Add another White baby to the world


Sep 7, 2007
My granddaughter was born October 11th (a couple of weeks ago - I just found out over the weekend). I was worried she might be part minority (since my daughter isn't married, and I have little control over her choices, though she is 24 and can make up her own mind). Found out the father (if you want to call him that, more like sperm donor) is Spanish. Whew! She's abeautiful baby.

I mentioned to my wife yesterday as we were studying her picture, "I'm just glad she's not part black." My wife gave me the dirtiest look, but I countered with "Well? Look at your nephews and niece!" My wife's sister married a black man, had 4 kids, and they all turned out crap. Typical black sh!!, lots of welfare babies with different mothers (or different fathers, in the girl's case), no marriage, drugs, even one in prison. Hell, yeah, I'm glad my granddaughter is White!

Now, if I can keep her from embracing multiculturalism as she grows up...
Congrats on the continution of your gene line. While people like to criticize others for the choices of their children unfortunately the non-stop attack on the minds and attitudes of our children is hard as hell to overcome. Non-stop propaganda and brainwashing is difficult to offset.
Congratulations.The fear and trepidation you must have been feeling in finding out whether your grandchild was white or not must be one that aflicts many whites today and will continue to do in the future.The fear's well accounted for ,you only have to look at the frightening dempgraphic trends taking place in which many of the youth u18 populations of former white nations are ethnic.It dos'nt take a scientist to work out that racial intermixing will increase exponentially as a result of increasingly non white city's,community's,schools,associates,workplaces,friends among whites not because their race traitors or the inordinate influence of MTV propaganda but because non whites will be all they'll ever meet.
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