A trend is being set!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
1. Six whites on the 1st team college defense! 2. Jordy Nelson runner up for the Biletnikoff! 3. More Division one white HBs are getting carries than any time in the last 10 years I can remember! 4. Jacob Hester is the starting HB for the likely BCS champions! 5. Sam McGuffie the most talented white RB I have ever seen is on the way to college next year! 6. I predict Jake Sharp gets the majority of hand offs next year for Kansas after waiting his turn! IN THE NFL: 1. Jared Allen is the Sack champion. 2. Three white receivers over 1000 yds this year. 3. I even predict Brian Leonard gets utilized more as a backup HB next year when they realize he's not a great blocker and Pittman aint that good. Maybe I'm an optimist, but things are looking up. IN THE CFL: 1. Jesse Lumsden is lighting the CFL on fire and Tre Smith maybe going north next year. Things are changing a little I can feel it! People are starting to see that white players play speaks for itself! Rivals can only do so much to demean white players with their hate, a beginning of a trend where it's acceptable "to occasionally" play whites at HB and WR is being set!

This has lead me to a thought about the current situation. There are two types of coaches: Pro black ones like Les Miles, Eric Mangino, Charlie Weiss, Urban Meyer etc. and the white Haters like Nick Saban, Bobby Bowden and Jack Del Rio. I can live with the Pro black coaches, but feel sickened by the white Haters. White hating coaches are the worst breed, they truly have no spine at all. Although Bobby Bowden seems like an idiot to me that may truly believe that whites can't play football.

A pro black coach supports black players a little more than whites, but will put a white player on the field at a forbidden position after he waits his turn at least a little if he is very talented. Of course that is if he can recruit the white without making the recruiting class look too white which will cause a stir in the media.

Pro black coaches are usually tougher people who don't care as much what the media or drunken fans think. Unlike a white hating coach they have a spine and will play a white player at a forbidden position if they are truly very talented. All coaches have to be somewhat Pro-black or they could lose their job and the team being behind them. But I see a future coming with less white hater coaches and more pro-black.

For an example: Eric Mangino saw Brandon McAnderson catch fire as a HB for a couple games and because he is a senior and probably popular with his black teammates at the end of the year greatly reduced Jake Sharp's role even though Sharp seems to be more talented. However, Jake Sharp showed he can play and I think Sharp will get the majority of carries next year, I hope I'm not wrong on this. The fact that Mangino played Sharp a lot as a Sophomore took guts which shows he is not a white hating coach.

Rich Rodriquez brought back Fred Jackson as RBs coach I believe b/c he's a great coach who helped mold Mike Hart into what he is. Rodriquez will have to eventually work McGuffie into the lineup with Jackson being a huge backer of Sam. Now I'm not saying McGuffie will get the majority of carries next year, that could very well go to Minor or someone else, but Rodriquez will soon realize that with McGuffie's athleticism he is the best fit on the team by far for the spread offense. I predict McGuffie splits carries next year!

Rodriguez to me is somewhere between white hating and Pro-black. After all Rodriquez gave Schmidt hand offs from time to time at WVU. Rodriquez may very well get a commit from Terrell Pryor the top rated QB in the nation to come to Michigan. Pryor and McGuffie will become a better version of White and Slaton I predict. McGuffie is too well known and so good that Rodriquez even having a fairly weak spine will eventually start McGuffie. In addition; having a black QB in Mallet (I think he's black) or Pryor will really keep the sheepish Rodriquez from feeling threatened from starting a white RB.

Here's an example of what Pro-black coaches might start to do, as I see a trend starting. I could see Theriot getting a promise from Les Miles that he will get "a shot" for playing time if he works his tail off in practice to learn the RB position and produces on the field. Theriot will have to wait until Kellen Williams and Cedric Scott graduate before he's in the mix, because I heard a rumor on the Scout.com message boards that Miles has given Williams his word that he will be the main guy next year at LSU. I could see Theriot as the the big RB with a smaller black RB to compliment him by the time he's a junior or Senior. But guys like Theriot will have to wait their turn no matter how talented they are if they play for a major program that gets top recruits and they don't have the buzz about them of a 5 star recruit. Why? because the coach could lose losing his team from black dissent.

I think legitimately that this kind of stuff could start to happen, but it is unlikely Les would make Theriot the featured runner at LSU before his senior year because he knows that he might aggravate the top tier black recruits at RB. Theriot doesn't have a lot of buzz about him as a legit HB. Les Miles seems like a real stand up guy. I think he's the type of guy that gives all players including whites his word if they work their butts off for the team "and have the talent" that he will let them earn playing time before their tenure is done at LSU, of coarse it will always be harder for whites though.

A trend is starting. We will see less Jack Del Rio's and Nick Sabans and more Pro-black coaches! That last line sounded like it was redundant, but when you think about how strong the caste system is a Pro-black coach is the best we can do. Prediction the NFL will go back to the 1983 NFL within 10 years from now!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Ryan Mallet the QB at Michigan is as white as they come. He is a very tall, good passer, with limited mobility, the classic pocket QB. There is no place for him in a spread offense.
Yes, Mallet is a white pocket passer. Rumors are that he is thinking of transferring.
I agree that this was the best season for white players among the major programs in quite a few years, but we'll have to see if continues and becomes a definite trend rather than a slight blip in an already long established and institutionalized anti-white trend. In the NFL, every time white playersappear to advance a bit, they seem to be "punished" the following season with even more purging, undeserved demotions, etc.

I see a little more promise for whites on defense than on offense. There seems to be a trend now of a small but steady stream of topnotch white talent at linebacker and end entering the NFL each season. Even safety seems to be picking up a tiny bit in this year's draft (Weddle and Piscatelli) and next year's (Steltz, Silva, Tommy Z).

I try to be optimistic, but having followed the Caste System for so many years now, I don't see it changing in a significant way unless and until it is forced to -- eitherthrough lawsuits or a sufficient sea change in public opinion and awareness. Edited by: Don Wassall
Well, he didnt had that many touches, but he was on the field about half the plays, so Mangino is Forgiven, now go my friend, and sin against your kind no more....
ToughJ.Riggins said:
This has lead me to a thought about the current situation. There are two types of coaches: Pro black ones like Les Miles, Eric Mangino, Charlie Weiss, Urban Meyer etc. and the white Haters like Nick Saban, Bobby Bowden and Jack Del Rio. I can live with the Pro black coaches, but feel sickened by the white Haters. White hating coaches are the worst breed, they truly have no spine at all. Although Bobby Bowden seems like an idiot to me that may truly believe that whites can't play football.

Great analysis Tough J. One of the best facts I have in arguments with people who say there is no bias against white athletes is coaches like Bobby Bowden. His teams are so pitch black, and he even laughed at the idea of a white running back. So I ask people, would Jacob Hester, Brock Forsey, or Brian Leonard have had a shot at FSU? They know the answer is no, but they still don't want to believe there is a caste system that works against white athletes.

I'm with you, I can live with the pro-black coaches. I don't even think a "pro-white" coach is necessary, just one who would do what people mistakenly think they do, put the best players on the field (it should be noted that best players includes factors such as academics, character, how they interact with their team and university community, etc.)
Mallet is white; you're right! I didn't check, that is why I said I think he's black. I predict though that Pryor comes to Michigan. Surprisingly, I think that will actually help the sheepish Rodriguez from feeling threatened by the media etc. for giving a white RB (McGuffie) carries. After all, how can stupid drunken fans, the biased media and black players see Rodriquez as "pro-white" when he starts a black QB at a position whites traditionally are great at! McGuffie will be the featured runner at Michigan by his junior year and will at least split carries next year I predict.

Edited to Add: If McGuffie doesn't play at least as much as Noel Divine did this year at WVU with less talent in front of him than Divine (and I think McGuffie is a little better than Divine) that should indicate to Sam that he has to transfer, no question about it! With a black RB coach behind Sam getting carries and Sam being the best fit for the spread offense on the team by far it will be easy for Sam to smell out "extreme" unfairness by Rodriquez. If I were Sam I would use the Noel Divine rule for if I should transfer or not after freshman year!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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