A.J. Barker-Transfer?


This "open letter" is a lot of words (4000+ in fact), and not exactly taking the high road. I'll forgive any petulant undertone to Barker's youth. It's tough to leave a team, and as the video shows, he's playing for his sick brother.

Minus the fanfare, the story here is that yet another white talent went unrecruited and was forced to walk on to his team before eventually emerging as an elite player. Barker has proven that he can succeed in the Big Ten (577 yards and 7 tds in 8 games), so now we can all scrutinize the quality of programs that line up to recruit him this offseason.
I've been reflecting on this story a bit more this evening, and I must admit I can't muster up very much indignation for AJ Barker for the past month's treatment. Jerry Kill comes across as insensitive - amoral though not necessarily immoral. Barker felt irreparably slighted, so he has every right to leave on his own terms.

On the one hand, he worked his way up from nothing to become one of the few team stars. As a walk-on, that requires immense effort, enraptured dedication, and a humility bordering on dissonance. Barker waited two full years before getting his shot.

On the other hand, Barker amassed no stats prior to this breakout junior season. He would rightly expect a scholarship next season, but I can't imagine it's standard practice to go handing those things out in the middle of the schedule. He enrolled at Minnesota under a different coaching regime; while the new staff has surely appreciated his performance, perhaps he does not appreciate their motivational tactics.

My personal opinion: the real story is that an "upside" white skill-position player chose to pay-to-play at a power conference school (rather than his only alternative, D3) and proved himself more impacting than the litany of blacks recruited in his wake. Some will nitpick at his angry letter, but the hoopla raises the profile of the process behind his next landing spot. How many Big Ten schools would turn down a retroactive year of eligibility from Jordy Nelson, Wes Welker, Brian Hartline, or Erik Decker at the mere expense of a deferred scholarship?

Barker's plight began three years ago out of high school (or the day he was born to white parents, in the semantic sense). He deserves the chance to re-open(/open) his recruiting to school teams that would value his proven skill set. However, his tell-all confessional does not serve modesty or strategy. I will root for Barker's success going forward - I hope he settles within a strong network of concerned cohorts.

That all said, here are some ridiculous DWF comments about this story I couldn't help myself from aggregating.

How do we know that this kid isn't someone that had grown up being told he was God's gift to earth and this is how he reacts when things don't completely go his way. I'm not saying this is what's happening but I'm not going to just bilndly believe this either.

That's textbook generation Y.

I don't mean that in a derogatory way.

Balls of brass in the face of authority, demanding a quality life experience, but at the same time way too emo and "entitled" for my taste.

I stopped reading at " thank you for not giving me a scholarship." All I needed to know. This kid is a big wuss.

This is just like Marcus Dupree vs. Barry Switzer, if Marcus Dupree had the internet.

Oh, and if Dupree was an over entitled walk-on and Switzer was a middling coach at a bottom feeder school.

I remember when the Mike Leach story came out about Craig James's kid and everyone condemed Leach...until more of the story came out and then the James family started to look more and more like whiny douches. It would not surprise me if this story had a similar arc.

Sounds like a self important d-bag. He managed to slam his teammates and coaches in that note. I like how he said that he loved beating the players he was better than. Nice work.
He's the product of this generation which has little respect for authority and thinks they are the most important thing in the world. I feel for coaches that have to try and break this mentality all these"good parents" instilled in their kids.
Shut up you cry baby and support your team.

lol might change my CF handle to "over-entitled walk-on"
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This thread may get glossed over by many CF members as the title does not do justice to the interest of the story. It should be called "AJ Barker calls out head coach and quits". This guy might be the "great, White hope" we've all been pining for (especially bigunreal) to have the courage to speak up for himself. Now he's not getting into racial dynamics but he's a walk-on player who won't let his maniacal head coach screw him over. Here's some highlights from AJ's open letter:

It was during this discussion that you came over and exploded on me in front of the entire team in our indoor facility. “YOU DON’T F*CKING GET TO TELL THE TRAINER WHAT YOU DO!” followed by a 20 minute tyraid where you attacked everything about me, from an athlete to my character as a person. I took every word of it replying faithfully “Yes sir. Yes sir. No, sorry sir” and watched as you demeaned me to a point of no return. You took the one thing you had a say in (my football playing career and my future) and you held it against me in an attempt to break me, going as far as to tell me I’ll never get a scholarship or see the field again.

Another ssadistic head coach who loves to verbally abuse his White walk-on. I would imagine a tirade like this would never be uttered against a pampered (black) scholarship player.

Coach Poore put me down the week before the UNLV, calling my play pathetic and claiming I couldn’t handle the bright lights. It was his last opportunity to sh1t on me before I broke free of my “junior walk on” tag and proved I was the real deal. I technically started 1 game (Wisconsin) this season despite proving to be the most effective receiver on the team and I never said a word. I was not given a scholarship because, as you expressed to me after the UNLV game, you think it should go to our kicker, and added that you want me to be healthy for an entire season before you give me one.

We've made that point before. Whites always "magically" out-perform their black counterparts but still aren't allowed to start or even get a scholarship.

The worst part of this all, though, wasn’t the way you cussed me out, it was how you “loved me up” in private after practice completed. You revealed the extent to which you are a manipulator. You assured me that you could save me, that you’ve had problematic players in the past (calling out by name: Bart Scott, Brandon Jacobs, and even my teammate Michael Carter), and that you knew how to deal with people like me.

This seems like the Mike Holmgren or Mark Richt syndrome. An egotistical coach whom loves to take credit for "fixing" bad apple players like they are doing God's work. Good for AJ for seeing through this and not letting himself get lumped in with those (likely) thugs.

There is much more and the full letter is a must read. AJ Barker's journey from here on will be an interesting one to follow. Will he be blackballed outta D1? Will he have a shot at the NFL? Will he be a roll model for other (White) walk-ons to speak-up for themselves? The full letter below:
I tip my cap to him - he did the right thing. Instead of taking the verbal abuse he decided to expose it and move on to the next phase of his life. I hope a team like Wisconsin signs him for his senior season.

The funny thing is this kid was their best WR and he was basically paying to play football since he paid for school. Instead of riding the entitled scholarship players aka affletes Kill attacked the white kid.

It's a shame he did not expose any of the racial bias but this is a start. Also just reading the DWF comments on ESPN are absolutely moronic but what else is new.
Interesting story. Best of luck to A.j. I hope he finds a place to shine next year. He deserves better, the Gophers will continue to be bottom dwellers in the Big Ten and now they just lost their best receiver and athlete at the position. Kill probably just thought the white boy would want to continue to pay his way..
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