Manifest Destiny proves his position, one way or the other, by the questions he asks and the answers or opinions he gives on the board, just like the rest of us. He can speak for himself, if he so chooses. Yes, the FBS is well under 40% white starters, as there are only 3 conferences in the country with more than 40% whites starting. Although none of us have researched the complete FCS, we know just by looking at some of the teams that it is probably 50% white, maybe a little more than that. That is still pathetically low, especially when you consider the fact that many FCS schools never start a white RB, CB, or WR. The prevalence of the caste system is still there, but it isn't as much of a widespread "iron law" as it is in the FBS. It tends to be concentrated in certain conferences, but in less of them than the FBS. Your just talking about a measure of degrees in the differences between the two subdivisions.