Adrian Krieg, RIP

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Don't know if any CFers ever read any of Dr. Adrian Krieg's books and articles, but he recently died at the age of 82. Even as he aged he remained amazingly energetic and sharp and his demise happened quickly and unexpectedly. He wrote articles for my now discontinued newspaper The Nationalist Times every month for some 25 years along with authoring dozens of books and was a very good friend. Rest in Peace
I enjoyed reading Dr. Adrian Kreig. The Nationalist Times was an excellent publication. IMHO, the NT's best contributors (other than the deceased) were Don Wassall, John Bell and Paul Richert.
Condolences to Dr. Kreig's family.
I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, Don. Though I’m not familiar with his work, I’m sure it’s excellent if he wrote for your publication.
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock did a one hour tribute show to Adrian the other day. On Mondays, Adrian and Mark Dankof co-hosted with Andy on a show called "Generations," with Adrian representing the older generation, Mark the aging Boomer, and Andy the younger generation (I think he's in his mid-40s). I was on it on occasion also. If anyone wants the link to the tribute send me a PM.
Are any of his articles available? I wouldn’t mind reading anything of his that may be out there. Always looking to get new perspectives from intelligent minds.

Also you have my condolences Don.
This is Adrian's website: I don't know if his widow or someone else will continue selling his books or not. I know he had been deplatformed by the usual suspects in recent years, even the smallish company that printed his books for a long time dropped him, and so his sales suffered. He would crank out several books a year, he had incredible energy.

Some of his recent articles can be found on his website and likely elsewhere as The Nationalist Times wasn't the only publication to run his material.
From his web page - posted just three days ago.

Adrian Krieg
Posted: 10-06-2020

A true Icon of the “Oppressive Left” Charles de Gaulle said the following:

“Si une communauté n’est pas acceptée, c’est parce qu’elle ne donne pas de bons produits, sion elle est admise sans problème. Si elle se paint de racisme à son égard, c’est parce qu'elle est porteuse de désordre. Quant’ elle ne fournit que du bien, tout le monde lui ouvre ses bras. Mais il ne faut pas qu’elle vienne chez nous pour imposer ses moeurs”

My French is terrible but a rough translation would be:

“If a group of society is not accepted, it is caused, by them not bringing any value; otherwise they would be readily accepted. If they complain about systemic racism it is caused by their opposition and turmoil that they bring to society. When on the other hand, they do good, they will be accepted with open arms. But they must not come to us in hope of upsetting our status quo.”

Can you name a single politician worldwide, who today, has the balls to state these simple facts? Nope—we live in the touchy-feely world of the 21st century!

By the way, DeGaulle, Eisenhower, and Churchill all wrote voluminous memoirs of the second world war. There is not a single word about any "Holocaust" or "six million" in any of them. "The Holocaust" wasn't even invented until the 1970's.
American Freedom News