A day without Mexicans


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
[url]http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/Temp/Temp-ManOfSteeleOnADayW ithoutMeskins-Henri&feenyite&Stepp.htm [/url]

Monday, May 1, has been dubbed "A Day Without Mexicans" by those who seek to show the rest of us just how essential those wonderfully "productive and law-abiding guest workers" from south of the border have become to America.

Predictably, I have a different take on the whole affair.

First of all, my version is called "A Day Without Meskins," the way it properly should be pronounced. Sloppy. Slurred. Offensive...
There is no way the boycott will not be made out to have brought America to a halt. The media will be sure to make everyone think that's the case. Much of the protest is centered in New York which is all the media cares about anyway.

It is just like the "government shut down" years ago where nobody knew the difference but the media played it up as if it was a disaster. Remember: PERCEPTION IS REALITY, and for those that have their perception formed by the MSM it is exactly what they want it to be.
They're desperate to convince us that we need them. How pathetic are we that we can't exist without poor, unskilled, uneducated, low IQ workers? They're trying to brainwash us, and it's probably working.

What would "A Day without White Americans" be like? That's the real question.

And if they do "disrupt" our economy, it will only be from clogging up the streets and preventing anyone from getting anywhere, not because we actually need them.
You guys are just RACIST. Our country needs dirt people to: shut down emergency rooms because they don't have insurance, to bring disease into the U.S., to over crowd our schools, to hit and run (driving without a license, or insurance), to commit violent crimes (gang related) to soak social welfare systems that they did not pay into, etc.
Don't forget they infiltrate the Army and spit at the pledge of allegiance. Oh, they also prevent Americans wages from rising and some urinate in coffee and defacate in food.Edited by: Freedom
Something dawned on me today, maybe I'm not too bright and everyone else here figured it out already but here it is.

The organizers of these marches decided to have the protestors use American flags because there had been too much negative publicity and backlash from the American public when they were carrying and waving Mexican flags.

By doing so, not only did they deflect some of the negative publicity, but they co-opted the symbol of the resistance. Pro-American and anti-immigrant counter protests can't use the American flag as a symbol anymore, because it will just seem that more pro-immigration protestors have come out for the protest.

I was thinking of purchasing an American flag and flying it on my truck, but I realized that people would like confuse me with a pro-immigration supporter because thats all they seem to be flying.

Not only are people who aren't allowed to be in this country, nor allowed to vote, bent on influencing the leaders of my country through illegal protests, but they have set it up in such a way that I cannot even fly the flag of my country to show how I feel about them and my disagreement with their views.
At least they aren't rioting, burning buildings and torching cars, like the Muslims in Europe.

Not yet anyway.
People don't understand what the word "illegal" means.
Good point. Notice how they label those who are against immigration as "un-American." After all, they're only here for "the American Dream," and "we're a nation of immigrants." The fact of the matter is that "they" (illegals, Mexicans and other non-whites, politicians, media) have become "America." Working and middle class white people are not "America" anymore. We've become the "other."

We've lost our country. Patriotism is dead. It's merely a tool used to manipulate people. We might as well do away with it. Our race is now our nation. Edited by: JD074
Its true that one third of immigrants who came in the early 20th century repatriated, but they didn't hate America. Many Mexicans and Brazillians despise America and Americans. We let Bin Laden's kin into this country!