A harbinger of events worldwide?

Old news, son, old news. Say, did you see the 60 minutes feature about racial profiling in America, how blacks are pulled over and asked for identification? It was awful! But, we shall overcome.Edited by: Hockaday
As if that's never happened to me...twice, actually. Both times without provocation.

That this is an old (but continuing, and worsening) story makes it all the worse that no major news media will cover it. Their motives are made clear by that fact. I'd say when it begins here, the media will ignore/enable as well, but it has already begun, and quite some time ago (the abductions and rapes, the murders, the torture and bestial ferocity, the joy in the suffering of the victim... these are not exceptions).
Son of Radovan,

as is expected,an intelligent poster such as your self would find and post the story of the destruction of White South Africa.Sad to say that many Whites voted to turn political power over to blacks represented by the African National Congress in 1994.

The question is why?,was it the residue of cultural marxism /PC,White guilt,self loathing,misplaced altruism,both personal,and from a business standpoint,or direction from a biased media? I suspect some of all.

The next question,could it happen here?. The mechanisms that are being constructed in the U.S. today,are chilling reminders of the S/A situation.Will a population that has been"dumbed down" for the last 40 years or so,have the will,or ability to resist?
LabMan said:
The question is why?,was it the residue of cultural marxism /PC,White guilt,self loathing,misplaced altruism,both personal,and from a business standpoint,or direction from a biased media? I suspect some of all.

I agree with your deduction, Labman (and thank you for the 'intelligent' compliment
). The Afrikaaners were esentially a very civilized people, regardless of what the anti-White media portrayed (how many death camps existed in South Africa?). I remember when they turned power over to the blacks, and I remember expecting (and fearing) a bloodbath. But the media fooled me into thinking that the blacks were willing to turn the other cheek (I was much younger, and very foolish, then). But the reality is exactly what I feared.

Could it happen here? I say it already is. Look at the recent kidnapping/double homicide/rape/torture case in Tenessee. Look at the Jennifer Ross case(she was murdered on Christmas Eve. (her picture and the picture of her murderer - keep in mind she will never marry, know the love of a strong white man who loves her, have beautiful children. And they will never have their own children; the line ends.)

These are just two of COUNTLESS cases that the media chooses to ignore. Schools propagandize our children, teach young girls that it is racist to refuse the advances of a black man, feminize and neuter the white boys, preach pure marxism each and every day. Could it happen here? It is my friend, it is.
That link has left me speechless. You can count on the African to think of new ways to torture.
LabMan said:
The question is why?,was it the residue of cultural marxism /PC,White guilt,self loathing,misplaced altruism,both personal,and from a business standpoint,or direction from a biased media? I suspect some of all.

Yes, all of those and the influence of education. Whites are not interested in preserving civilization. It takes too much time and energy and tends to interfer with watching television, plus other colored people may call them bad names.
son of Radovan said:
As if that's never happened to me...twice, actually. Both times without provocation.

Where? In Pennsylvania (where you say you're from)? South Africa? You didn't make that clear.

I was pulled over once in West Virginia, it was late but I was not breaking any traffic rules. The officer asked me for my drivers liscence and registration, went to his car, talked on the radio for a bit, then came back with my papers and the incident was over.

The other time was in southeastern Pennsylvania, somewhat similar. I was a passenger on that occasion. We had stopped off the road in a clear area where coal trucks often parked during the day (again it was late), in order to eat after leaving the night shift, and an officer drove up and asked for ID from both of us. Again, after checking on us, the incident ended without problem. But at no point did he ask if we had car trouble or in need of assistance, which is significant in its meaning.

I don't have a big problem with what happened, because there was no harassment or penalty, and it was very late in both cases (although the first incident does disturb me a slight bit, because I was driving and he pulled me over without any real justification). If I had been black I could have easily said "he did it because he's a racist" but I can attest it happens to whites as well - at least to me and my coworker.

***another link, discussing the South Africa tragedy and ramifications for America hereEdited by: son of Radovan
"A warning from South Africa",by Gemma Myer:

"To survive,Americans must never lose the power they now enjoy to people from alien cultures"......
I especially liked this little post...

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 8/26/2006
S.Africa: What Whites can do Practically!

What we can do practically to turn the tide

Do not participate in your own oppression. EVER!

Civil disobedience and resistance in all its forms!

Here are some suggestions
1. Withhold tax wherever possible; pay as little tax as humanly possible.

2. Bombard all public and influential people with phone calls, letters, emails etc. In government and out. Demand at all workplaces that they focus on and pressure government at all levels.

3. Neighbourhood watches, anti-crime organizations etc. Organise yourselves. A group is better able to encourage, defend, plan and agitate.

4. Bombard all media with phone calls emails etc. the newspapers, radio call-ins, magazines, local bulletins boards, community newspapers, etc. Openly resist and debate. Flood left wing radio announcers such as Tim Modise, John Robbie and Lisa Chiat with the truthful point of view. Never give up. Tirelessly write to the newspapers and any other publications.

5. Refuse Black help wherever possible eg definitely car-guards of any description. It is a protection racket. If possible refuse help from trolley assistants etc. We do not even need petrol pump assistants, it is just compulsory - and we pay for it! Do without domestic or garden help wherever possible.

6. Cut off all bursaries, charity collections, sponsorships, etc. First see to Whites. The principle of deserving bursaries (ie earned) is critical if you give to any charity. If they want funds, they can also sign a declaration of commitment to sensible, anti-ANC lies and corruption policies. Let them help their own kind from now on. Do not let your education funds be used to sponsor any child that has not earned it. At the schools, ask for a vote on whether the school charities should be allowed to continue (i.e. all the Black students getting free education with White funds). If accused of being racist, remain calm and say that all you are asking is for it to be put to the vote. Refuse to teach Blacks your job skills in order to replace you - or teach them incorrectly.

7. All Whites must be encouraged to leave all BEE enterprises immediately. Stop propping them up. Do not support any business or persons with BEE links. It is traitorous. Boycott them. Do business with legitimate White firms, wherever possible. If the Blacks are so brilliant let them build their own companies instead demanding shares and ownership be given them for nothing. All BEE charters must be ridiculed, and disobeyed, flouted and sabotaged in every way possible. Use White businesses.

8. Agitate, work, gather, protest, rebel against all PC talk, mind control and government propaganda. Turn the tide. Together we can.

9. Expose people who are government stooges/ apologists. Name and shame white criminals in public and especially at their personal work and home places - eg Johnny de Lange, Sue vd Merwe, Ronnie Kasrils, Jeremy Cronin, Alec Erwin, etc. They are unashamed liars, traitors to civilisation, and should be told so, repeatedly. They must be told how we feel.

10. All clubs, societies, sports activities, gyms, mothers groups, etc, must be informed and co-opted. Refer them to websites for starters. Put up info on pamphlets on their notice-boards.

11. We can learn from the tactics of the TAC. They protest publicly, make their points cogently and effectively, and pepper the radio and press with their viewpoint. They simply tell the truth. Their moral force is undeniable. They are effective in their protests.

12. Support all these fabulous websites; Visit regularly and post your friends relevant articles.

13. On official forms, delete spaces requiring race info, etc. Never fill in government surveys about your house etc. (this information is used to oppress you).

14. Talk to Black petrol pump attendants, labourers, waiters, employees, etc about how the Black leaders lie to them - ask them if they want to end up starving like Zimbabwe. The ordinary Black folk are not our enemy - they need to be repeatedly told the truth about communism, the history of South Africa, the truth about their evil callous leaders who ive in luxury, etc and that it is White people who have helped them prosper. Each one reach one!

15. Post info in public places. Anonymous pamphlets, posters, news articles, fliers etc in peoples letterboxes, workplace pigeonholes etc. This is all perfectly legitimate non-violent resistance.

Do not participate in your own oppression! EVER!

In a nutshell: Whites must become self-sufficient.

If you are upset by any of these suggestions, let me ask you 2 questions:
1) Are we or are we not in a covert race war? The average Black is all so innocent and humble-looking, especially when they want something, yet they all vote for the ANC - which openly approves the extermination of Whites! We are just trying to respond appropriately. So they are guilty by association of the evils of this government. (Just as they blame US for ALL the evils of Apartheid).

And 2) do they not do these things and worse to us?(Affirmative action, theft of public monies, theft of business funds, left-wing lies, all bursaries to Black people, anti-white propaganda etc? Let alone the murders, robberies and rapes). They tell us we are evil, oppressive, selfish, unjust etc, yet demand that we employ them, teach them our skills etc. This is also what Africa also does to the USA and Europe: - the oppressive evil colonialists - how dare they tell us clever Blacks anything? Now we demand your money, debt relief, favorable trade, donations, food relief, help with infrastructure .... etc. They CANNOT have it both ways! If we are friends then they must treat us well; if enemies, then at least be open enemies! Our real enemies are the evil, lying Black leaders and their evil philosophies of Communism, theft etc. Unfortunately the masses in South Africa happily believe and follow them...

The time to choose your side of the battle is now. Or if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! I do not ask you to do anything illegal. But these are some suggestion for when you are in the mood to fight back!
[Posted by: Jeremy]
son of Radovan said:
I was pulled over once in West Virginia, it was late but I was not breaking any traffic rules. The officer asked me for my drivers liscence and registration, went to his car, talked on the radio for a bit, then came back with my papers and the incident was over.

The other time was in southeastern Pennsylvania, somewhat similar. I was a passenger on that occasion. We had stopped off the road in a clear area where coal trucks often parked during the day (again it was late), in order to eat after leaving the night shift, and an officer drove up and asked for ID from both of us. Again, after checking on us, the incident ended without problem. But at no point did he ask if we had car trouble or in need of assistance, which is significant in its meaning.

I don't have a big problem with what happened, because there was no harassment or penalty, and it was very late in both cases (although the first incident does disturb me a slight bit, because I was driving and he pulled me over without any real justification). If I had been black I could have easily said "he did it because he's a racist" but I can attest it happens to whites as well - at least to me and my coworker.

***another link, discussing the South Africa tragedy and ramifications for America here

I though you were referring to being attacked or at least harassed by blacks. You should have made that clear in post #3.

JohnEdited by: foreverfree
I was replying to Hockaday, John, he mentioned how blacks whine about being pulled over by police (a very minor thing) and I responded "as if that hasn't happened to me". I thought it was clear but it seems I was mistaken.
son of Radovan said:
I was replying to Hockaday, John, he mentioned how blacks whine about being pulled over by police (a very minor thing) and I responded "as if that hasn't happened to me". I thought it was clear but it seems I was mistaken.

Ok, thanks, Radovan. I figured it out after I posted (I was in the middle of getting dressed for work). Sorry.

(a Pennsylvania native)Edited by: foreverfree
I didn't mean to sidetrack the discussion, I was just making a point about the MSM's PC double standard in their coverage of racial matters. Which is old news to anyone who's been paying attention.

I'm from farm country myself. Mexicans are steadily replacing the white population here and now outnumber the whites in many small towns. I fear that many of the white farm owners will someday find themselves in a situation similar to their South African brethren's plight.Edited by: Hockaday
I believe S. Africa style attacks are coming to the US, as soon as the non-white population grows to majority status.
The next step is to disarm the white population, then the genocide really starts, for now it's a ethnic replacement campaign. Check out this Appleseed Program and become an American Rifleman, while you can.

- Do not participate in your own oppression. EVER!
foreverfree said:
Ok, thanks, Radovan. I figured it out after I posted (I was in the middle of getting dressed for work). Sorry.

(a Pennsylvania native)

No need to apologize at all, in retrospect I can easily see how what I said could have been misinterpreted.

(I'm actually a W.Va. native now living in PA - first generation American from a long line of Jugoslavs)
Freedom said:
Pick one. Hillary, Obama, or write in a guy that has been dead for a long time.

I actually wrote Osama Obama a letter, although I never recieved anything back, it probably would have read something like this "Dear cracka, I don't care what youz has to say, your opinion don't count no mo, PS youz is a racist"

I used to think that the sign of the beast would be a black president, but the more I think about it, I really sort of hope Obama gets elected (although it probably wont happen) because it might be the only thing that wakes up white america to this third column we have in this country. Also, keep in mind that Obama is a former muslim as well. Electing someone like this would awaken the sleeping giant
American Freedom News