A little football tid bit


Apr 13, 2005
After picking my son up from football practice this afternoon (he is in the 7th grade) he related a little incident to me that I thought I'd share:

Just after practice, my son and his buddy were heading into the locker room when his friend blurted out that he was getting sick of the black players on the team (about 6 out of 57 players). My son asked what he meant and the boy said, "While we were lined up for drill, one of the black kids starts to complain about how hot it is and a couple of others joined in, pissing and moaning about the heat, being tired, wanting to go inside, etc. So I said, 'I'm not tired.' One of them told me to shut up or he would jack my jaw. I just told him he was probably too tired to fight. Man, the white guys are out there too and I don't hear any of them complain about the heat."

Interesting little comment. The kid that made it is solid and a good athlete to boot. He and my son have played everything together from little league baseball to Pop Warner football to pickup hoops on the driveway.

Kids can't help but observe and notice things. I had my own eyes opened to aspects of racial differences as a white bussed into a black school in a black neighborhood. Sad fact is, if any of the coaches or administrators had heard his little frustrated aside, he would have been punnished for it and nothing done to the indolent, carping, violence-threating blacks.

I've noticed blacks complaining of the heat too before, which is just hilarious, considering they were physically made for it. I can just imagine subjecting them to extreme COLD.
White_Savage said:

I've noticed blacks complaining of the heat too before, which is
just hilarious, considering they were physically made for it. I can
just imagine subjecting them to extreme COLD.

Yes,how strange</span>.We Whites are told,over and over,by so-called "experts" and "doctors/professors" , how heat is nothing</span> to blacks , and that White</span>
people can't take the heat - black racist so-called "professor",leonard
jeffries' claim that blacks are "The SUN people",and Whites are "The
ice people",so you see,this can't possibly happen to a people with all
that melenomin in their skin....
It's not widely publicized, but each Spring there are a handful of
black high school athletes in Georgia that die on the practice/playing
field. My theory is that blacks are more tolerant of the heat in
a static state but are less conditioned to handle extreme heat during
heavy exertion (and, let's face it, athletics are the ONLY times blacks
ever overexert themselves).

Notice also the deaths of Tom Herrion and Korey Stringer.
I said something about this before in the Dusty Baker thread. I also noticed black kids in school complaining about the heat. I don't normally feel the heat unless it's really humid.
What striking to me about that story is that only 6 out of 57 kids are black and yet at least one of them had the guts to make an unprovoked violent threat to a white kid. White people - kids, adults etc. all need to stick together and stop putting up with crap from blacks that flaunt their sh*t in our face. I see it all the time - a small number of black people being loud, rude, and obnoxious in a white area and their behavior is ignored and unchecked.
Kaptain, you make a keen observation.

The few blacks and my sons' schools cause 75 percent of the problems and function as a group (gang might be a better phrase). According to what the kids tell me, it's never a one-on-one situation it's always five-to-one or something like that.

My experience as a white kid in a school that was 90-95 percent black was you needed a buddy to keep the dogs at bay while you mixed it up one-on-one, because as soon as you began to get the upper hand, some other black kid would move in to "even" the odds a bit. I thank God that I had an absoloutely fearless best friend who was tough as hell. The popular chant by the blacks during an interracial punch-up was, "Fight, fight, ****** and a white, c'mon ****** BEAT THAT WHITE!"

It was pure Social Darwinism, the strong white kids hung together and after awhile the black kids left us be (we, however, took the offensive, but that's another story) the sissies, the pacifists and the weak were left behind to take the crap.
Just a thought here... wouldn't black skin absorb MORE heat than white skin? Black doesn't reflect light remember. Darker skin is designed to protect against the UV rays in sunlight not necessarily heat itself.

A black man might be more likely to feel the effects of a hot day than white man but at least he won't get a sunburn.
The body is designed to cool itself bya complexmethod of evaporation. As the body temperature rises, moisture is excreted through the pores of the skin which displaces heat and is evaporated through the air causing a reduction in temperature. On a particularly hot day orduring exercisethe average white personwill perspire and lose perhaps a cup of water.A black will sweat away slightly more.Edited by: Bart
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