
Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
In this thread discuss different kinds of activism that can be done. If you want give examples.

Here's one that I do and you can too.. When you're in your car stopped at a stoplight you can look around to see if there are any white people in the car next to you or on the sidewalk. Sometimes people are sitting waiting for a bus.

You can then start talking loudly about political and white issues. You can choose any issue you want. You talk loudly enough so your targets can hear you.

If you have someone with you, you can talk to her as if you are holding a conversation. If you're alone you can talk as if you're holding a conversation on the cell phone.

Since you're holding a private conversation people can't really object to it.

One of our problems is we can't even get people to listen to us. This way they have no choice.

I've done this many times. I've seen that some people definitely heard what I said by their reactions.

It works.

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Try this guys, it works.

As an added bonus you will absolutely infuriate some liberals and they can't do anything about it. You just drive away.
I like the idea of a 'conversation" as though you're on a Bluetooth call, with windows down. You could have a great monolog at a red light and preach the truth, fitting for the moment. An array of topics are out there "for the taking" so to speak.
Here's a good topic to use - the murder of Victoria Rose Smith. Victoria Rose Smith was a 3 year old white girl who was adopted by two black BLM activists.

The black BLM activists who adopted her posted on the internet how "racist" Victoria was. A 3 year old girl! Then they beat her to death.

Victoria's murder was ignored by the MSM.

I told this story next to two white bicyclists who were stopped next to me at a stoplight. They couldn't help but hear me.

They were shocked, stunned! I could tell by the expressions on their faces. They had probably never heard of this crime. Now they have.

I'm telling you guys. This drive-by activism works!
Here's a good topic to use - the murder of Victoria Rose Smith. Victoria Rose Smith was a 3 year old white girl who was adopted by two black BLM activists.

The black BLM activists who adopted her posted on the internet how "racist" Victoria was. A 3 year old girl! Then they beat her to death.

Victoria's murder was ignored by the MSM.

I told this story next to two white bicyclists who were stopped next to me at a stoplight. They couldn't help but hear me.

They were shocked, stunned! I could tell by the expressions on their faces. They had probably never heard of this crime. Now they have.

I'm telling you guys. This drive-by activism works!
Amen EP. We have to use every opportunity. Not a single person can turn on the radio on a non-Christian station or a tv without hearing or seeing propaganda, and even some "Christian" stations are ruled by the enemy. Lies are everywhere. It is the message of the enemies. We must pick and choose how to counteract this. Every man must choose how to fight and we are definitely in an Information War. Fight on, men!
If they seem receptive, then you give them some literature and a list of websites, publications and organizations to check out. Just saying something loudly inside your car is completely ineffective without lots of follow-up. They'll just go back to the same sources and information they've been indoctrinated by their entire lives. I can think of 50 better forms of activism than yelling in your car to yourself so that random people can overhear. Many will simply think you're unhinged.
If they seem receptive, then you give them some literature and a list of websites, publications and organizations to check out. Just saying something loudly inside your car is completely ineffective without lots of follow-up. They'll just go back to the same sources and information they've been indoctrinated by their entire lives. I can think of 50 better forms of activism than yelling in your car to yourself so that random people can overhear. Many will think you're simply unhinged.

I agree with nothing in this post.

"If they seem receptive, then you give them some literature and a list of websites, publications and organizations to check out."

Handing out literature is not practical with this kind of activism. There isn't enough time. When the light changes you have to move on. By the way I've stood on street corners and handed out literature, so I'm not against that.

"Just saying something loudly inside your car is completely ineffective without lots of follow-up."

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Completely wrong. Couldn't be more wrong.

How do I know it's wrong? Because all it took was one comment to convert me from a conservative to a right wing race realist.

I read a comment about how the MSM had covered up the horrible torture murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. I had never heard of them. It was 6 months after the murders took place. I looked it up on the internet and I was shocked at what I found, just as the bicyclists I mentioned above were shocked. The light bulb went on right then and there.

"I can think of 50 better forms of activism than yelling in your car to yourself so that random people can overhear. Many will think you're simply unhinged."

I never said anything about yelling. I don't yell when I do it. I talk loudly. That's all that's necessary.

Many of the times I engaged in drive-by activism I had a companion my car. She knows the score. When we reach a stop light she knows I'm going to talk about politics as if I'm talking to her. If I'm alone people will assume I'm talking to someone on a device. That's the trick. Make it seem as if you're talking to someone.

Even if there are 50 better forms of activism there's no reason you can't do this as well. It isn't as if this precludes you from doing any of the 50. It's just one more weapon.

Besides, what else are you doing at a stoplight? You're just sitting there doing nothing. So what's the harm in doing this?

The cherry on top is that it's often entertaining. I can't wait to get started doing it again now that the weather is warming up!
I read a comment about how the MSM had covered up the horrible torture murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. I had never heard of them. It was 6 months after the murders took place. I looked it up on the internet and I was shocked at what I found, just as the bicyclists I mentioned above were shocked. The light bulb went on right then and there.

You don't know that and you never will as it was a random encounter and you left yourself no way to further educate or have any contact with them, assuming the light bulb did in fact go on. The most likely thing that happened is that the bicyclists forgot what you said within minutes. In fact, you don't know if you've ever "converted" a single person through this method.

You are the foremost practitioner of the policy of repeating the same basic message over and over and over again. Even though you overdo it quite a bit, the basic idea of reinforcing an idea or point is correct. Yet now you claim someone overhearing a few sentences from a stranger in a passing car is going to somehow overcome a lifetime of indoctrination in an instant and become a pro-White activist.

You admit that you became pro-White by "reading a comment." That merely reinforces my point -- get people to sites and places where they can read and re-read and digest ideas and opinions and then go to similar places to learn even more. Giving people tools to learn more -- literature, websites, etc., followed up by conversations -- is a far better way to find and convert those interested in your message. That's just common sense.

We need genuine organization and activism, not people talking loudly in their cars to themselves (or a companion). I've been around a long time and have been to countless meetings where forms of activism were discussed. I think anyone suggesting "talk loudly in your car" would have been laughed at. I'm not saying don't do it, only that there are at least 50 better and more effective methods of activism than that.
I agree with both of you. I think the car idea is a good icebreaker but it's needs to be followed up. I still have some business cards for this site I ordered years ago. Those are
good as well as flyers on windshields. I think any effort is a good start but it needs to be like a snowball and get bigger and gain momentum.
"You don't know that and you never will as it was a random encounter and you left yourself no way to further educate or have any contact with them, assuming the light bulb did in fact go on."

You're misunderstanding what I said. I meant the light bulb went on then and there for me, not the bicyclists.

" In fact, you don't know if you've ever "converted" a single person through this method."

True. And you don't know that I haven't. Furthermore it's just one more bit of information and these bits can add up.

"You are the foremost practitioner of the policy of repeating the same basic message over and over and over again."

Yes I am. That's how the anti-whites operate, unfortunately quite successfully. If it's successful for them it will be successful for pro-whites.

"Yet now you claim someone overhearing a few sentences from a stranger in a passing car is going to somehow overcome a lifetime of indoctrination in an instant and become a pro-White activist."

I made no such claim. I gave an example of how one comment converted me. Indirectly I suggested that it could possibly affect someone that way, I never said it would.

"We need genuine organization and activism"

This is genuine activism, even if in a small way.

I've run across this attitude before. If it's not some major campaign it's seen as worthless. Meanwhile the white race is dying the death of a thousand cuts. The anti-whites flood the world with countless small bits of anti-white propaganda and it works.

" there are at least 50 better and more effective methods of activism than that."

Again, doing drive-by activism does not preclude anyone from engaging in any other types of activism. You can do both. You're just wasting your time at a stoplight anyway. Why not do something constructive?

I don't get why anyone would oppose this. There's no downside. You're not losing anything by it. It can't hurt and might help.

People can mock, ridicule and laugh at me and my idea all they want. I'm still going to do it.

Drive-by activism is effective. I've seen it.
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We'll have to agree to disagree. I think there are dozens, yes 50 or more, better ways to use one's time on behalf of the cause. That's my point. By all means talk loudly in your car to your heart's content. But if you post about it as some effective method ("It works" you've written several times with no evidence to back up the claim), I'm going to post my opinion that it's a waste of time. Being reduced to talking loudly in a car, especially if alone, in the face of all that we're up against, strikes me as pathetic. There, I'm done.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I think there are dozens, yes 50 or more, better ways to use one's time on behalf of the cause. That's my point. By all means talk loudly in your car to your heart's content. But if you post about it as some effective method ("It works" you've written several times with no evidence to back up the claim), I'm going to post my opinion that it's a waste of time. Being reduced to talking loudly in a car, especially if alone, in the face of all that we're up against, .. There, I'm done.

"I think there are dozens, yes 50 or more, better ways to use one's time on behalf of the cause."

Once again I will point out that engaging in drive-by activism does not stop you from engaging in other kinds of activism. You can do drive-by activism and do any of the fifty or more you cite. It's not one or the other.

You talk of better ways to use one's time, that drive-by activism is a waste of time ... so what are the ways one can better use one's time while stopped at a stoplight? The time is wasted doing nothing anyways.

"But if you post about it as some effective method..."

Anyone who has engaged in real life activism, and that's probably all the posters here, knows that one of the problems white civil rights activists face is we can't even get people to listen to us. We can't even get up to bat. let alone reach first base. As soon as they fathom what we're talking about they stop listening immediately. Sometimes they attack us, usually verbally.

With drive-by activism people, including liberals and other anti-whites, have no choice but to listen. They can't tune you out. You can't impart a lot of information in such a short time but you can tell them things they may never have heard.

"... strikes me as pathetic. "

Not only is it not pathetic, it's a brilliant idea!

Everyone should try drive-by activism to see what results you get,
Regardless of how this is viewed we should weigh the variables. Activism is not a one size fits all we all agree on that. "Drive-by activism" is not for everybody. There are many ways to effectively reach out to the uninitiated and the ignorant (sometimes willfully) but we need to perceive what's effective and what's not. Some things are actually counterproductive. Some we don't know until they are tried. If they are counterproductive we should stop them retool and find better ways.

Sometimes different people will be persuaded by different means so we need to be attentive to the audience and perceptive to what might turn a possible "listener" off. Regardless we should never give up reaching out to people even in small ways.
I don't know if my 2 cents will help anyone here but I recently had 7 tee shirts printed up with personalized messages though not controversial am sure rankles a few feathers. My favorite ( that has not gotten a response yet ) is " All my white privilege got me was this lousy tee-shirt . " Another one that I was sure to create discussion is " We need more diversity in The NFL especially Albino Eskimos . " I clearly am not going to be full out offensive because I am trying to create dialogue not get punched in the back of the head. I'm sure a few people of thought of engaging me in discussion at some point. When it gets to warmer weather hopefully I'll get an uptick in attention.
When I was younger we would go almost every weekend to a different town and pass out flyers telling what we stood for and why we believe so. We always tried to go to any military city because they were gold mines for recruiting young men. The flyers never mention violence just where they could contact us and ask them to join us. Eye to eye contact. I met some the most incredible people that way. We have to pound the pavement and get our cause out.
One thing I've noticed is that DWFs get upset when you say a white player is more athletic than a black player. That's why I do it as much as possible. :D

The relative athletic scores are great! If a DWF starts arguing with you just show them the RAS. The anti-whites must hate the RAS. It exposes them for the racist liars they really are.
Well, the weather has warmed up and I'm starting to engage in drive-by activism.

While stopped at a stoplight I saw two men bicyclists close by. I started talking about how the NFL hasn't had a white cornerback in 18 years and that the Relative Athletic Scores prove that there are many white men athletic enough to play cornerback. I said that there are no white cornerbacks due to nothing but anti-white racism.

The bicyclists heard me, They looked surprised.

I managed to impart three bits of information. 1) There have been no white cornerbacks in the NFL for 18 years. 2) There is an objective measure of athleticism called the Relative Athletic Scores and 3) this objective measure of athleticism proves that white men are athletic enough to play cornerback in the NFL.

I was going to get in a plug for Caste Football but the light changed. Next time...
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