one that earned his way into his position.

One of the most scary things about this is that blacks have a average iq of 85 compared to whites who have a average of 100, I have read that 1 in 5 blacks have a iq at or below 70, 70 in considered to be mentally retarded, with our government giving blacks better jobs, large companies making positions for them or having to have them on there boards of directors, we are intern making america a dumber country. This is why it is very scary to walk into a hospital and see more black nurses and doctors then white ones, or have a black representing you in congress or other forms of government. Edited by: cxt7
I don't know if IQ is a fair way to judge an
individual since lack of natural intelligence can be overcome.
There could be a doctor with an IQ of 85 who did just as well on the
MCAT's, SAT's,etc. However, I think it is acceptible to say that
if a group's IQ is lower(significantly) on average, then they will not
have very many people in academic professions. I know a
couple blacks that are very good in math, and also seem to have a high
IQ. However, as a group, the IQ could be that low.

Affirmitive Action goes hand and hand with the
distortion of the seven intelligences theory. It states that
traditional tests are overrated because there are many more ways to
measure skills and ability(a valid argument, but the rest of the guy's
argument is awful). Schools use this to promote dance, aka
rap/hip hop. They use this theory to promote ebonics as a form of
creativity. How well someone can rap does not have anything to do
with learning skills for life. This is a very communist idea as
it involves bringing productive people and lazy/unskilled people down
to the same level.

I never heard of affirmitive action for
Asians. I have never seen them under represented in colleges and
seem to score just as well, or better on tests as whites.
The very fact that we can't even get rid of something as obviously
wrong as affirmative action shows us how far our civilization has
traveled down the wrong road. It's sickening to see white leaders
defend this indefensible notion, usually while mouthing one of their
favorite platitudes, the monstrous lie that "diversity is our
strength." I work for a large corporation, and it features the same
stuff all the others do; lots of blacks and other minority workers,
incompetent whites who are afraid to discipline any minority, promotion
of any minority-especially any black-who puts half the effort into his
work that the laziest white employee does.
Edited by: bigunreal
American Freedom News